Name: Arenzeb
Region: Tingle Arm
System: Areno System
Suns: 1 Sun {Areno}
Orbital Position: Far? Can things live here? Maybe just Habitable
Moons: 3
System Features: Pending
Coordinates: on the edge of Fringe Territory?
Rotational Period: 27 Hours
Orbital Period: 350 Days
Class: Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Type I
Climate: Frozen; Large Continents
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain:
Native Species:
Population: 1.25 million
Major Imports:
Major Locations:
Technology: Just Below Standard
History: Originally a sprawling forest world, the planet was thrown into an Ice Age during the Mandalorian Crusades of the Old Republic in a bloody battle that claimed the lives of most of the planet's indigenous life. The Mandalorian Forces fearing a stalemate at the planet used tractor beams to drop what they assumed was a chunk of the moon Concordia on the planet. After capturing the planet the indigenous sentient species was then forced into slave labor for mining Mount Cadera for beskar, a fools errand. They also ran the natural gas plants. It was during this time that Bantha were introduced to the ecosystem. However due to the harshness of the terrain and constant uprisings from the indigenous people the Mandalorians abandoned the planet, leaving much of their technology and all of the imported Bantha behind aiding the planet in its recovery.
As the centuries passed and the indigenous people slowly became accustomed to the planet's new temperature new species were introduced through chance. The Valkyri and Exonards soon became the reigning sentients of the planet, the indigenous peoples falling into a role similar to the Tusken Raiders of Tatooine. The Exonards and Valkyri adopted the Mandalorian structures and reactivated the gas collection plants and settled into their new world though it has been stifled in growth due to its harsh climate. Due to the Mandalorians leaving so much of their equipment it is also not uncommon to find treasures of the past on the planet and many of the indigenous species use large cargo hauling Bes'uliik as their Caravans' main protection and transportation. Cargo hauling Bes'uliik and other types, while uncommon in the Valkyri and Exonard towns and cities, can also be found around civilized areas as trusted work companions and trophies.
Notable PCs: NA
Intent: To give people a place to play as well as a place for an important ark in a character's life.
Region: Tingle Arm
System: Areno System
Suns: 1 Sun {Areno}
Orbital Position: Far? Can things live here? Maybe just Habitable
Moons: 3
System Features: Pending
Coordinates: on the edge of Fringe Territory?
Rotational Period: 27 Hours
Orbital Period: 350 Days
Class: Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Type I
Climate: Frozen; Large Continents
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain:
- Ice Plains
- Snow Dunes
- Oceans
- Mountains
- Forest Oases
Native Species:
- Will Be edited if planet is accepted
- Exonard
- Valkyri
- Hrothwûrm
- Bantha
- Exonos
- Runian
- Galactic Basic
- Mando'a
- A mix of these languages that no one has a name for
Population: 1.25 million
Major Imports:
- Food Stuffs
- Mechanical Parts and Circuitry
- Fuel
Major Locations:
- Carthage Collection and Refinement Plant
- Capitol City "Carthage"
- Mount Cadera
- Arpat be Cadera Seed of Cadera
Technology: Just Below Standard
History: Originally a sprawling forest world, the planet was thrown into an Ice Age during the Mandalorian Crusades of the Old Republic in a bloody battle that claimed the lives of most of the planet's indigenous life. The Mandalorian Forces fearing a stalemate at the planet used tractor beams to drop what they assumed was a chunk of the moon Concordia on the planet. After capturing the planet the indigenous sentient species was then forced into slave labor for mining Mount Cadera for beskar, a fools errand. They also ran the natural gas plants. It was during this time that Bantha were introduced to the ecosystem. However due to the harshness of the terrain and constant uprisings from the indigenous people the Mandalorians abandoned the planet, leaving much of their technology and all of the imported Bantha behind aiding the planet in its recovery.
As the centuries passed and the indigenous people slowly became accustomed to the planet's new temperature new species were introduced through chance. The Valkyri and Exonards soon became the reigning sentients of the planet, the indigenous peoples falling into a role similar to the Tusken Raiders of Tatooine. The Exonards and Valkyri adopted the Mandalorian structures and reactivated the gas collection plants and settled into their new world though it has been stifled in growth due to its harsh climate. Due to the Mandalorians leaving so much of their equipment it is also not uncommon to find treasures of the past on the planet and many of the indigenous species use large cargo hauling Bes'uliik as their Caravans' main protection and transportation. Cargo hauling Bes'uliik and other types, while uncommon in the Valkyri and Exonard towns and cities, can also be found around civilized areas as trusted work companions and trophies.
Notable PCs: NA
Intent: To give people a place to play as well as a place for an important ark in a character's life.