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Approved Starship Apollo Class Interceptor Mk 2

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  • Manufacturer: Keshiri Driveworks,
  • Affiliation:
  • Market Status:Closed/Limited Market (Approved Buyers only if used through legitimate means)
  • Model: KDW Apollo Class Interceptor
  • Production: Limited
  • Material:
    • Titanium Frame with Durasteel Hull, Thermal shelling over the hull.
    • Transparisteel Along a Durasteel framed cockpit.
    • Fusion reactor with Ion Panel backup power generator.

  • Classification: Interceptor
  • Length: 8.3 Meters from Nose to Furthest point back
  • Height:
    • 1.95 Meter Fuselage
    • 3 Meter Total height
  • Width: 9.25 Meters
  • Armament: High
    • Two side mounted RG-9 Laser cannons
    • Two Concussion missile bays.
      • Three Missiles Each
    • 1 Seismic Charge Bay (3 Charges)
  • Defenses: Low
  • Squadron Count: Very Low (4 Interceptors
  • Maneuverability Rating: Very High
  • Speed Rating: Very High
  • Hyperdrive: N/A

  • Advanced Ablative Shielding
  • Thermal shields
  • Standard Life Support System
  • Standard Navigation System
  • Advanced Targeting System
  • Standard Sensor Suite
  • Encrypted Military Communications System
  • Redundant Inertial Compensators
  • Communications array, long range and short.
  • Advanced Ion Engines
  • Maneuverable Thrusters
  • Cupholder.


  • N/A


  • Im a Interceptor - Just like one should be its speed and maneuverability are of advanced levels compared to those others of its class. This allows for them to give off a quick getaway in which to survive encounters with more heavily armed adversaries or their own explosive surprise.
  • Drop the Charge - Im sure we all remember what a seismic charge does, and incase you don't. Here's a Link. Now with that out of the way the Strength is not the charge itself but the surprise factor that such a weapon presents coming from a Interceptor. Not traditional in the least sense, it allows it to shock the enemy and give them something to distract them before being hit hard and fast by the laser cannons.
  • Rain of Fire - Not only designed in mind for space combat, but the fighter in both appearance and in design was constructed with atmospheric combat in mind. The Advanced Ablative shielding allows for quick entry through the atmosphere in order to hit targets quickly before moving out of range from a orbital launch point.
  • Cupholder - For all those pesky cupholding needs.

  • Still an interceptor - Just as its speed and maneuverability are heightened over others, the weaponry of the product is drastically smaller, not including the charge. Holding lighter blaster cannons and only a total of eight concussion missiles maximum, they are not designed for long term combat and as such if bogged down can be removed from the fight for good.
  • Go to Ludicrous speed - The interceptor, as befitting of not being a long ranged fighter, lacks a hyperdrive. Now this was done for a number of reasons though the fact remains this means a Interceptor would need to be able to return from which it launched or else forced to find the nearest point in which it is able to land.
  • Don't break my space armor - The strength of Durasteel is strong, for most ground based targets. Its a common building material which is why the shelling of this craft is much weaker than other stronger alternatives. While this cuts down on cost as well as allowing it to go at that higher speed due to it being lighter than other fighters of heavier classes. This still means that its got a weaker armor than other classes it will be up against.


One day there was this thought. That led to the creation of a ship.

Ok we all know the story of how a ship was created. We saw something wrong with other ships, we wanted to improve it, only to find out someone found something wrong with our own. So Solan thought up something new that instead of fixing the problems of other ships and just creating new ones he took a card from his own book of tricks and found the result to be rather spectacular.

First came the standard features, the engines, the power supply, the shelling and the frame. All normal and commonly thought up features of any good and flyable ship. So he got to work. First came the frame and hull itself. There were many past designs and his own that he had come to think over but in the end he had decided on a hybridization of two things. First he took note of a Titanium frame with Durasteel hull, then a quick thermal shelling over the hull. The former two components were standard but it was the thermal shelling that allowed a bit more interesting an effect.

