Oscar Grant Paxon
A Thousand Voices
Arbaal Mistcaller

NAME: Arbaal MistcallerTITLES: The Watcher of Souls
RANK: The King's Personal Bodyguard // Apprentice
SPECIES: Asherian
AGE: 22 standard years old
SEX: Male
EYES: Blue
HAIR: White
Strengths & Weaknesses
+Sensitive to the Force
Natural Mental Power Affinity
Seemingly Emotionless
- Brainwashed
Physically Really Weak
The history of Arbaal Mistcaller is something only a few know, it is a heavily protected secret not even the man himself knows. The only written documents of his past are held in the vaults of the High King of Dalaria, hidden away in a location only the Royal Advisor knows. Arbaal was supposedly raised by the Royal Advisor as his adoptive son, but the real inheritance of The Watcher of Souls is unknown. Unknown even to the king himself, Arbaal is his son and the rightful heir to the throne of Dalarian ruler. The boy was taken away from the queen right after his birth and the woman was killed right after the baby was born. The king knows only that his first wife and his first son died during birth and thus, doesn't even ask about Arbaal's inheritance. It is true that the boy was raised by the Royal Advisor, but it was done so in secrecy. After reaching his twentieth birthday, he was brainwashed by his adoptive father.
The boy was given to the king in order to give him a "bodyguard".
Sorry for the lack of information! I had to write this bio in real hurry. I will add to the bio in the future when I have threads going on and everything. I hope you're not too angry at me.