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Archer Gear: Part 2


Well-Known Member
"Wait here. Keep focusing on the tree. Do your best to literally make it an extension of your own Force Essence." Damien said as he turned on his heel to walk past Matreya, through the door and into the hall. Unknown to him that his companion was a stealth based fighter, he used his Cloak of Nuun to cover himself as he headed down the hall in the opposite direction of the office they had left not long before.

Passing several doors on both sides, he ignored each, finally turning left along a perpendicular hall. As he walked, he mulled over what he needed to do to make this work. Firstly, he would need to examine the molecular bonds added or altered within the coat. Usually changes made stood out differently from the original design, so it would be semi obvious.

From there was a simple task of copying these, then replicating the precise style and process onto a blade. In a laymen term, he would match the frequencies so as to cut the jacket into pieces. Next though what would he do? The jacket alone was roughly half of what he needed to cover the whole of the suit...

He would obviously need to thread it together with some other fabric threading.

Quickly moving through the options in his mind, he realized he had past the room. Turning back around he headed into the storage room, which would only open when he commanded it to. Shell Spidersilk... Damien nodded thinking to himself of the durability.

His other option was armorweave, which though strong and durable, might inevitably be to much for the lightness he sought. As well, Shell silk was incredibly light, and did much the same as the weave, yet could also not denote the power of the jacket either...
As Damien walked past him, Valashu nodded to his words, "Will do. Hurry back. I wanna get this done as fast as I possibly can." Despite offering his respect for the gear, that did not equate to wanting Damien to take days, weeks, or whatever mark of time passage one can think of.

Attempting to return to the previous state of true Force immersion, Valashu crouched, placed his bottom on the floor, then closed his eyes. As he crossed his legs, he began to clear his mind of thought. Emotion, worry, plans for the gear, it all slowly faded.

After finally immersing himself, and losing the potentially devastating thought pattern he had before, he felt his body float about a foot into the air. But this to he ignored. All he felt was his Force essence touching that of the dying tree limb. It was if the branch was a person as well, as upon contact it seemed to embrace his energy.

It would seem their closeness thus far had already conjured a bond.

"Leaning into" the embrace, Valashu felt his power merging with the wooden essence. He fed it, nurtured it, but then also created a cyclone like effort. As he fed it, he pulled from it, taking back energy that felt oddly like himself yet foreign. Which it obviously was, as it had belonged to the lumber seconds ago.

Soon enough, he felt as if the timber had ceased its intake. Either it no longer enjoyed their embrace, or it was filled to brim with what it could take. He had to believe the other after taking energy back, and sensing no qualms.


Well-Known Member
Having decided on the fabric he would mix, he reached into a cabinet that held the coat. Taking it out, he was depressed at the level of disuse evident on it; it was covered in a thick layer of dust, and had begun to have a certain musky scent to it. Before moving on, he reached back into the shelf and grabbed a wax solution with a rag. Placing it on a table, he dipped the rag inside, smeared up some of the viscous mucus like substance.

Using the opposite side of the rag he delicately wiped away dust. Just as with the tree, he almost lovingly went about the steps of cleaning it. Anyone who watched Damien as he worked on things like these, it became obvious that this was his love. Treating alchemy, embracing the Force in intricate ways. There was no better joy.

When the leather was visible under the gray surface, he flipped the rag again so that the liquid could begin. Spreading it slowly, he wiped one side to the other in slow deliberate strokes. Like those that take care of lawns or worked in landscaping, straight lines of shining and shimmering stripes began to appear.

It was a not so long before the jacket was bright and beautiful like the day he bought it. Closing the container that housed the wax, he also folded the rag to bring with as well. Grabbing all three items, he brought them back towards the room. With less to focus on, he moved back towards the room he had left Valashu.

Passing an employee, he stopped the man, "Eveross right?"

"Yes sir Mister Daemon, how can I help you?" The young man answered in response.

"I need about 8 pounds of Shell Spider Silk. Bring it to my alchemy station Eveross." Damien said, then left without another word. Entering the room, he spotted Valashu stretching, which signaled to him that the other had been meditating on the timber while he was gone.

Setting down the jacket, he turned towards Valashu, "Matreya, I sense accomplishment. Well done. This," He gestred to the jacket, "-is the famous Kerrigan Coat."

