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Aranzeb{Name Pending Need some help}

The Hound

Name: Arenzeb

Region: Tingle Arm
System: Areno System
Suns: 1 Sun {Areno}
Orbital Position: Far? Can things live here? Maybe just Habitable
Moons: 3
System Features: Pending
Coordinates: on the edge of Fringe Territory?
Rotational Period: 27 Hours
Orbital Period: 350 Days

Class: Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Type I
Climate: Frozen; Large Continents
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain:
  • Ice Plains
  • Snow Dunes
  • Oceans
  • Mountains
  • Forest Oases

Native Species:
  • Will Be edited if planet is accepted
Immigrated Species:
  • Exonard
  • Valkyri
  • Hrothwûrm
  • Bantha
Primary Languages:
  • Exonos
  • Runian
  • Galactic Basic
  • Mando'a
  • A mix of these languages that no one has a name for
Government: Warlords and Small governments of various persuasions
Population: 1.25 million
Major Imports:
  • Food Stuffs
  • Mechanical Parts and Circuitry
Major Exports:
  • Fuel
Affiliation: Leventine Sanctum

Major Locations:
  • Carthage Collection and Refinement Plant
  • Capitol City "Carthage"
  • Mount Cadera
  • Arpat be Cadera Seed of Cadera
Technology: Just Below Standard
History: Originally a sprawling forest world, the planet was thrown into an Ice Age during the Mandalorian Crusades of the Old Republic in a bloody battle that claimed the lives of most of the planet's indigenous life. The Mandalorian Forces fearing a stalemate at the planet used tractor beams to drop what they assumed was a chunk of the moon Concordia on the planet. After capturing the planet the indigenous sentient species was then forced into slave labor for mining Mount Cadera for beskar, a fools errand. They also ran the natural gas plants. It was during this time that Bantha were introduced to the ecosystem. However due to the harshness of the terrain and constant uprisings from the indigenous people the Mandalorians abandoned the planet, leaving much of their technology and all of the imported Bantha behind aiding the planet in its recovery.

As the centuries passed and the indigenous people slowly became accustomed to the planet's new temperature new species were introduced through chance. The Valkyri and Exonards soon became the reigning sentients of the planet, the indigenous peoples falling into a role similar to the Tusken Raiders of Tatooine. The Exonards and Valkyri adopted the Mandalorian structures and reactivated the gas collection plants and settled into their new world though it has been stifled in growth due to its harsh climate. Due to the Mandalorians leaving so much of their equipment it is also not uncommon to find treasures of the past on the planet and many of the indigenous species use large cargo hauling Bes'uliik as their Caravans' main protection and transportation. Cargo hauling Bes'uliik and other types, while uncommon in the Valkyri and Exonard towns and cities, can also be found around civilized areas as trusted work companions and trophies.

Notable PCs: NA
Intent: To give people a place to play as well as a place for an important ark in a character's life.

The Hound


Name: Kyramud Ge'tal (Red Assassin); Red Spiker;
Designation: Non-Sentient
Homeworld: Arenzeb
Language: N/A
Average height of adults: 3-3.5 Meters
Average Length of Adults: 4-7 Meters
Skin color: Bright Red
Breathes: Type I
  • Its unique skin is made to redistribute heat and energy as an adaptation for life under the ice, thus making energy based-weapons useless unless it is overloaded with energy in which case the skin will simply retain too much heat and melt off the creature, the cold killing it almost instantly.
  • Its large size, speed, and use of hands is often seen as advanced for a non-sentient species leading many to believe it is semi-sentient. Its not, its just a smart killer.
  • A maximum speed of 135 Km/H
  • A maximum of 25 minutes is as long as it can stay anywhere without air
  • History of suffering from bloat
  • Though it is immune to energy based weapons, slugthrowers work wonders and because it does not heal quickly wounds to its heat dispersing and absorbing skin will leave the flesh underneath available to the cold causing freezerburn, frostbite and eventually death.
Distinctions: Big, ugly, and red the Spiker is the Apex Predator of Arenzeb. With four sharp, spider-like legs, two whip-like tails, clawed hands with a long reach and a gaping maw lined with sharp teeth it is a fearsome creature. The also boasts six eyes and small, short hairs on its tails and legs designed to detect even the smallest Ropo crawling across the ice.

