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Archer Brandt


Well-Known Member

NAME: Archer Brandt
RANK: Vice President of Brandt-Volcata Industries
AGE: 28
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6’ | 183 cm
WEIGHT: ~195 lbs
EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: Fair


Intellectually Gifted
– Taught the ins and outs of business and finance from his childhood years by his parents, Archer was sent to an interplanetary boarding school on Lanteeb. Despite being born on Lipsec, many of his formative years were spent learning high level maths and sciences. Naturally excelling at academics, he was able to grasp and understand new ideas and apply them to technology in unorthodox ways. Because he’s naturally talented in the realm of academia, he rarely applies himself and treats everything as more or less, a cosmic joke.

Made of Money – With a large trust left in his name and his intimate knowledge of the financial sector, Archer is practically swimming in credits. The son of a banker and a capable businesswoman, he has carried on their legacy by accumulating wealth through both legal and somewhat ethically ambiguous business deals. If there was ever a problem he faced, acquiring technology or hiring outside help has never been a problem. Money is no object for quality goods and services.

Active Lifestyle – Not only because of a high metabolism, but because of his thrill-seeking habits, Archer maintains a high level of daily activity. Ranging from urban exploration to physically intense sports, he pushes himself to his limits and often past them. He jokes constantly that he’ll meet a young death but is surprisingly impervious to injury despite the high risks he takes in his quest for adrenaline highs.


– While some consider this a weakness, in the business world where large sums of money are involved and constantly changing monetary landscape, seizing opportunities as they arise is an admirable trait. Archer is quick on the draw and is loath to let an opportunity for generating more credits slip by without at least being considered.

Independent – Archer is highly independent, preferring to work alone. This isolates him from groups when it comes to collaboration. Rather than rely on others, he prefers to simply do all the work himself to prevent anyone from messing it up or completing it sub-par. Often he will write off others ideas if they don’t make sense to him.

Confident – Almost overly so, Archer is confident in his decisions and rarely is willing to admit his fault in decisions, maintaining that his decisions are always correct. Confident in himself, he strays into the realm of arrogant, dismissing those whom he deems to be inferior whether that be in mind or body.

Privileged Upbringing – Raised primarily in a boarding school and the son of two successful professionals, money was never a problem for him. Always surrounded by money or technology that could solve any problems he encountered. Never having to go without has created an entitlement complex that he has yet to break free of.

Somewhat Hedonistic – Not shackled to a strict moral code, Archer is quick to pursue pleasures of the flesh. Booze, fast speeders, flashy gadgets and fine clothes, it’s all part of the life for him. Life is one constant party or adventure broken up by occasional pockets of responsibility and business for the express purpose of acquiring wealth to drive the party forwards.

Limited Morality –Due to his lack of strict moral code, he has no qualms with somewhat shady business propositions. As long as he will benefit from whatever it may be, he’s usually willing and sometimes even supportive of questionable business practices and back room deals. Archer severely lacks a sense of empathy for those less fortunate.


Of medium build and relatively average height, there is next to nothing else average about the man. Lightly toned muscles and a smile given by the gods, Archer dresses in clothing more appropriate of a well seasoned businessman, aside from his boyful nature, he displays a cool and confident air of importance and is aggressive at the business table.


Archer Brandt. Born weighing in at 6.4 lbs was slightly smaller than the average across the Ablajeck Sector, the small babe could not have been more adored by the two parents behind the checkered glass separating them from the small nursery. Soon they would be able to take him home. It had been a tough decision for the two, having a child and creating a family but they had convinced themselves it was time. The boy’s mother, Athena Volcata, now Brandt, belonged to a fairly wealthy family engaged heavily in politics. His father, Zevran Brandt, was a successful investment banker.

Archer grew up primarily on Lanteeb, though he did spend each summer on Lipsec with his family, or at least he did when they were around. His father, Devran Brandt was an accomplished banker, managing a plethora of accounts from owners across the galaxy, some publicly, others privately. Likewise, his mother was almost always away on business, travelling across long distances of space working for a multi-faceted corporation. In a tragic turn of events, his mother was murdered. Officially all reports found Athena had become the victim of a violent mugging, a single slug-thrower round had ended her life prematurely on her way home from the local grocer. With little else to do but return to school, Archer was sent back to Lanteeb by his father but this time there would be no summer visits. Several years passed, the only contact with his father through electronic correspondence and even that died off as resent found a home in the young man’s heart.

Eventually contact was lost completely, until months later a single message was transmitted to the boy, only a year till he was fully graduated: His father had been found deceased in his study, a suicide note and will left on his desk. Archer’s remaining school had been paid for in advance, a trust fund set up for him to become his upon his completion of school. Rather than internalizing his emotions he dove headfirst into his schoolwork, bringing himself to the top of his class. After his primary education was complete, he put himself through secondary with the money from his trust fund.

Whether it was his boarding school education, or purely superior genetics, Archer excelled and quickly , so quickly that he found education, at least in an academy setting, quite boring. Instead he turned his eyes to business and technology, quickly becoming a key consultant for many companies in the Lanteeb system. Continuing in his mother’s footsteps he began meddling in stocks, eventually the idea of owning a company of his own slowly eating away at him.

Archer’s most recent impulse was to purchase the remains of an outdated manufacturing company, planning to start his own manufactory but tied down with business regulations and standards that weren’t met, the company was doomed to fail from the start. Under official investigation and deemed unsatisfactory until the discrepancies have been addressed, the company stalled, stock plummeting. With nowhere else to turn, Archer reached out to his mother’s sister, his aunt Aurelia Volcata. They’d been out of contact since Archer was a boy, but with a little digging he found that she had quite the knack for management.








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