Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Apologies are in order

I have been gone for the past week due to some RL problems. Mostly it has to be with work, Some family issues that have come up, and dealing with my girlfriends parents when I go and visit them soon. A lot of things are taking up my time as they are more pertinent to what I need. This site had to be dropped for a little bit. I am still working the kinks out and trying my best to get it done as fast as I can. (rip it off like a band-aid right?)

Anyways, this should affect all of my characters, and I should be able to return some time later this weekend. Be it Saturday night, or Sunday. To think of it, if I am not back by Monday, then something has gone really horribly wrong.

Just to keep you guys informed for those I RP with. Thanks for your patience.

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