Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Manufacturer: Imperial Military Protective Services
Type: Ordinance
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Heavy
Size: Large
Apstrusio Aerosol Rocket


Image Source: here.

  • High Speed: This rocket has, in lieu of being given extensive shielding or armor, relatively powerful engines that propel it at high speed towards its intended destination as its primary defense.
  • Variable Dispersion: The initial dispersion area of the gas can be set prior to launch.
  • Unguided and Hard to Disrupt: There is nothing to deactivate or do most ECM against here, the rocket is designed to simply to fly to a predetermined distance alongside a proper launch vector and begin dispersing gas with simple circuity.
  • Tactical Flexibility: The ability to use a large variety various gases or their (gaseous) countermeasures, which allows for a wide range of flexibility when it comes to the battlefield.
  • Double Edged Sword: Many gases can have unwanted or unintended side effects when deployed, including effecting both parties equally, it is important to always carefully determine when and where to use them.

IC: Developed by Imperial Military Protective Services due to the increasing use of various gases from a relatively niche tactical use to broader significance, the Apstrusio Aerosol Rocket was developed to deploy a wide variety of gases and their gaseous countermeasures to deploy such both in space and in atmosphere. It has a comparatively spartan design with unimpressive yet functional circuity and powerful rockets that allows it to fulfill its purpose efficiently and without much pomp and fanfare, namely delivering its payload to a destination where it can begin deploying it. Although initially intended for the Empire and various other Imperials, it has been relatively easy to reverse engineer due to its simplicity and is now fairly widely available across the galaxy.

OOC: A relatively simple, open market, easy to understand submission to make fleet roleplaying more accessible and accessible, it's a simple rocket that deploys various gaseous substances in space or on land. For newbie fleet roleplayers who it is designed for, here are some helpful links to what you can use with it.

Depurgo, which burns away some of the most commonly used aerosols/gases, including those used below.

Nagnol gas, a sensor disrupting gas.

Anti-laser aerosol and Dampener aerosol which reduces the effectiveness of energy weapons.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: A simple, open market, aerosol/gas rocket.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Empire of the Lost, Imperial Military Protective Services, Voland Family, Open Market
Modular: Yes
Material: Durasteel, duraplast, various composite alloys and materials, simple electronics.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland

Thank you! And one more thing, it was brought to my attention that the War cloud does not interfere/disrupt the systems, but disables them. Which means it is a Semi-unique thing. So if you want to keep the War cloud in your sub, you have to modify the production scale to Semi-unique.
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