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Approved NPC AR-135, "Aries"

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[SIZE=10.5pt]Intent: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]To sub a unique droid companion for Visanj T’shkali[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]​Image Credit:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] [X][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Role: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]A longtime friend, mentor, and ally to Visanj T’shkali[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Age: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]ca. 1300 GSY[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Model: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Baroness-series Footman Droid[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Designation:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] AR-135[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Appearance: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] (See Image Above[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt])[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]Name: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] “Aries”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Nickname:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] “Bucket”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Loyalties: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Visanj T’shkali / House Mazah-T’shkali[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Notable Equipment (beyond stock model):[/SIZE]
Myomer Actuation System

[SIZE=10.5pt]Skills: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Aries is programmed to perform a wide variety of domestic services, ranging from cooking to housekeeping to tailoring to acting as a chauffeur, and much, much more. He is an expert, programmed to provide the finest services as a valet, butler, and personal assistant to his master or mistress. Aries is also a seasoned veteran of scores of battles and hundreds of skirmishes, and at various points in his long life has gained experience as a warrior, either at the controls of a fighter or small ship, or else as a grunt, in the thick of ground campaigns. He has also worked as a spy and intelligence officer at various points also, with skills in clandestine operations, special reconnaissance, and tradecraft.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Aries is a very old droid who hasn’t had even a partial memory wipe since the Clone Wars, and as such as developed a remarkably complex and actualized personality. He can be haughty and elitist, sophisticated and refined, the ideal member of a noble household, at one point, but at the next can be a hardened war-fighter and ruthless operative, able to function coldly, with a calculating, cunning, clever mind. He is loyal to Visanj to a fault, and moreover, he actually cares for her, fully aware of her past and the burdens she carries, and has come to be painstakingly protective and display abject support for her.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]Weapon of Choice: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Miniaturized Rail Guns, concealed in forearms; unarmed combat techniques[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Combat Function:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Aries is - and would be until deactivation - sworn to protect his Baron(ess) and their family, home, and legacy no matter what. He can and will accompany Visanj into battle if commanded, or go to her aid if needed, and if she is otherwise threatened, he will be there, 'taking the bullet' and defending his Baroness with every skill and means at his disposal. He is a capable pilot, with experience dating back to before the Clone Wars, and is a proficient 'old' soldier, smuggler, pirate, and guerilla fighter, whose status as a seasoned veteran enables him to operate in a variety of ways.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Unquestioningly loyal, supportive, and protective towards Visanj in every way.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]His long life and memory enables him to call upon a wide variety of skills and experience which enables him to be a versatile and resourceful ally.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]In the new body built for him by Vrotoa Industries, coupled with the specialized customizations added beyond the stock model, Aries is extremely strong, fast, and agile; able to run up to 50kph, lift up to 1 Mg, and can punch through the chest cavity of a living humanoid with ease.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Proficient to degree of mastery in numerous martial arts systems, and a capable pilot of starfighters and small ships (100m or less), he is also a seasoned soldier and skilled marksman with both his railguns and with blaster pistols and rifles.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]A guileful and cunning spymaster, Aries is well-versed in tradecraft and espionage, intelligence operations, special reconnaissance, and guerilla warfare.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]A masterful valet, butler, and personal assistant / protocol droid, he is well-versed in the many skills and subjects related to these duties.[/SIZE]
  • Having not received a memory wipe in nearly nine hundred years, Aries has developed an eccentric and complex personality which can make him sometimes trying to contend with.
  • Due to the vast amount of memories and experiences stored inside his brain - even in the ES-B of his new body - he sometimes becomes forgetful and experiences short-term memory problems.
  • His experience has made him decidedly biased, and has a deep-seated hatred for Sith, Imperials, and slavers, and shares the racist loathing of Zyggerians, taking 'pleasure' in killing them.
  • Is headstrong, and his loyalty to Visanj does not extend to anyone else.
Voice Sample: [X]

Aries originated as one of Tac-Spec Corporation's FIII Footman Droid. The FIII was Tac-Spec's only model, as their corporation was truly a front for an assassins guild. Therefore, the original model possessed unusual programming - weapons skills, unarmed combat, a truly unsettling knowledge of the weak and vital points of hundreds of species' anatomies, etc. However, to maintain the facade that the droids were mere protocol droids, they were programmed with top-notch skills as valets, butlers, chauffeurs, personal assistants, even chefs and tailors. They truly were a 'gentleman's droid', and to all appearances were simply stodgy and snobbish servant droids. As Tac-Spec closed, many of their droids were sold off to discerning clients throughout the galaxy, working as butlers and bodyguards to the rich and powerful. So it would be for Aries, and at the outbreak of the Clone Wars, he accompanied the young master of the house he then served off to war. He was a 'batman' to a Republic Naval Officer, and saw history unfold before his photoreceptors from the deck and viewports of a Republic warship fighting on the Outer Rim. However, when traveling with his master aboard a Republic shuttle, it was hit by Separatists and forced down. The officer fled, leaving the damaged droid behind for the Separatists to find.

Aries was found and his memory wiped, brought aboard their starship, Wayward Sun, and became part of their crew, finding himself now fighting on the other side. Aries would become a key part of that crew, and with the collapse of the Separatist forces and the rise of the Empire, the Wayward Sun joined the holdouts who refused to lay down their arms, continuing the war - now against the Empire. Throughout the "Reconquest of the Rim", the holdouts fought a losing running gunfight around the Rim, even facing off against Vader and his 501st Legion themselves a time or two. Eventually, it was too much, and the Wayward Sun slipped away just before the climatic end of the Shrouded Offensive, going far out on the Rim and turning to smuggling to make a living.

Aries would continue to serve aboard the smugglers' ship, and later, when they joined the Rebel Alliance as privateers in the wake of the Battle of Yavin, he still served. He had helped to train his captain's adopted daughter, Shalya, and often served as co-pilot alongside of Captain Haras Mazah. He went with Haras to Dagata, to help establish a refugee community there, which would evolve to become the Dagatan Free State. When Mazah and the rest of the "Forgotten Squadron" went to join the final push against the Empire at Jakku, he stayed behind supervising construction of Mazah's home, Jade Pointe. Mazah didn't come home, nor did any of the Squadron, except Shalya and Kel who were leading fighter groups in the battle. A disagreement between the grieving Shalya and New Republic / Jedi leaders led to Dagata breaking away and becoming an independent state. He served Shalya, who became the 2nd Baroness of Dagata after her father's death, and remained in the service of House Mazah ever since.

Aries memory was never wiped, and he is a walking archive of the history of House Mazah-T'shkali and Dagata. The present 6th Baroness, Visanj, had a new droid body built for the ancient droid, transferring his programming and consciousness into it, and now Aries is her majordomo, bodyguard, counselor, and right-hand droid aboard the Ne'tra'galaar II. Aries and Visanj share a special bond, and he'd helped to raise and train her, same as he'd done for every Baron since Haras, and he remains very protective, with abject loyalty and support for her, and has many times remarked that he can she Shalya staring back at him in Visanj's eyes.

Aries has been many things in his long life, and learned much along the way. He is a resourceful and welcome friend to Visanj, and a faithful member of the crew, but only Vi gets to call him "Bucket".
[member="Visanj T'shkali"]

Over all this looks fine, only issue is that the Myomer System is affiliated with Locke and Key so I just need to see some version of permission to use this item.
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