Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Arachnophobia | EotL Dominion of Atollon


After the successful, albeit costly invasions of the Garn and Maldra systems, the Empire of the Lost initiates the next stage of its offensive with a thrust into northern ex-Coalition space. Atollon, a remote planet situated in the Lothal sector which once played host to a battle between ancient Imperial and Alliance forces, represents the operation’s primary target as the Empire seeks to destroy the rebel-aligned forces that remain in the system. With the successful conquest of Atollon, the Empire intends to finally stabilize the security situation in the Lothal sector, thus consolidating Imperial control over the region for years, if not decades, to come.

However, in moving to achieve their objectives, the Imperials encounter a number of complications which threaten to compromise their mission!

Objective I: Bug Squash

A prefabricated Imperial garrison situated in the icy wastes of the northwestern continental mass risks being overrun by an infestation of Krykna. These arachnid creatures, which on average reach the size of small escape pods, are considered to be native to the planet. However, in fighting off the infestation, the Imperials quickly realize that the particular subspecies of Krykna they have encountered on the northwestern continent are evolved, if not even deliberately weaponized. Their hides now have a thick carapace which magnifies their already-robust blaster resistance, giving protection against slugthrowers and kinetic weaponry. Sensor radiation, which was once thought to repel the beasts, now launches them into an uncontrolled rage, making the swarm dangerous and unpredictable.

In order to purge the infestation, the Imperials employ a number of methods both conventional and unconventional. Disruptors and heavy weapons have been issued force-wide to better combat the arachnids. In addition, a bioweapon capable of killing the Krykna en masse is in development.

Sub-objectives include the defense of the garrison until more heavy weapons and vehicles can arrive, the extraction of a team of Imperial scouts and officers who are trapped within one of the hives, and the collection of samples for the bioweapon.

Objective II: The Break
Even with Imperial victories at Garn, Maldra IV, Lothal, and Mon Cala, rebel-aligned forces continue to plague the Lothal sector, preventing the security situation from stabilizing as patrols continue to find themselves beset by hit-and-hype raids. However, a breakthrough in intelligence by the Quasesitorum has pinpointed the nexus of their support—a fleet replenishment station situated within interstellar space, just outside the icy oort cloud surrounding the Atollon system. An Imperial naval task force has been deployed, with the objective of either taking the station or destroying it. In turn, rebel-aligned remnants have mustered their fleet to protect it, which includes various small craft models, escort corvettes, utility corvettes, frigates, and cruisers. However, the anchor of their fleet is a formidable Blizzard-class heavy starcarrier.

Imperials, destroy the rebel-aligned fleet to eliminate the one of the last obstructions between security and chaos. For the Empire and the Empress!

Objective III: Imperial Charity
With the sudden departure of the Balthazar Long-term Interstellar Settlement Station prior to the Imperial advance, Atollon itself has been left cut off and isolated from galactic trade networks, plunging the few extant communities on the world into poverty. The largest of these communities—Phoenix Colony, located on top of a large mesa on the southern continent—has been left destitute, with its stores emptied of provisions and clinics deprived of vital medical supplies.

Until the arrival of the Empire.

Faceless clone and stormtroopers armed with various implements of construction march into the colony in lockstep formation, bringing with them cargo speeders and ships loaded down with supplies and provisions. Tasked with rebuilding, restoring, and restocking the run-down colony, the Imperials bring with them a veritable army of medics, builders, and relief personnel, with the aim of engaging the task in efficient military fashion. All the while, corporations and independent organizations have been permitted to join the effort, to build the colony up as a self-sustaining settlement.

Objective: II - The Break
Location: Atollon Space
Tags: OPEN

Augustus stood behind the command podium of the Ragnarok, hyperspace streaking in front of him. He looked down at the datapad he'd been holding. It enumerated the enemy forces they'd be facing, none of which were enough to grant pause aside from their de facto lead ship. It's always carriers with these people, he thought, thinking back to the battle over Dac and the Strill Securities' battlecarriers. He turned his head towards the communications officer, not looking up from his datapad.

"Contact the rest of Jormangandr, make sure we are loading up on anti-fighter countermeasures. And try not to damage the replenishment station, if it shoots back then target the weapon emplacements, not the station at large." If they could capture the replenishment station, it would be less money for the Imperial War Machine to use on a new one. "Once we hit realspace, we go directly into formation Eins, full-speed flanking, catch them off guard."

A chorus of affirmatives rang out from his crew, right as the bridge lights dimmed, about thirty seconds remained in this jump. It's 0.1 hyperdrive getting them there quicker than the rest of the imperial forces. He could feel the hyperdrive decelerating, the lights and stars flying past grew slower until they were in realspace again.

