Image Source: EVE Online :: Minmatar Shuttle
Affiliation: The Crystalsong Commonwealth
Manufacturer: Arcrystal Astronautics (an Arcrystal-Mnaya Corporation label)
Model: Arcrystal-Class ID-CS Shuttle
Modularity: Modularity in line with typical shuttles (may require separate submission)
Production: Minor
Material: Bronzium-Plated Adamithium Spaceframe, Durasteel Chassis
Classification: Shuttle
Length: 13.6 m.
Height: 16.8 m.
Width: 21.1 m.
Armament: [Optional]
- Two Heavy Laser Cannons (+1.5 Speed)
Squadron Count: n/a
Special Features:
- Communications Array
- Encryption Network
- HoloNet Transceiver
- Standard Deflector Shield Generator
- Standard Life Support Systems
- Standard Navigational Systems
- Standard Sensor Array
- Standard Targeting Systems (if armed)
Maneuverability Rating: 2.0
Speed Rating: 1.0
Hyperdrive Class: 2.0
- ID-CS is designed to be fast and light
- Resistant to chemical energy weapons
- ID-CS was not designed for combat
- Vulnerable to kinetic energy weapons
Description: The Arcrystal-Class ID-CS Shuttle is a niche market personal shuttle designed for civilians and non-military personnel of the Crystalsong Commonwealth. It isn't out of the ordinary aside from unique design. The ID-CS is also available on the Open Market. It does not utilize replica technology of the Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Fighter. The power plant is a simple array of solar collection panels routed to a solar ionization reactor which feeds custom port and starboard ion drives. Trace dampeners are integrated into the design to minimize ionic pollution; they do not attribute substantially to undetectability. The "wings" of the Arcrystal-Class pivot up when landing or storing so that the base reaches the ground. Fits a tight but modest two passengers plus wall bunks and a single compact stall; common personal modifications include small fridges, fold-out tables and holoscreens. Adamithium used with license/permission.
- Cargo Capacity: 150 kg.
- Passenger Capacity: 2
- Consumables: Varies
- Minimum Crew: 1 Pilot
Development Thread: n/a
Intent: There aren't too many civilian shuttles on the marketplace and TCC needs one for new members.
Who Can Use This:
- Marketplace Customers
- TCC Starting Gifts