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Appropriate time for a lightsaber

So, as the topic name suggests I wonder when it is the appropriate time for a character to create his/hers first lightsaber. I haven't come to far in developing this character and she has just gotter her first and I hope maybe also a second is on the way (have "applied").

Of course for the special lightsaber i'll make a propper dev thread, but my main question is this: is there a norm for when one does make a lightsaber or is it up to the indevidual writers? I find that the jedi and sith lore are somwhat lacking in this since many different characters in many canon and now non canon stories aquire lightsabers at wildly different times in their training. This could be intentional of course so that it is a more when your ready kind of thing. But I figured I would just so that people wouldn't have the oppertunity to tell me things before the "damage" has been done :)
You can have a Lightsaber whenever you deem it proper for your character. It's all up to the writer.

If you're looking for what's the normal, most Jedi and Sith make/receive their own after they've completed the training to us it.
Darth Ferus said:
You can have a Lightsaber whenever you deem it proper for your character. It's all up to the writer.

My character is 9 years old, but he's made his own lightsaber. Now, I roleplayed him training to use a lightsaber for about 10 months before started doing development threads so that the story made sense for him to have it, but there are plenty of people who never dev their own unique lightsaber (its not required), or have their own lightsaber from day 1, or don't use a lightsaber. And there's no wrong answer. It's simply up to you and what fits the story you want to tell.
My Jedi character, [member="Kaia Vullen"], got her first proper lightsabre as part of her padawan training under [member="Corvus Raaf"], age 14. In PvP settings, I always wrote that she borrowed one from the Jedi Order for protection. [member="Zylah Dvale"] and Kaia had a running gag about "What colour will it be this time?"

In the Clone Wars animated show, Ahsoka Tano takes a band of younglings on a quest to make their first lightsabres. On the path to creating the sabres, they learn many lessons about what it means to be a Jedi. Ahsoka is shown to have her lightsabre before she becomes a Padawan under Anakin, then constructs a second one (shoto) between seasons. On the other hand, in the Original Trilogy, it is hinted that creating one's lightsabre is the final step of a Jedi's initial training.

Based on all that, I would say there is a canon precedent for characters to construct their lightsabres before entering or during a padawanship, i.e: quite early, but there are also cases of later creations. Which, I take to say, it is not too soon to create your lightsabre. Just let it make sense to your character's progression and make it matter.

[member="Tricksy"], To put this in perspective I was considered a Master, and I STILL didn't have a lightsaber to use.

For my character, she used a beskad *special sword from the Mandalorians* because thats all she had at the time. While now I can train her to use a lightsaber, *and have done a few threads now* Its different depending on the character and their story.
[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] - [member="Darth Ferus"] - [member="Darth Ophidia"] - [member="Zak Dymo"] - [member="Zoey Marix"]

I thank you greatly for your response!
It will be an amazing happening not yo long from now :D

Just need to get my exams outbof the way to realy poor my heart into it! :D

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