Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Arcanus Ignis


Lynn Corerunner

NAME: Lynn Corerunner
FACTION: Undeclared
RANK: Padawan
SPECIES: Appears Epicanthix, but has Echani ability
AGE: 23
SEX: female
HEIGHT: 5'9"
EYES: Icy Blue
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale White


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+/- Secrets can make or break us: Very little is known about Lynn. She has a full set of mandalorian beskar armor, but how she came about it seems a mystery. Everything about her seems a mystery as he past is rarely talked about. She seems to know more than she lets on and her actions at times seem rehearsed or fake, but one thing is certain is she fights for the Jedi and is a skilled fighter.
+ As calm as the sea: While Lynn is a Padawan she seems to not fear the presence of stronger individuals, even in the light of certain death. This calm persona provides her the time and level headedness to make the right decision in battle over a rash one.
+ Keeping both eyes and ears open: Lynn shows a level of awareness that is above an Padawan, but usually refrains from using it or showing it.
- Everyone has their demons: Whatever or whoever she really is, it is clear she is dealing with demons beyond what a young woman should deal with. Sometimes she wakes in the night to screaming and terror. She has lost something, something great and dear to her. While she appears to have nothing to lose or care about anything, she apparently did at one time.

In battle she wears custom tailored armor that looks like a light version of Revan's armor. Outside of battle she is seen in robes of blue, or a jumpsuit that has built in lights and allows for flexibility.

Arcanus, the man in armor. Not much is known about his past, the present is what is most intriguing. He appeared on the scene when Omega was upon the Galaxy and joined the side of the Sith coming quickly to their aid.... (I am still trying how to give detail and hide detail, promise to add more later.)

Appears not to have one




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Profile notes: I would personally like to keep some secrecy about this character. I have gotten permission from a friend of mine who use to be on this site, but left. He killed off his character, but said I could bring him back as long as I keep the spirit of the character alive. I got permission also from an Admin to take over this character. The character does have beskar so if a judge needs to see that, I welcome PMs where I will show proof and who the character is. As of now, I would like to have fun with this and not reveal the character to make things more authentic. If keeping it secret becomes problematic I will reveal it OOC. I hope everyone has fun with this and I apoligize in advance if I play this character not true to character, but I will try.

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