Just as quick as they arrived, the fleet moved in unison taking their usual 'onion defense' formation and moving at quick speeds to flank their enemy. Augustus pressed a button on his command console, "Long-range gunners, open fire on the carrier."

The whirr of the Ragnarok's long-range arsenal was music to the young captain's ears, followed by the crescendo of raising barrels, finishing their symphony with concussive blasts of energy. The gunnery officer transmitted the data to Augustus's console, showing most were hits or near hits. I've seen better, but at least there isn't any anti-laser gas this time.

"Have all ships launch fighters, keep them close for now. Let's keep up the pressure, all ships fire when in range. Loki's keep your weapons primed for their starfighters."
As if on cue, Augustus could see the shimmering of smaller ships exiting the station and carrier. They'd be in range soon, but he knew the Loki's wouldn't engage till their lead, Mjolnir, opened fire.

They were about halfway through their first formation by this point and making headway when the first long-range weapons of the opposition rang through space like distorted notes. Augustus wasn't worried, everything was going to plan.

August Arrived and began a fast flanking maneuver, firing his long-ranged weapons.
Will Smash Heads for Beer
Objective I: Bug Squash​

Snowtrooper Armor
NZ/BP-45 Heavy Blaster Pistol "Pistis"
x4 Thermal Detonators
x4 Flame Grenades

"I really need to give my commanding officer a piece of my mind."

Ami shivered collapsing on the stuffy couch and gripping a large bottle of Vodka. She won the drink from an underground fight against some Dark Trooper who thought he was hot chit because he was injected by sorts of chemical juices. Ami put him in his place a few punches to the face and throat caused him to collapse and she thought that she crushed his trachea judging by he was unable to speak afterwards. Or maybe he destroyed his pride either explanation was satisfying for her. Of all the areas to be deployed on Atollon, why did Ami have to be placed on the coldest place again?

Of course, Ami was stationed in an Imperial Garrison. A small area with no Holotv, no Hologames, just hours upon hours of target practice and the occasional unsanctioned fights for rations or other goodies. Boredom was the worst thing a soldier can endure and Ami wondered if the higher ups are just doing it on purpose. The more pissed off a soldier gets, the more they'll take out their anger and rage on the enemy.

"That's the thing," Ami took a large swig from the Vodka bottle enjoying the warmth it gave her body. "I love fighting pissed off."

Just then an alert blared out causing Ami nearly fall over choking on some Vodka. She was on her knees her eyes red and teary as she gave off some hacking coughs. The bottle landed on the floor shattering into pieces. "Frack me!" Ami growled in between coughs. "That was a good bottle."

"Alert!" The person on the intercom said. "We have hordes of Bugs on approach to the garrison!"

"Finally!" Ami hastily got up and grabbed her weapons and helmet which were placed near the couch. "A fracking fight!"

Time to give these bugs a warm welcome it seems. But seriously, Ami really should give her commanding officer a verbal beatdown. No more fracking winter deployments.

OOC: Open to anyone!


Location: Atollon - Phoenix Colony
Gear: In Sig
Tags: Open
I Am Legend - W.Z.

Hands clasped tightly behind my back, and the ever-loyal Mystique sitting back on her haunches next to me, I watched the numerous hovercrafts flooded with supplies of varying descriptions course through the ghost-town like streets. Those that had survived or remained behind had suffered on a scale that had no accurate measurement of weight. I was indifferent to their suffering, raised in a society where every day was a fight for survival, and we managed to overcome our strife's without the assistance of any government or outside aid. But I was not here to pass judgment or lobby comparisons to their plight to ours.

The reverie from which I was spellbound was broken by a young Supply Officer handing me a datapad that contained a detail list of everything inside those transports.
"Did you check the list accurately and thoroughly to ensure we are not missing anything," I said turning on the device, my eyes half looking at the scrolling item list.

I found the answer to my question satisfactory, handing the device back to him.
"These people haven't eaten in weeks, maybe longer, and they will try to gorge themselves with food. Same as with any fluids given to them. Their stomachs and digestive systems are not in shape to handle such an overabundance, so we will put them on rations and slowly build them back up to where they need to be. Also, before any food is distributed, have the medical teams perform inspections of the locals, noting any dietary restrictions and such. And order the troopers to be ready for the locals trying to grab and run"

We needed to proceed with caution with the populace. Outside of starvation, disease and other physical ailments had struck the people hard; the innumerable graves dotting the landscape below and atop the plateau was testament to the horrors they endured. And those were only just the bodies we knew of.


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