Setting the jacket down, Damien smiled down at its sheen for a moment, "Alright Val, here is your Spider Silk. Take this, and spread it. To do so, I recommend cutting it with a knife, then stripping it down as close to threads as you can. I will have the more difficult job."
Valashu nodded his understanding, taking the bundle of rolled up cloth from the man that appeared in the door way - he guessed Damien had used his senses to keep track of the man as he walked. Setting the bundle down, he unrolled it until it lay flat on the steel of the table.

At a thought, his quiver activated its best feature, and shot an arrow out of its compartments. Catching it, he twisted the head, which at first was intensely tight, but soon enough it gave and began to unwind itself from the shaft. After it popped clean, he placed the tip against the fabric and began to cut roughly even sized segments. Each was about five inches across, and however long the bundle was, big enough to grip so he could then cut smaller in a bit.

He was surprised by the smoothness of the sill, which would probably be smooth enough to blend well with the leather. It honestly didn't matter though, as he was going to ask Damien to coat the end result with resin, which would soak into the fabric allowing the end result to be a similar feeling to the wax.

Finished with the largest hunk he felt he would need, he stopped with the bigger work. Now he began with each of the smaller strips. These he would cut down to about a sixty-fourth of an inch. It was a long laborious task, first cutting down to inch, then half, third, eighth, sixteenth, thirty second, then finally the smallest he could achieve.


Well-Known Member
While Valashu could instantly get to work, Damien had to perform a different task. Thanks to the durability of the jacket, a simple knife would more than likely dull before it could ever cut the leather. So, as he had previously decided, he would need to craft a blade sharp enough to do it damage, and the only way he could do that was to treat a tool with heavy elements until it held almost the same frequency and would be able to cut it.

Drawing his Shadow Dagger, he held it before him as he concentrated on the jacket. Focusing his skill into the Art of the Small, he began to glean information from the jacket. The density, delicate fibers of the jackobeast along the trim, and many other delicate intricacies. Before long, he nodded to himself, realizing it would take a lot to make this cut.

The resulting sharpness of the blade, when cutting the jacket, would likely push clear through the table!

Pausing, he performed a trick he had seen Rave do, and placed his hand on said steel. Reaching out with his molecular control he pushed, molded, and drove the make up of the steel until it was harder then beskar. Nodding to himself he paused for a second, "Definitely going to have to destroy that thing in the end... Blade to. Don't want those just laying about." He murmured to himself.

Next he grabbed the blade of the dagger, and began to apply even more control than he did to the table. Each molecule was basically double stacked so hard that the weight of the blade nearly tripled. Thus when it came time, he placed the jacket open wide, starting on the inside of the back, and placed the knife edge against it...

Then cut. It didn't go right through, as it was still of some of the toughest fabric or item of all times, but with enough pressure, and dual swipes, it began to piece itself off. Slowly but surely he worked, cutting piece after piece. Laying them one atop the other.
Once done with getting the strips as small as he could, Val set about gathering them up into a bundle. Once they were all gathered he moved to a basin nearby, and set them inside. When he was about to look for Damien, he spotted a man through the door.

"Hey!" He called, stepping towards it and pushing his head through the thresh hold, looking at the man as he turned around, "Hey, come here."

"Yes?" The balding man dressed in the JAC uniform asked, nearing but seemingly wary as he did not get to close.

"I need water, oil, and purple dye. Can you get me some? Damien is working in here, and I don't want to bother him." Valashu said, offering a smile, "I'm guessing you know about his irritability.."

The man chuckled and nodded, "Aye, I do sir. Don't worry. I can help." He paused and looked to a clipboard he was holding close to his chest, "But... I may need to lead you to the storage, let you get it yourself. I am very busy!"

Valashu nodded fully stepping through the door then gesturing down the hall. Following slowly behind the other man, both shared a few quips, but mostly remained quiet until they entered an elevator. Taking it all the way to the basement, he was then led to the far side of the building where there were entire halls full of massive doors made of steel or other materials.

This area, he knew. Turning his head to the right, he had to fight a smile as he spotted the quarantine of the hall where he stole the Phrik for the bow at his hip.

The man gestured to one of the doors, "Its unlocked. Just pull the handle. Sorry I can't stay, but a billion cred company doesn't run itself!"

