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Approved Tech Arashi's Chain

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Intent: A weapon for Arashi's arsenal.
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Canon Link: N/A
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Manufacturer: Arashi Hagane
Affiliation: Arashi Hagane
Model: N/A
Modularity: No.
Production: Unique
Material: Phrik


Classification: Midrange melee combat option.
Size: Large
Weight: Heavy


Sai type bladed weapon at one end of the chain allows the user to utilize it in close quarters as a parrying blade, or within 2.5 meters as a midrange thrown weapon.

Sai can be detached and used as a standalone melee weapon.

Chain is extremely versatile and can be used to strike, bind, and/or detain.

Counterweight can be utilized as a blunt weapon, or simply for its intended purpose.


Segmented strength- the chain in certain lengths is not entirely heavy. It can be thrown or manipulated quickly in small bursts. Pulling it taut or using it for more dextrous maneuvers is a different story, however.

Resistant to plasma/lightsabers- due to it's composition, the blade does not melt or warp from extreme heat. Obviously, prolonged exposure to such elements will gradually degrade its structural integrity.


Heavy overall weight- carrying the weapon is cumbersome. Additionally, if utilizing the weapon at range, it can be sapping to the user's endurance. As such, extreme skill is necessary to functionally wield it.

Sweeping strokes- when thrown, it takes time to reel the chain back in. There are some caveats to this but in all, there is a downtime between attacks at range. (For example, the thrown chain can be manipulated and redirected while in motion- this could change it's trajectory or target, but in all, it still utilizes the initial momentum. If it falls to the ground, it loses the force behind it.)


Traditionally, the Kusarigama was a weapon in the employ of Atrisian assassins. It utilized a Kama, or small scythe, and a chain to deal quick strikes and could act as a grappling hook. When he had his personal weapon designed, Arashi opted for a Sai rather than a Kama.

As he understood the love Force Adepts had for blades and close combat, he adapted to that by choosing a weapon meant to turn blades or disarm their users. In tandem with the chain of the Kusarigama, he was able to design a hybrid weapon to suit his purposes.
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