Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Apolline Wynver


NAME: Apolline Mae Wynver
SPECIES: Human (though she has an eighth of Balosar in her genetic makeup, a fact she tries to hide)
AGE: 30
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’7" [170 cm]
WEIGHT: 128 lbs [58 kg]
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Blonde

Conservative-minded: Apolline believes in traditional gender roles of more primitive societies, for example, men being the warrior, protectors and breadwinners, while women remain in the home to cook and raise children. None of this Hapan matriarchal poodoo for her!

Hypocrite: However the media-savvy holo news personality would never let herself become pregnant and barefoot. Apolline has huge ambitions, longs for success and the credits that go along with galaxy-wide fame.

Brash: Loud and boisterous, the former lawyer has the loudest (and most annoying) laugh and her cursing off camera is as bad as a shock-ball locker room

Extreme Confidence: Apolline has a smugness about her that makes you want to slap the smile off her face.

Paranoid: The holonet host has fetish for conspiracy theories, especially if other planetary governments are involved. But perhaps Ms. Wynver is so secretive and suspicious because she also has something to hide?

It’s Five o’ Clock Somewhere: Apolline enjoys a bottle or five from time to time

The daughter of a wealthy diplomat and a businesswoman, Apolline grew up on Coruscant and attended the prestigious Coruscant College of Law, earning top honors and a law degree. During her twenties she served as an assistant prosecutor for the Court of Justice, and then went on to become Mayor of CoCo Town for one year, until she endorsed an unpopular candidate for Senate that wanted the Right of Sentience amended in the Constitution to allow for slavery under certain circumstances.

That move essentially ended her political career though she does still aspire to become a Senator or Ambassador.

Apolline currently hosts a holonet news program with her main studio in CoCo Town called Core Values and has aligned herself with the Coruscant First movement and like an alley cat who lands on her feet, she was most recently appointed to the position of Assistant Attorney General for Public Affairs at City Hall.

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