Valashu nodded then gestured before he could turn, "Your name? I wanna tell Damien you helped me." The man smiled.

"No thank you sir. Just did this for the simple reason of beinf a good person. I won't have recognition." The man said then turned and hurried away.

Val shrugged then went through the massive door to the storage. Pausing before a computer he typed in dye, oil water mix. Surprisingly both were quickly found despite the size of the room. Returning with enough to fill the basin, he did so, then put the strips inside.

Stepping towards Damien he called, "Also, I'm wanting to dye the gear purple. So, when you finish a bit, I have a station back here ready."


Well-Known Member
"Alright, that's not to difficult." Damien replied, then he gathered up the leather, which he had surprisingly enough finished. Taking these back to the basin, he set them in as well.

At this, he began to ponder the next steps. While the strips he sliced soaked with the ones done by Valashu, this was the perfect time to do so, thus he did. Tapping a chin he won't over possibilities; one could be a cross laid checkered pattern, interlacing the pieces together, which could then be held together with Instant Adhesive. Or he could take the time, let the leather soak, and do the same again as he already did. Slicing more, down as small as could be made, would likely be the hardest, but the best results...

Reaching out mentally, Damien contacted an aide nearby to bring a worker droid to them. When it arrived, he plugged a databank into the mechanical brain, uploading the AIM program Zaiden had designed recently. Glancing blankly at the wall a moment, it turned then and asked, "How can I help? Is it going to be a quick use then locked away again?"

"Shut it Amp. Just do me a favor, take this knife, and cut those strips down to thread for me?" Damien said, handing the blade over. His mechanical brained friend took it, then grabbed the basin and walked to the back of the room, "Use that table!" Damien said gesturing to the one altered already.
With a sigh, the White Current slash assassin dropped to his haunches. It surprised Valashu the amount of work required for the strips. He had done his best to use a steady hand as he made the straightest lines he could. This led to cramping, sore legs from standing in one position for over an hour, maybe more. Plus the size that he achieved! It was tiny!

When the droid came in, Damien watched him hook up the droid to some databank. Then suddenly it actually seemed to have a personality! His thought at this was, of course, stealing it from him the next chance he got. A knife changed hands, organic to metallic, and then the robot grabbed the basin and headed to the back.

Hmmm, must be made to cut the leather, Valashu thought silently as he observed, then the table was mentioned, and that is made to take the blades thrusts. Maybe I should acquire those as well.

"What's up with the droid? He was... sassy." Val said to Damien, with a gesture to the metallic sentient in the rear of the room.

"Also, making the cloth into thread? Are we going to legit weave it into a new cloth? I imagined we would be just combining pieces!" He said.


Well-Known Member
Damien stepped towards the back, watching Amp as the droid used mechanical precision and sensors to accurately turn the strips into thousands upon thousands of little threads. As it happened, it was hard to keep up with, as the speed was nearly triple what he had thought would occur.

An action that taken over an hour for the duo, would take half the time, doing more delicate work. It was always a pleasure to see the kind of things that technology had come to. But then as the droid worked, Damien also reached out mentally, placing his essence against the threading of the Shell Silk. On a molecular level he began to harden these also.

Duplicating, thickening, and double stacking molecules of the silk would allow it to become closer to the durability of the leather. It would never be truly as durable - or if it was the amount of energy and time consumed was not something that Damien had agreed to - but it would also not hinder the make up of the suit in anyway. By the end of it the silk would be lightsaber resistant itself.

Glancing back at the tree limb that by now had dried of the blood, he called, "Try to take energy from it. I sense it is fully empowered at the moment."

As he neared, he began to cut the limb into smaller equal sizes, making sure to hollow first before cutting - so that each piece would come with a natural curve to be placed against the limbs easier. It would of course be covered with the thickest layers of leather that came together, as well as sheets of the metal that would get altered as well.

Turning back Damien was surprised to see the droid was nearly finished with the dissecting to base threads. Finishing quickly on the wood, he neared the table in the back. Examining the droids work, he said, "When your done I want you to combine it, like a weave, to make a vest with a hood, sleeves that can be attached later with a zipper, gauntlets, and pants with room for leg guards. Leave slits atop each section of them though, so I can insert metal plates."