The creature also does not have ribs. Instead its stomach is packed with an orange, jell-like substance that keeps the organs in place. However, due to the creature's quiet lifestyle where it sometimes lays in wait for days under the ice and becoming suddenly active, the organs are jumbled around a lot while cold and the stomach presses against its belly creating sickening bulge or bloat in its stomach which can eventually lead to death.
Average Lifespan: 10-100 Years
Estimated Population: Unkown
Diet: Exclusively meat
Communication: This
Culture: None to speak of

General behavior: Generally loaners and solitary predators, the Spiker lies in wait for prey for days. Its prey usually consists of Bantha though it has been known to eat other animals and humanoids that wander into its path. Though they are ambush predators they are capable of hunting and chasing prey with their quick legs and long reach. These things are monsters and even the Arenzebite fear them. However due to being incredibly hard to find and incredibly dangerous, little research has been conducted on the species and little else is known about them.
History: A beast that originally only lived in the cold northern hemisphere of the planet, the ice age brought on by the Mandalorians along with the addition of Bantha into the ecosystem has helped increase its population, causing it to spread to all parts of the planet. Before a few thousand years ago however, the creature had never even been seen but as the species slowly migrated throughout the planet the terror of this beast was made known to the population of Exonards and Valkyri that immigrated to the cold surface.

Now they are known as one of the most dangerous creatures this side of the Galaxy and though the people of the planet aren't stupid enough to hunt for them, they are prized trophies of the Galaxy's greatest monster hunters.
Notable Player-Characters: None
Intent: To create an violent species to flesh out Arenzeb

The Hound


Name: Cuyan
Designation: Semi
Homeworld: Aranzeb
Language: Can be taught to understand commands and extremely basic speech in a variety of languages, associates actions with sound like dogs.
Average height of adults: 1.8-2.3 Meters at the shoulder
Skin color: Blue
Hair color: White, Pale Blue
Breathes: Type I
  • Strong

  • Hardy

  • Incredibly difficult to tame

  • History of back and hip problems

Distinctions: Males have tusks that grow out and towards the ground
Average Lifespan: 25 Years
Estimated Population: Low
Diet: Omnivorous
Communication: Grunts, Roars, Howls, Yips etc.
Culture: N/A
Technology level: N/A
General behavior: Social creatures they often can be found in small packs and even more rarely in small to medium sized prides. With a higher concentration of females than males and the way that their packs and prides work, it is also common to see singular males roaming the tundra. These males are either exiled to to failing in a challenge against their leader, or because the pack or pride deemed them too dangerous and abandoned them.

They act in a similar fashion to lions, though they have been known to be domesticated by local Valkyri or Zebites.
History: Originally evolved for life in a forest, after the Mandalorians threw its planet into an Ice Age they were one of the only species able to cope with the drastic change in temperature. Despite this their numbers did suffer, nearly driving them to extinction. Over millennia they evolved to better survive and hunt in the snowstorms that plagued the planet and became prized mounts to the proud Valkyri and the strong Exonards who unintentionally through breeding increased the population and brought the species back from the brink.
Notable Player-Characters: NA
Intent: To Flesh out Arenzeb

