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Approved Vehicle Apocryphal-Class Land Behemoth

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  • Manufacturer: The Chaos Pact
  • Affiliation: The Chaos Pact
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Model: Apocryphal-Class Land Behemoth
  • Modularity: Yes
  • Production: Semi-Unique, despite Herodor's monstrous industries only a few were ever created. (Only one assigned per Warband)
  • Material:
  • Communications Network: the Apocryphal-Class Land Behemoth at its core is a mobile command center that allows Chaos Pact officers to issue orders to millions of men on the field. As a result, the communication suite is quite advanced with a dedicated HoloNet transceiver and HoloNet relay capable of communicating directly with high command on Herodor no matter where in the Galaxy they are.

    The communication network uses a digital waveform that operates in multiple bands. The waveform is designed to provide high data rates and extremely low latency despite the galactic distances that can be involved. The waveform that is used for communication is designed to be resilient to jamming and interference using a combination of seamless frequency hopping through hundreds of pre-determinate wavelengths if one is found to be jammed. It uses a spread spectrum to spread the signal over a wider frequency band than is needed, making it harder to jam or intercept, as it is spread out over a larger frequency range. Network redundancy and dynamic network management also work hand in hand to prevent an interruption or interception of data.

    The Chaos Pact uses in the Land Behemoth an encryption system based on what the Pact dubs a Type Keter cryptography standard, which is the highest level of encryption used by the Pact. It employs a combination of symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the data being transmitted. At the core of its encryption system is the Key Generator (KG). The KG generates and manages encryption keys, which are used to encrypt and decrypt data. The KG distributes keys to all nodes in the network, ensuring that all parties can communicate securely. Over-The-Air-Rekeying (OTAR) allows these encryption keys to be changed in real time during a mission. This helps to prevent adversaries from intercepting and using outdated keys.

    A Battlefield Holographic Control Interface is used by officers in order to command and control their troops in detail. A mere unit insignia fizzling out may indicate the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Pact Troopers.

  • Jamming and electronic warfare: using a captured Eagle Eye Sensort Suite and combining it with a ANq-51 sensor array computer, the Blood Pact has managed to not only harness it for detection of orbital and land threats but be to be a threat in of itself. The Pact has upgraded the Sensort Suite with a gallium nitride (GaN) transmit/receive (T/R) module semiconductor technology, which allows it to generate high power levels and operate at higher frequencies than traditional sensor systems. This technology also provides improved efficiency and reliability, reducing maintenance requirements and increasing the sensor's lifespan.

    The Sensort Suite can also be used as an electronic attack weapon, burning out emitters with pure power or injecting hostile radars or command and control systems with computer inputs that would provide false targets, misleading information, or shutting down incoming missiles. Akin to shining a lighthouse beam to blind out the user of a flashlight.

  • Following raids on buyers of the HPI consortium, the Chaos Pact managed to capture several dozen Hapu Hybrid Antimatter Reactors for use in their Land Behemoths. After upgrades and modifications, it allows the Pact to input the terrifying amount of power needed to keep a Land Behemoth running.

  • Garrison: The Apocryphal-Class Land Behemoth is capable of carrying a Battalion strength unit within its cargo hold with a contingent light armor company. This Battalion and Light Armor Company is responsible for maintaining the security of the Land Behemoth and the surrounding area. These troops can range from anything between rear-guard second-rate troopers to the commander's retinue of Death Brigadiers.

  • Accommodations: Though not pretty and roomy, not that any true member of the Chaos Pact would complain, the Land Behemoth has accommodations for the thousands of staff, engineers, officers, and soldiers that reside within the Behemoth. Officers do tend to get better shared quarters. There are several mess halls dotted throughout the superstructure. On the deck, the crew will often partake in leisurely activities outside of combat such as flaying alive POWs or getting a nice tan.

  • Superheavy Guns: The Land Behemoth is equipped with four turrets that each carry 800mm mass-driver superheavy siege guns that are capable of hitting targets up to a thousand kilometers away. They are often used in conjunction with the DI.101 Corruption Tubolaser battery to weaken the shield of a fortress before finally pounding it to dust.

  • Mining Lasers: The Land Behemoth can utilize its massive mining lasers to directly target fortifications and tear down entire sections of a bastion wall at the same time.

  • Hangar: The Land Behemoth is equipped with both a small hangar and launch pad on its deck to deploy a squadron of atmospheric fighters or shuttles.
  • Absolute Terror Field: The mere appearance of the Apocryphal-Class Land Behemoth is enough to shatter the morale of entire armies as it crests over the horizon. Whenever its guns fire the air around it literally trembles. At simply the sight of it, Chaos Pact cultists are driven to a state of religious ecstasy. For this is a fragment of their banished God making Himself known in the physical world.

  • Shield: The ISD-72x deflector shield generator dome that the Apocryphal-Class Land Behemoth can cover an area wider than itself meaning it can protect a several hundred meter radius "umbrella" for other vehicles and soldiers. It is often used as the main protective bubble for the construction of a siege camp or to enable the advance of troops under fire.

  • Command and Control: When the Land Behemoth takes to the field to serve as a central nexus of command and control for all units in the area. It allows sharper and cleaner communications through established lines, allowing unit commanders to act with greater coordination and vast amounts of processed information.

