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Intent: To create a healthy line of Siechel Transystem's mineral water.
Development Thread: N/A, if needed
Manufacturer: Siechel Transystem
Model: Siechel MineralWater
Affiliation: Open market
Modularity: Yes
Production: Mass-produced
- Bottle - Plastic
- Water - mostly H2O, contains various minerals and vitamins, contains grava berry sugar and flavouring
Siechel MineralWater is one of the water-transporting company's first products, made to bring water to every customer.
It is mostly mineral water, naturally containing various minerals and vitamins, as well as added grava berry sugar and flavouring to make the water more pleasing and appetising, therefore gaining a purple hue and a taste of the grava berries. The water contains no artificial flavouring, meaning it's all natural and healthier for an average human body. Most of the water is from the giant water reservoirs of Dac and have been purified while trying to keep limited amounts of minerals in the water.
However, the product is important to the company for another reason as well. Most of the funds from the Siechel MineralWater are donated to charity work, including but not limited to Umbaran hospitals and orphanages.
The water has received nutritionists' approval and is allowed to be sold in grocery stores around The Galactic Republic, Silver Sanctum Coalition and Galactic Alliane space.
Primary Source: N/A