See picture.
Spider Saber
Crystal Ball
Eye Vice
Aranae comes across as a nice girl who wants to help, but she has a secret side, a ravid and monsterous nature that has had her consume Nightbrothers who waundered into Spider territory. She used her web of tears to draw in prey and then turns and strikes.
She is quiet natured except around her big sister Niara who she trusts with her life:
Stealth: Arnae can go undetected, moving as if no noise comes from her crawling.
Climbing: Can climb on any surface, even upside down in a cave.
Polar: She has two personalties, one is kind and helpful, the other a hungry spider in Sephi form. Which is the real Arnae? This makes her prone to major mood swings.
Distrusts Men: Feels Night Brothers are a scourge and would gladly eat them all.
Aranae was born in the caves of Dathomir to her mother a Spider Clan Sister named Salicida and a Sephi Father from which she got her pointed ears. Aranae living in the darkness from childhold went blind and her mother taught her to harness the Magicks to see. This handicap did much to curb any teenage rebellion and made her train to surpass her deficiencies.
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