  • Artillery: "We shall break open their skies" is not a boast by Chaos Pact artillerymen assigned to the Land Behemoth, it is a fact. Upon this vehicle alone is the combined might of an entire dedicated artillery army. May Khaos forgive those who find themselves on the wrong end of a hundred super-howitzers, for the Chaos Pact shall not.
  • Slow: save for strapping on a capital ship engine (which the Chaos Pact have tried in the past to disastrous results), the fact that the Land Behemoth can barely keep up with the heavy infantry tanks of the Chaos Pact is a severe limiting factor in its deployment. Its slow speed means that it is ill-suited to mobile rapid warfare and is instead kept to the rear to as a major command center capable of mobility. It is only brought to the forefront during sieges or in the opening hours of a conflict to surprise the foe and hopefully compel them to surrender.

  • Weight and Size: The Land Behemoth requires a special landing craft such as an Acclamator-class assault ship or a core ship. Sometimes it can be transported down to the surface in pieces but these must be assembled in a process that could take days even with an assembly line set up.

  • Big Target: There's no hiding around the fact that the Land Behemoth is larger than a Vigil-class corvette with none of the mobility to boot which is why it's got capital-ship-grade armor and shielding. That doesn't stop every gun on whatever battlefield it shows up on being able to fire freely on it. You would have to be unable to hit the broadside of a barn, from inside the barn, to miss a shot on something as large and slow as this. This makes the Land Behemoth even more vulnerable to orbital bombardment which is why the Pact often deploys batteries of 2C1 "Sacred Incinerator" Superheavy Siege Guns to accompany it when the orbit is anything but contested or dominated.

  • Team Player: The Land Behemoth is truly a fearsome beast. But even beasts can be brought down by a horde which is why a Pact Horde is what often escorts a Land Behemoth. A Land Behemoth cannot exist on its own and was made to be a central part of a large formation. One of the best ways to take down one of these beasts is to eliminate the Pact Divisions that operate around it before isolating it. It may be able to take up a mighty last stand, but a last stand it shall be.

  • Reactor: the reactor is already unstable in such a compact form and has to power so many systems. If a commando team could somehow breach the interior of the Land Behemoth, fight through the companies of Guards, and reach the reactor room they could easily set off a feedback loop that would result in an uncontrolled fusion reaction. Said fusion reaction would be equivalent to a major anti-matter detonating, in most cases amid a Chaos Pact formation.

The conquest of Herodor at its height had an intensity that would have made several major Galactic conflicts balk. Thus, the weapons created at this height would match the intensity. With hundreds of millions of Pact Troopers waging war on every corner of Herodor and constantly shifting lines, a method of command and control was needed to manage such a great horde. At the same time, the Chaos Pact began to stall in the face of several massive bastions that their artillery could not breach. The Apocryphal-Class Land Behemoth was created to solve both these problems as a mobile base and siege battery in a single vehicle.

It was used to great effect in the last years of the conquest against the final hold-outs of the many rebellious tribes. At its sight, many would simply throw down their arms and beg for mercy. During the final battle against the last warlord in the Yamnuska Heights, three Land Behemoths were brought together to bombard a fortress perched on Herodor's highest mountain. It was no longer the tallest or a mountain by the time they were done with it.

A Land Behemoth is considered a direct manifestation of Khaos Himself. To be a Warband that is assigned one is the highest honor that such a unit can ask for and entire regiments will perish to protect a Land Behemoth from destruction. They are honored with sacred oils and ceremonies where infidels and heretics are sacrificed before it in order to please the shard of Khaos within it. They also serve as one of the prime methods for Warmaster Sachiel to spread the tendrils of his grasp all over the Galaxy as he resides on Herodor since they provide a direct line of communication to him.

The Warmaster himself has a personal Land Behemoth called: Michael.
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Krass Wyms Krass Wyms Herodor industries is simply a stand-in for all industries on the world of Herodor, the Chaos Pact's homeworld. I don't really intend to have to make an entire codex entry on them.

The Model Name has been added.

As for the Affiliation itself, if I place it into proper forums, I can no longer edit it. I've been pumping out equipment to link on the Chaos Pact's homepage since I cant edit it further once I have it accepted. If I try to put it on a separate document I can edit, I've been told by Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner that it would not be considered actual Chaos Pact equipment. (Correct me if I'm wrong on this).

Edit: Disregard the last paragraph as I was informed that I made a mistake in it.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Festerruman Sachiel Festerruman Sachiel

Very cool sub! However I found some problems.
  • The Permission filed will need to be filled in either with an N/A or with a proper permission.
  • You cannot use the following subs without permission:
    • 140mm Vehicle Cannon
    • TCT-23 Twin Light Turbolaser Cannon Turret
  • And I would like to ask you to include a list about the changes what you made.
Strange. I must have mixed them up when compiling what weapons I could use for the Land Behemoth. Those have been removed and been replaced instead with canon sources. I changed the caliber of the main gun battery from 80cm to 503mm since even for the Land Behemoth and Star Wars, its a bit absurd to somehow strap 12 Schwerer Gustavs to a single vehicle (no matter how cool it would be). Other changes made are simply grammatical and changing howitzer to super-howitzers.

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