Reports of a thermal based weapon, a charric, had reached the hands of Solan. This was a weapon that Solan himself figured into development later on due to the potency of the tech but for now he saw another use. Understanding the way the weapon worked he found another use. During high speed reentry into a planet, the friction seemed to eat away at the ship's shielding if the process was done too quickly. In order to deal with this fact, especially on planets like Mustafar, the ship was tailored not only with that thermal shelling but as well as advanced ablative shielding for which had the purpose of protecting against such dangers during reentry. This would allow for quicker re entry without the previous risk.

Next came the standard shielding and more importantly the reactor. The use of a standard antimatter reactor in these crafts was dangerous and took up room, even scaled versions seemed to be far too volatile for realistic use. As such the use of a controlled fusion reactor, with backup ion charge based generator allowed for the same power without worrying about the volatile nature. This did have one sour point though. The backup generator ran off the same energy collection nature as TIE fighters of old. This meant that the backup generator needed to convert solar radiation and energy into the backup source. If the wings of the craft suffered damage, such a thing would be impossible in this case.

Then the Armament. Solan played around with a number of curious ideas for this, from old crafts and recent market additions until finally he came up with a rather strange idea after thinking about his own fighting style. What one did not expect was the power of a hidden weapon in combat, whether it be a dart launcher from the wrist, a force controlled dagger from your cloak. Or even a hidden saber up your sleeve. Operating on this very same principle Solan had found himself thinking about what would be an effective surprise for anyone unlucky enough to tangle with these crafts, and that gave him an idea. If the ship could out run it, why not keep a seismic charge hidden.

This meant two things now, the Charge would need to be hidden in the ship and not exposed, thus limiting the standard combat weaponry of the interceptor itself, but also that even the engines he had planned would need to be replaced. Thus his removal of the old systems led him to integrate a new engine in which he could redirect more power to improve its speed. But that left the ship needing to maneuver too. This left him to work on the installation of many thrusters that would push the ship out and away from the hidden surprise it kept in its belly. It left him to choose lighter blaster cannons and less concussion missiles. Though he reasoned that if the charge did not take out the enemy, there would be ample time for the pilot to loop around and finish him off.

Noticing the changes he made, and the fact that he knew this interceptor would be atmospheric capable, Solan then turned his focus on that part of the ship. First it needed inertial dampeners in which to act against the natural g-forces one would find themselves fighting in a ship like this due to its movement.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Solan Charr Solan Charr

Cool ship again!
  • You can't use the Aurora industries as Manufacturer without Vendral's permission, because it is not your company. But you do not need to write the companies whose products you use in your sub as manufacturers.
  • You need a permission to the Eligor Cloaking Device. I would like to ask you to ask this, or please remove this from your sub.
  • And the Eligor Cloaking Device is a Semi-unique product, thus you have to modify your sub's Production scale to Semi-Unique or remove the item.
Solan Charr Solan Charr

Cool ship again!
  • You can't use the Aurora industries as Manufacturer without Vendral's permission, because it is not your company. But you do not need to write the companies whose products you use in your sub as manufacturers.
  • You need a permission to the Eligor Cloaking Device. I would like to ask you to ask this, or please remove this from your sub.
  • And the Eligor Cloaking Device is a Semi-unique product, thus you have to modify your sub's Production scale to Semi-Unique or remove the item.
No worries! Vendral is in the discord with me and gave a sign off for reposting this and is the original manufacturer. Ill be replacing the Eligor with the Nubuleus. Its a Cloaking Device that is Limited Production, though a little older. Used the Eligor cause it wasnt format broken due to it being newer but thought the production issue might be a thing. You should see those changes reflect in a moment.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Solan Charr Solan Charr

I see, but you still need to link the permission about this. And you still need a permission to the Nebulous Cloaking Device. It is a perfect cloaking device, and according to current rules this means it is a restricted material, which means it can be only Unique or Semi-Unique.
Solan Charr Solan Charr

I see, but you still need to link the permission about this. And you still need a permission to the Nebulous Cloaking Device. It is a perfect cloaking device, and according to current rules this means it is a restricted material, which means it can be only Unique or Semi-Unique.
No worries! IF it restricts it further then I am happy to remove the cloaking devices.

For the Manufacturer, changed it to just Keshiri Driveworks
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