Vixley CM-01
Combat Medic
[member=Malok] | [member="Causstik Rahn"] | [member=Tirgenis]
The ceiling is gone, supports half way falling out. The walls are scorched, dent, or destroyed. The front door caved in, off its hinges. The Clone Cylinders and Bacta Tanks emptied, cracked, or ceased to work. Not even the toilets flush. And the worst part? Can't even check any Emails. There's no electricity, there's no HoloNet connection. The few lights still in working condition and hooked up through working wires, feeding off power from the MX-2. Where does one begin to fix this damage? A couple labor droids moving crates and debris out of the way, but the most that can be done at this moment was to check, if any, inventory, and make sure whatever supports are left that are falling out, or propped up and jerry-rigged so the place doesn't cave in. Vixley couldn't get this all done by himself, not in a year, at least. Especially with the damage to himself.
He traveled out from the Laboratory into its Hangar, down the stairs, and then up the ramp into the MX-2. Vixley needed help, and the Doctors and weapon manufacturers he met couldn't get him what he needed. He needed a loan, or a sizable one, something where he could pay some workers and not worry about maintenance on droids. That, or he really needed some help. He sat down as the pilots seat and opened up the connection to the HoloNet. Oh, wait... the InterGalactic Banking Clan was still active? Would they have as much credits as they had during the Clone Wars? ...It was an option, hopefully one that would work.
"Greetings, InterGalactic Banking Clan. This is Vixley CM-01.
I am head of a non-profit organization for improving local hospitals anywhere that leaves them limited on supplies and equipment, and I also engage in war engagements to save and protect those who have fallen in combat. My organization seeks to save and treat anyone who are injured or harmed, by blaster or accident. Our Headquarters - our Laboratory - for attempts at cheaper chemicals and minor production of equipment has sustained serious damage. I send this message in hopes you could donate, or rather, make available to me a loan, in which I plan to personally pay off myself. If I could speak to a representative as soon as possible, that would be greatly appreciated. We need credits to repair our Laboratory, and help in the creation and transport of equipment. Thank you."
I am head of a non-profit organization for improving local hospitals anywhere that leaves them limited on supplies and equipment, and I also engage in war engagements to save and protect those who have fallen in combat. My organization seeks to save and treat anyone who are injured or harmed, by blaster or accident. Our Headquarters - our Laboratory - for attempts at cheaper chemicals and minor production of equipment has sustained serious damage. I send this message in hopes you could donate, or rather, make available to me a loan, in which I plan to personally pay off myself. If I could speak to a representative as soon as possible, that would be greatly appreciated. We need credits to repair our Laboratory, and help in the creation and transport of equipment. Thank you."
Attached to the HoloNet message was formal identification, location where it was sent (the Laboratory), and all available times for meeting