The Widow
Company Name: Arceneau Trade Company
Company Link: Company Link | Market Directory Link
% Bounty Take:
% Repair Paid For:
[*]25% paid by ATC for liquid fuel, Spun Tibanna, and TibX if their primary vessel is of another manufacturer. ( 35% if the vessel is of Silk Holdings product line.)
Short-Term Disability Payout:
Long-Term Disability Payout:
Additional Benefits:
Upon successful completion of their first bounty the following arms will be provided.
Additional Requirements:
Hunter Equipment Starter Kit Link:
Starter Kit
Sponsored Hunters
Company Link: Company Link | Market Directory Link
% Bounty Take:
- 12% on monetary take when bounty payoffs include both significant money and Salvaging Rights.
- 10% on monetary take when bounty payoffs are mainly or solely monetary.
- 10%, as agreed between ATC and the hunter in good faith, on non-monetary take when bounty payoffs are mainly or solely non-monetary.
% Repair Paid For:
- 100% ATC and Browncoat Arms products in the starter kit.
- 50% paid by ATC for Liquid fuel, Spun Tibanna, and TibX for the AT-360 Light Freighter supplied by ATC.
75% After first successful hunt. - 100% after completion of a third successful hunt.
[*]25% paid by ATC for liquid fuel, Spun Tibanna, and TibX if their primary vessel is of another manufacturer. ( 35% if the vessel is of Silk Holdings product line.)
- 50% After first successful hunt.
- 75% after completion of a third successful hunt.
Short-Term Disability Payout:
- 25% of a basic living stipend (as determined in relation to a basket of goods and services on the planet of the hunter's most frequent residence) per bounty the hunter has turned in, up to a maximum of 100%.
- 20% of medical insurance costs per bounty the hunter has turned in, up to a maximum of 100%.
Long-Term Disability Payout:
- 25% of a basic living stipend (based on cost of living at the Bounty Hunter's primary residence on file) per bounty the hunter has turned in, up to a maximum of 150%.
- 10% of medical insurance costs per bounty the hunter has turned in, up to a maximum of 100%.
Additional Benefits:
Upon successful completion of their first bounty the following arms will be provided.
- 1 box of 12 - BA-H377 Browncoat Forcebreaker Grenade
- CZ-839 Sonic Carbine - a unique, sonic rifle based upon Geonosian designs.
- CZ-833 Net Launcher Limited & very expensive - a new, deadly armament for the capture of beasts and bounties alike.
Additional Requirements:
- Must link to ATC Market Place Thread in their signature.
Must sign a contract that states that ATC and its subsidiaries will not be held liable for the BA-K177 Kamino dart usage or dosage, in order to prevent conflicts with major governments.
Discretion is paramount. Do not get caught in participating in illegal activities.
Hunter Equipment Starter Kit Link:
Starter Kit
Sponsored Hunters
- [member="Ceran Moerelle"]