Jamie Pyne said:
And I thought I was a cynical person.
One of the people I was closest to here left the site because someone did this to them. It's not exactly outlandish for someone you know to find humor in grabbing your phone or laptop and mess with people thinking it's you. People at my work do this to each other, and I work at a high security building. Sending a Skype message saying something ignorant is hardly a grave offense.
Maybe we could put the pitchforks and torches down and just acknowledge the apology and move on instead of crucifying the person? People have apologized for a lot worse crimes around here and been absolved of all wrongdoing for being brave enough to apologize for being a colossal jerk.
Thanks for coming to my defense, but thus far it seems that I am incredibly wrong, first for making a mistake during a drunken stupor (which in itself is again more than one: as i clearly shouldnt have drank a drop, nor should i have been around anyone looking to cause me qualms.) and then for attempting to put myself in the spotlight for my mistakes and therefore rectify them.
Darth Adekos said:
No, wait, let me guess- was it also your sister who came up with the idea to post perhaps the most hackneyed excuse for internet misconduct of all time?
Was going to sink to your level, retorting about how you have on many an occasions had zero excuse for being a dick, but instead I will state what has already been done so. It was a mistake, oh Messianic do gooder that has made no wrongs. As well, for such callous misdoings, I do so hereby apologize directly to you for making such an 'excuse'.
Alicia Drey said:
This is something akin to a man being caught in bed with another woman by his wife and his excuse something along the lines of: "I slipped and fell in." Comical. Absolutely comical. 10/10
Yeah. Sure is. Someone steals your phone, and through the use of your phone ends the life of another. It is now the same thing right? All on the man whom the phone belonged. Seriously did you even give that a modicum of thought before posting it? Or was it designed to be idiotic?
This is exactly the kind of poodoo recently effecting the people on the site. It has now also become obvious that the same people will not stop, but continue to do the same things.
I have stated already that this is my escape, coming to this site to immerse myself into the lives of fictional characters assists me. I made a mistake which resulted in the problems stated, to which i openly brought myself to the light to explain the situation. I am called out by two of the more prominently rude people on the site.
You think its lies? Go back to your corner with snarky comments. Dont post them specifically with the intent to belittle. Its bull.
On the note of proof, if need be i can get all kinds. She was cocky about it all, openly admitting she did it. I could likely get an image of the two of us together with hand written signs reading Fos and Sister, under which i could have written HA I DID IT. Then i could get a docummented admittance in the form of a video or audio file, stating full name etc, and some people on here will still be pieces of poodoo.
Seriously man. And "im the problem."
Staff can we please have this closed.