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Approved Lore Aquillian Rangers | TAC Force Users

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  • Organization Name: Aquillian Rangers
  • Classification: Force Organization
  • Affiliation: Tingel Arm Coalition
  • Organization Symbol: Variation on the starbird (seen above)
  • Description: The general classification of Force wielding volunteers of the TAC. They are loosely organized, following the operation style of the Wardens of the Sky, traveling the Outer Rim and defending backwater worlds. They serve as local heroes for grassroots movements.


  • Hierarchy: The hierarchy is loose, but maintained by respect. Promotion is proved by merrit, but not common. To maintain a sense of group equality, few ranks stand amongst the rangers. The new Aquillian Rangers rank themselves as such:
    • Chief Officer (aka Chief): Standing leader of the faction as appointed by the Tingel Arm Coalition. Gives out assignments and maintains communication with TAC leadership.
    • Deputy Chief: Second in command. Acts in the stead of the Chief should they be absent, primary aid in strategization.
    • Advisory Council: High ranking Rangers who advise TAC leadership.
    • Ranger: Standard Aquillian Ranger
    • Ranger Cadet: Aquillian Ranger Recruit
  • Membership: Small in size, but open to all light-aligned Force users who wish to join the ranks of the Tingel Arm Coalition. Membership is not strict, with new members only asked to heed the wisdom of their superiors when first admitted as Rangers. To maintain membership Rangers must keep up with a quota of charitable work for the rim and aid in the fight for freedom. OOC, writers simply need to be in the TAC faction and make a Force user.
  • Climate: Friendly. There's a kinship, almost clan like nature to the loose structure which ties the Force users of the Rangers together.
  • Reputation: The Aquillian Rangers are heroes like those of the legends, wielding magic powers to defend the weak from evil. They are typically seen by common folk as simply being Jedi. While Jedi make up a large number of their ranks, not all come from the Jedi Order.
  • Curios: A pin of the Aquillian Starbird, the symbol of the Rangers.
  • Rules:
    • The codes of conduct are as follows:
      • Maintain charitable acts.
      • Remain sober on duty.
      • Work with local laws, not around them.
      • Use of the darkside is prohibited.
  • Goals: The goal of the Aquillian Rangers is that of maintaining the peace of the rim, to fight for the freedom of all against tyranny and slavery, to rid their territories from the threat of piracy and crime, and to build up the people so they may stand on their own.


The Aquillian Rangers that help patrol the Tingel Arm are not the same rangers of old. Rather, the were formed by an unknown Jedi from Aquilae who grew up with tales of the rangers of old. Taking further inspiration from the Outer Planets Alliance's Judges, Wardens of the Sky, and other such groups this Aquillian Jedi created uniformed order of Force users. They stand as the official force unit of the Tingel Arm Coalition, serving as heroes and protectors in the fight for freedom in the Outer Rim. Their ranks are primarily Jedi, with additions from Wardens of the Sky, the Je'daii Order, and other fringe, light-alligned traditions who pledge their skill to the TAC. They fly across the rim adorning a variation of the starbird, a symbol of freedom that was worn by those who stood against the tyranical rule of the Empire in an age long passed.

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