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Approved Starship Arcrystal-Class ID/CS Shuttle

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Image Source: EVE Online :: Minmatar Shuttle
Affiliation: The Crystalsong Commonwealth
Manufacturer: Arcrystal Astronautics (an Arcrystal-Mnaya Corporation label)
Model: Arcrystal-Class ID-CS Shuttle
Modularity: Modularity in line with typical shuttles (may require separate submission)
Production: Minor
Material: Bronzium-Plated Adamithium Spaceframe, Durasteel Chassis
Classification: Shuttle
Length: 13.6 m.
Height: 16.8 m.
Width: 21.1 m.

Armament: [Optional]
  • Two Heavy Laser Cannons (+1.5 Speed)

Squadron Count: n/a

Special Features:
  • Communications Array
  • Encryption Network
  • HoloNet Transceiver
  • Standard Deflector Shield Generator
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Standard Targeting Systems (if armed)

Maneuverability Rating: 2.0
Speed Rating: 1.0
Hyperdrive Class: 2.0

  • ID-CS is designed to be fast and light
  • Resistant to chemical energy weapons
  • ID-CS was not designed for combat
  • Vulnerable to kinetic energy weapons

Description: The Arcrystal-Class ID-CS Shuttle is a niche market personal shuttle designed for civilians and non-military personnel of the Crystalsong Commonwealth. It isn't out of the ordinary aside from unique design. The ID-CS is also available on the Open Market. It does not utilize replica technology of the Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Fighter. The power plant is a simple array of solar collection panels routed to a solar ionization reactor which feeds custom port and starboard ion drives. Trace dampeners are integrated into the design to minimize ionic pollution; they do not attribute substantially to undetectability. The "wings" of the Arcrystal-Class pivot up when landing or storing so that the base reaches the ground. Fits a tight but modest two passengers plus wall bunks and a single compact stall; common personal modifications include small fridges, fold-out tables and holoscreens. Adamithium used with license/permission.
  • Cargo Capacity: 150 kg.
  • Passenger Capacity: 2
  • Consumables: Varies
  • Minimum Crew: 1 Pilot

Development Thread: n/a
Intent: There aren't too many civilian shuttles on the marketplace and TCC needs one for new members.
Who Can Use This:
  • Marketplace Customers
  • TCC Starting Gifts

Ok so, primarily I'm going to have to ask for a shuttle sized ship to be slower and less maneuverable than a high end interceptor. 3-4 would be more preferable there.

In addition I'm going to have to ask if there was permission to use the TIE line for this? I know its typically been something brought up whenever a TIE product comes around.

Aside from these issues, I would also prefer if the description were expanded upon as it is rather lacking in both flavor and sufficiency at the moment.


[member="Camellia Swift"]
It's three point something meters larger than my main interceptor on this site, is the equivalent size of a fighter, and has no weapons (at speed one, slower with the two lasers). Also worth noting almost half of its dimensions come from thin, light paneling, not central body mass. Please reconsider. (can provide army of links to support this)

Really? Never been asked not to or sued for using it in the past, such as with previously mentioned interceptor, though. TIE is just an acronym for "Twin Ion Engine" (not that I think you don't know that, but you get the point). I could just describe it in the sub as "two solar panels, a SIR and... two ion engines, and it'd be the same thing, lol. What made the TIE series was the silly ball and vertical wing design, not the setup, which I have not copied. Besides that, Don't you think it's too restrictive to tell someone they can't use very simple, common ancient canon tech?

There is no requirement for amount of words here so long as you meet the minimum requirements for your special features.
Flavor is not a requirement and this doesn't have special features. :(
Plain vanilla.
I'll do it though.

I can determine if the description is insufficient due to quality and length, to which I advised adding flavor.

I checked with someone on the TIE and they said to let it go for now.

I will be adamant on the speed though. Even if this is lightly armed, if this is civilian model ship they won't normally be looking to be beating a military vessel in dynamics. At most make it a 2 for each.


[member="Camellia Swift"]

That means they plan on suing me or razing my stuff later, but hey, whatever. Different matter altogether, lol.

The armed version already was a two.
I must also argue though, since you mentioned "beating a military vessel," that many canon freighters and shuttles were either made to or modified to do just that.

Modified yes, but not on average. If they were all that fast half the traders would be smuggling if they knew their civie shuttles could be Imperial Interceptors chasing them. Again though if you want to consider it like the interceptor you mentioned, recall you have apparently space set aside for a passenger as well as 4 times the normal 50kg cargo limit. Not to mention it still would be considered very fast.

I've looked at other submissions similar to this one and have also checked with others who also pointed me to more. Yours is a little bigger than them all around though no one dimension specifically outclasses the max on the others. Make it 1.5 or 1.75 without weapons and 2.5 with. You could also let one suffer over the other for a balance too which could be acceptable. if it had 1 speed and 3 maneuverability for example.


[member="Camellia Swift"].
Modifications are as follows:
  • Made base sp/mo both 1.5
  • Changed base sp/mo to 1.0/2.0 (moved half a point from one to the other as suggested)
  • Reduced cargo -50 kg
  • Armed speed penalty increased by .5
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