The droid nodded and continued with his work. As this happened, Damien took the knife, while levitating the table, and inserted them into his alchemy forge. Leaving them there, he knew they would be melted down to nothing.
Valashu nodded at Damien's words. Reaching out, he commenced a slow siphon of energy, feeling what he had spent returning. Even while Damien slashed and hacked the limb until it resembled plates to cover his limbs, he was surprised to find that the drain didn't slow, nor did the amount he could draw. As a matter of fact, he felt as if he could draw more than he normally could.

Smiling in satisfaction, he contemplated what could be done with this. In battle, as it possessed a greater portion of his signature, it would be felt as if the energy gathered belonged to him, making it impossible to tell the difference. It would be as if bringing a concealed weapon to the fight.

This had its benefits.

Walking towards where Damien and the droid stood, he was surprised to find it had finished the cutting to threads. Now it was laying thread by thread in rapid succession. Over, under, repeat. It was easily the fastest, most accurate, hand work he had seen besides the work of his father as he shot his bow.

Val loved to show off his skill with a bow, but his father? Hated flaunting his abilities, which dwarfed his own. It was outrageous!


Well-Known Member
Damien leaned against a wall as he watched the droid swiftly lacing the vest together. It took half an hour to complete, front to back. Adding the hood required Instant Adhesive, which was quickly brought to them by an aid from down the hall.

Next came the sleeves, which Damien insisted be measured to the lengths of Valashu - he wouldn't have a product not properly situated to length. What was the point of an armored suit that did not fit? To the end that would attach to the shoulders, he had Instant Adhesive added zippers - which he made of Alchemized titanium so as to be unbreakable.

Slowly each piece came together until it was perfectly made.

Looking to Valashu, he stated, "Test it out. See how it fits." While Val did this, he turned and began to alter the density and durability of several thin sheets of titanium. These he would slide into place in each segment. Luckily each was already modeled for a suit of armor, so it fit against the limbs properly.
Val slid the vest over his chest, zipping it up, then added the sleeves, to see how they fit as well. Flexing his arms, he was satisfied that if he used them, these wouldn't hinder his movement much either. Next he slid on the pants, and was satisfied by the looseness of these also. Drawing his bow, he drew an imaginary arrow, and imagined quickly imagined shooting several targets.
Trying all kinds if movement, including a swift run around the room, a high jump, and a flip off a wall, also revealed little construction. It was good. Drawing his hood upward, Valashu got daring. Freeing an arrow from his quiver, he stared at it long for a moment...

Then swiftly thrusted his arm at the side of his head. The arrow pierced nothing, and all that happened was a slight pressure headache built up where it had hit.

"That was comical!" The droid, he believed it heard Damien call it Amp, said with little voice change to signal it was funny. Then again, it didn't have a voice, or facial movement...

Maybe it did think it was funny!

"Shut up. Your a machine!" Val replied, but he grinned as well. He held no ill will towards machines; unlike the majority of the population of the galaxy, he believed them every bit a living being as humans. Well the ones with sentience. Those programmed for simple tasks, capable of no other thoughts, these were different.


Well-Known Member
Damien finished with the metal pieces, then went about removing the edges that weren't needed so that it would properly fit inside of each slit in the suit. Afterward he moved over to Val, and held him still as he planted each in its corresponding place. It caught Val off guard, but Damien didn't care. It was not his job to worry about the comfort of the man, he was here to finish a job so he could return to his office.

Once each was in its proper pocket, he went over to the table and brought back each chunk of lumber. These he slid in place as well, having a few minor issues with placement, but all in all fitting them like a glove. Next would come the use of Instant Adhesive, once again, to create a molecular bond that would make it as if there had never been a hole to begin with.

Finished at last, Damien stood, and looked to his companion, "Amp reload yourself." The droid gave a metallic sigh, which was likely it making a groan to sound like a sigh, as they needn't inhale, Damien had never found out.

Then to Val he said, "You are done. I will call you if ever I need those favors. As well, I still expect repayment for the costs! Now, leave me to my work!" Without another word, nor chance for one, Damien concentrated energy swiftly, and vanished from the spot. Once again in his office, he sat in his plush seat, groaning and rubbing his temple. Such laborious work, that required so little actual effort, was annoying...

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