The Hound


Name: Arenzebite; Zebite; Snow Raiders
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Unkown
Language: Clicks and growls and rarely, garbled Mando'a
Average height of adults: 2 Meters
Skin color: Unkown; Rumored to be pale, reptilian-like scales
Hair color: Unknown
Breathes: Type1-Type 4
  • Size: Large and incredibly strong Arenzebites have been rumored great feats of strength ranging from lifting entire starfighters to wrestling Gonthas into submission. Though these may be exaggerations due to the rarity of the migratory species one thing that is agreed upon is that they are strong.
  • The Force: A sizable portion of their species is is Force Sensitive. It is rare to find a caravan that does not have a Shaman and apprentice among their ranks. Though they are not especially strong in the Force usually, it is something of note.
  • Speed: Despite the envirosuits that they wear that make them look bulky and heavy they are quick and able to outrun most humans.
  • Dependent: Despite being able to breath a variety of atmospheres, they cannot comfortably breath any one type and thus utilize a mixture in special environmental suits that use the current atmosphere as a base, leaving the tank that produces this strange mix a prime target. Without the suit they could potentially suffocate.
  • Stigma: With their origins largely unknown and no standing population they are incredibly difficult to communicate with. Their language is mostly incomprehensible, and even those that say they know the language have a hard time translating.
  • Breeding: Due to their incredibly long lifespan and their nomadic ways, many men and women are infertile but for three times in their lives. However, due to in-breeding early on in their history they are forced to seek out other Caravans to mate, though doing this is also difficult. Thus, most chose simply not to mate.
Distinctions: An enigma even on their home planet, the nomadic peoples known as "Zebites" to the local settled population, little is known about their appearance. Rumors say they have four eyes and a split mouth. Pale, scaly skin adorns their bodies and there is an absence of any body hair. Tall and built like freight trains, they are also stocky, hardy individuals.

Due to the calamity that befell their planet a millennium ago they also must use a combination of atmosphere types to breath.
Average Lifespan: 300 Years
Races: None
Estimated Population: 1 Million
Diet: Regular
Communication: Clicks, Whistles, Chirps
Culture: Deriving their nomadic nature from their ancient conquerors, the Taung, the Zebite people are a nomadic peoples that travel the frozen wastes, usually far away from the immigrated sentient species. Most of their lives are spent inside an environmental suit due to the alteration of their atmosphere during their earlier history. Similar to their conquerors, they admire strength, honor, and perseverance.
Technology level: Just Below standard due to their isolation, they are able to use standard technologies but do not produce or regularly work on anything above or even at Galactic standard.
General behavior: Generally distrustful of any and all outsiders, the only time Zebites have been seen communicating with beings not of their species has been during extremely harsh winters. Depicted as violent and bloodthirsty by the locals, it is advised to steer clear of their traveling caravans and small, temporary settlements. Even in their own social groups they are rather quiet, preferring to communicate through actions and physical contact than vocalizing. Due to their silence their caravans are eerily quiet and have been described by locals as "Ghost Trains". Even the small herds of Bantha they sometimes bring with them are nearly silent.

Within their small caravans they do however have elected "Chiefs" or leaders that dictate what direction they will march, when they will stop, and even who gets to mate when the time comes. Hunter gatherers by choice, their perceived violent and primitive nature stems from the warrior culture that dominated a millennium ago prior to the Mandalorian invasion during the Mandalorian Wars.

History: Originally a culture rich people during the time of the Old Republic after the devastation of their planet during the Mandalorian Wars they were forced into constant exile as the Mandalorians colonized their world for the rare mineral that was thought to only be available in the Mandalore system. Prior to colonization however, the Arenzebites thrived as farmers, miners, and soldiers in the Republic's military. When their planet became under attack every member of the species migrated back to their homeworld to defend it, throwing the Mandalorian's perceived victory into question. In an act of desperation they dropped a large chunks of an ancient Mandalorian moon onto the planet, throwing it into a perpetual ice age and destroying most life on the planet.

Tossed into a world of death, snow, and ice the planet and its inhabitants changed and succumbed to the iron clad boot of Mandalorian rule. The population that survived was brought into intense labor to recover the possible deposit of Beskar that was within the asteroids that had been used as weapons against the planet. This effort however was deemed wasteful as the locals continued to rebel with guerrilla-style tactics and the cold and general lack of food stuffs caused the Mandalorians to flee the planet, leaving the moon behind.

Much of the Mandalorian technology was left, specifically the war droids they rode in on. Adapting quickly to their new environment they began to travel with the herds of Bantha that the Mandalorians had brought to the desolate world and became the species that are known today.
Notable Player-Characters: None
Intent: To create an interesting race to spice up potential dominions of the planet that is their home.

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