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Approved NPC Apprentice Pue Ris

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Iri Tuteru

  • Age: 24 Galactic Standard Years
  • Force Sensitivity:
    • Apprentice-level Force User (publicly)
  • Species: Quarren
  • Appearance: His once earthy orange skin has changed under the corruption of the darkside, taking on a more crimson hue, which contrasts against the thick black tattoos that run down his face, and onto his tentacles in an intricate manner. Often clad in dark robes, following behind his sith master, few who glance upon him are left unintimidated.
  • Name:
    • Apprentice Ris
    • Pue Ris
  • Loyalties: New Sith Order, Brotherhood of the Maw
  • Wealth: As the apprentice to a Sith Lord, he has little wealth to himself that which he does is given to him by his Master.
  • Notable Possessions:
    • A standard Sith Lightsaber
  • Skills:
  • Personality: Bitter and resentful for being left behind and forgot about, the Jedi which he once adored and aspired to become became a thorn in his heart. His family he had been separated from died in an avoidable accident and this led to his fall to the dark side. Now hungry for power that can protect those he cares about, he cares little for the cost and only to achieve the desired outcome.
  • Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber & the force.
  • Combat Function: With a focus on lightsaber combat, his strength, he engages in a wild but controlled anger-driven assault. This combined with his augmented force powers to trip, confuse and beguile the minds of his victims makes any unprepared foe fall victim to his skill and power.
  • He is a skilled force user and lightsaber combatant for his age, something that would catch many of his peers off guard.
  • He has the backing of his master, a Sith lord. Even in circumstances that he may lose, there will be his master to save him. A pawn no matter how useless is not so easily sacrificed.
  • His skill in Juyo has left him overconfident, and through taunts, his skill may falter due to a lack of actual combat experience on the battlefield.
  • As a relatively young and inexperienced member of the Sith, there are many within his faction and amongst the Jedi order that can best him with ease.
Originally a Jedi force-sensitive on Coruscant, and a good friend of Iri Tuteru, he became bitter and jealous at his friend's success. He had been left and forgotten on Coruscant and it seemed that his hopes of becoming a Jedi were but a distant memory and dream. He longed to return to his home world, however, when he did the people that he loved and cared for has passed in the seemingly endless wars that plagued the galaxy.

When all hope seemed lost and he was ready to end everything, he was saved and taken in as an apprentice in the New Sith Order, under a Lord Hyttan. He was tempted with the promise of power, and over time his mind became warped at the temptation and the power that he received, causing him to crave it more and fully submit to the dark side of the force and all it had to offer.

As the years past, his friendships of long had been forgotten, and that remained was protecting the few that remained close to him, seeking out new powers, training himself in the Sith arts and climbing up the ranks within. him to crave it more and fully submit to the dark side of the force and all it had to offer.

As the years past, his friendships of long had been forgotten, and that remained was protecting the few that remained close to him, seeking out new powers, training himself in the Sith arts and climbing up the ranks within.
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Iri Tuteru

This is almost ready to go. I just need you to make a couple quick edits.

First, you link straight to the New Sith Order roster per codex guidelines could you please change that to the Brotherhood of the Maw faction home page.

Second under affiliations I’ll need you to link there as well.


Iri Tuteru

Iri Tuteru

This is almost ready to go. I just need you to make a couple quick edits.

First, you link straight to the New Sith Order roster per codex guidelines could you please change that to the Brotherhood of the Maw faction home page.

Second under affiliations I’ll need you to link there as well.

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