Ah! Good ol' Dantooine! Such a fantastic planet to explore! Syala giggled to herself as she landed her ship at her usual spot. It was strange compared to when she usually arrived, the landmark of her master's manor just being a pile of ash and rubble now. She had stayed away from the planet for a short while, to let her hand heal after her fight with Ko Vuto . Her hand still ached but she was sure that her hand had healed well enough for her to get back to work making sure the people of Dantooine respected her and the Dark Side. She had came here originally to cause fear and panic amongst the people. To reignite the fire of terror that the people should feel for the Dark Side. To know their place. If they wanted to live, they would show her the respect she deserved as a fighter. As a Sith. If they didn't like it? They could try to fight her. If they impressed her, she'd let them live. Though that was...a rare sight.
Now off she went to see how the people she had left alive were coping with things. She clearly couldn't make enough of an impact to destroy the entire planet's farming system but she at least felt like her attack wouldn't have been forgotten about. There were still some leftovers of her assault, with leftover ashes of crops alongside collapsed buildings from the flames. It appeared that some of the bodies hadn't been disposed of yet...Though upon closer examination, it appeared that they were being buried as opposed to being burnt. It made sense if she thought about it. The bodies of the deceased would be able to help the next set of crops and help the soil, especially after all of the smoke and particles that had probably settled in the soil...Hm...Maybe she should try and test the soil to see the fruits of her labour as well...
Either way...It would probably be best if she tried to help out some of the farmers. Not with the burials though. She was far too...dignified to even think about digging for other people. But there were still plenty of Kinrath around the area that had been attracted by the heat from the fires. With a large amount of Dantooine's militia having been slaughtered by Darth Dekaltis it meant the Kinrath had been able to breed and grow uncontrolled. It also meant that any raiders or pirates that wanted to come to this planet were free to do so without little retaliation. For now at least. Perhaps in the future Syala would decide to protect the planet from those threats as well. She didn't consider herself ready for that amount of responsibility however.
"Hiya! You need some help here?" Syala giggled as she hopped on over towards one of the farmers who was busy digging a grave in their field...Though they did drop their shovel in surprise, raising their arms above their head as if they were terrified that the Half-Nagai would strike them down where they stood. "Hm? Oh! You don't need to worry about me hurting you, Silly. You know the order of things." The Sith Apprentice reached forward, ruffling the farmer's hair who just seemed...confused as to what was going on. "You do the farming, I do the killing! You have any weapons I can use to deal with the Kinrath? No? They all burnt down in your shed?...Oopsie Daisies! Oh well. I can deal with the Kinrath myself. You just keep...doing your digging." She spun around on the heel of her foot and prepared to head off towards the plains of Dantooine to deal with the Kinrath...Though she turned her head back to look at the farmer, keeping a bright grin across her face. "Oh. And if you try to send anyone after me as a surprise, you best dig two graves. One for them and one for yourself."