A raven cawed above an open platform made of stone built into a precipice on Dromund Kaas. Ruffling glossy feathers beneath the mist left over from a downpour, the bird cried across stone pillars, gargoyles and other demons and welcome the dark visage of one of the most prominent Sith sorceresses. As Darth Venefica ascended the stairs to meet it, the bird extended it's wings and took off in flight, only to disperse like ash into particles light and reform in a cloud of opaque smoke. The smoke began to shape and took the form of a man dressed in a black trench coat. Vereshin slid his hands into his pockets and nodded his head in a small bow towards the Sith Lady.
"Lady Venefica, I am honored to receive you." Lightning coursed over the sky as Vereshin addressed Venefica. The sorcerer and sorceress met on the corrupt world to combine their skills in the arcane on a quest of esoteric heights. Vereshin beheld his superior. He found her attractive, if not too old for his taste and much taller than himself. As the Sith Lady strode towards him, he took her hand in his own icy palm, his fingernails now black from the power of the Dark Side. He wore a grey scarf over his leather trench coat, which flared at the waist beneath a belt. A silver pin fashioned with a skull fastened the scarf together. He released Venefica's hand and resisted the urge to place the top with a kiss.
"Your work as an alchemist has garnered well-deserved attention with the community of Esoteric Science. I am sure there will be many specimens to take samples from on this world." From irradiated lakes to biological abominations wandering the forest, there many purposes to serve the will of a great alchemist on Dromund Kaas. Vereshin was more interested in the Force storm permanently surging in the atmosphere and desired to tap into the nexus on the world to siphon the energy. Along with Venefica, the two Sith made plans to traverse the forest and breach the spells within the Dark Temple, to claim the world as a bastion for the Sith arcane.
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