Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Image Source: Viper, Battlestar Galactic
Affiliation: Open Market
Manufacturer: Phenex Industries/Sasori Research
Model: Multi-purpose Fighter
Modularity: Missile Tubes can be swapped
Production: Mass-Produced. (Anyone.)
Hybrid Plexisteel
Sasori Synthweave
Reactive Paint
Classification: Multipurpose Fighter
Length: 8m
Height: 2m
Width: 4m
Twin Laser Cannons
Modular Bay
Jedi Shadow Bombs
Photon Torpedo
Ion Cannon
Deflector Shielding
Radiation Shielding
Squadron Count: 15
Special Features:
Solor Ionization Reactor
Aquatic Seals
Atmospheric Thrusters
Encrypted Communications
Halcyon Overdrive Engine
Astromech integration
Communication and Sensor Array
Color Changing Paint
Maneuverability Rating: 1
Speed Rating: 1
Hyperdrive Class: 1
Extremely Fast and Lightweight
Calms Jedi allowing them o better focus
Ceases function for darksiders
Flimsy Armor
Low Weapons
Requires droid targeting
Designed to be an ultralight, super fast interceptor able to go from space battle to atmospheric flight and down into the water for its attacks. The fighter is small, fast and made with a frame using very little hull plating instead relying on being one of the fastest ships that few can really catch or track. The design of the single person cockpit with room for an astromech droid to aid with the ship.
Waterproof and pressure seals designed to give a better feel with the crystal weave designed by the jedi researchers. Using what small data they could get from jedi aces about using the force for their own flight. The force augmenting crystal weave will help facilitate channeling the incredible powers that can come from the force. Channeling a jedi aces capabilities into the very frame of their ship.
The callbacks of the fighter and design for it use by jedi aces is very Delta 7 but with some advances and changes. The frame and weave allowing it to be faster requiring space to be made for the astromech droid as a requirement while the spare cargo capacity was converted to the rest of the ship. The hyperdrive ring done away with using what was the model of the secondary prototypes which featured more integrated systems.
The new model customization for it to allow the paints color scheme to change for different missions. From diplomatic to combat as needed for different scenarios. The communications and sensor array along with half the weapon. The hidden pulse cannons were removed in favor of the modular secondary weapon. Letting a jedi ace pick what they wanted instead of just having armaments set.
Development Thread:
Paradise Lost (Republic Dominion of Mimban) - Prototype Tested
Intent: To create a special fighter for quick interception and multi roles in space and in atmosphere or even underwater
Who Can Use This: Those who buy them
Primary Source:
The "Jedi" starfighter