Arcturus Hallum Quinn

NAME: Arcturus Hallum Quinn
RANK: n/a
SPECIES: Human(Tapani)
AGE: 23
HEIGHT: 1.86 meters
WEIGHT: 76kg
EYES: grey, as is natural to his bloodline
HAIR: blond
SKIN: Caucasian
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
*He comes from a long unbroken line of force users that can be traced back to the time of the Great Galactic war in 3640 BBY, because of this his family have some knowledge on diffrant force powers and traditions
*He has received some training in form II, Makashi
*Is a saber-rake(
*Received training from the Mecrosa Order(
*Is not a fully trained force user
*Never completed his Mecrosa training
*Only knows the second form of saber combat
*Has had very little formal training in the force, can only use the core powers.
Concerning his training: He was only taught the second form of lightsaber combat because this was the trademark of the force users from his family, his skill in it would be enough to let him hold his own against an average opponent. His skill in force powers however only stretch as far as the basic core powers and some basic telekinetics. The reason his Mecrosa Order training was never completed is because he never finished his assassin training, and only learned the combat part of hand to hand combat, how to handle a lightfoil etc, he never delved into the arts of assassination and deception so he was never credited as a fully trained assassin. Being only trained in various forms of combat to atleast be able to hold his own against your average opponent.
Arcturus uses a very old 3-Z Light freighter( that is unmodified but has just been kept in shape.
Born on the planet of Nyssa in the Nyssa system, which was part of the Mecetti province in the Tapani empire, Arcturus was the son of Gillead, the Baron of House Quinn. House Quinn was a minor sub-house of House Mecetti. In his upbringing he was taught the most basic of the force powers, the core powers, by his father who had learnt it from his father and from his father before him and so on. House Quinn had a long unbroken line of force users tracing back as far as the Great Galactic War, where the exiled Jedi Master Gillead Quinn had started teaching his force sensitive children the ways of the force and the ways of the second form of lightsaber combat, Makashi. So he as a force sensitive child was also taught makashi and the most basic ways of the force. When he reached the age of 13 he was given his first lightfoil, a weapon resembling the lightsaber but that was commonly used in the Tapani Empire by young nobility calling themselves Saber-rakes.
At the age of 20 his family suffered a downfall when they where framed for treason against the goverment and they where removed from the houses of nobility. Arcturus is not sure what happend to his parents as he was just told to take the starship and get out of the system. His parents would be currently held in captivity for treason.
He currently only has his current clothing which has nothing special about it, a blue and black robe/tunic combo and a sealed box his father gave him(This contains a lightsaber, I am not sure if I have to make an application on the tech forums for it or not) and a X-30 "lancer" target blaster pistol that was given to him just before he left. (
Intent: To provide the character with the family legacy saber once he has discovered how to unlock the box it is in.
Development Thread: none
Manufacturer: Jedi Master Gillead Quinn(Jedi master during the Great Galactic War)
Model: Normal single saber
Affiliation: House Quinn
Modularity: As adaptable as any other lightsaber is.
Production: Unique
Material: Black and Gold enameled prhik alloy
Description: This lightsaber was made in the year 3640 BBY during the Great Galactic War by Jedi Master Gillead Quinn. He made it to replace his ceremonial saber so that he has a saber more suited for war. It was made out of black and gold enameled phrik alloy and it had two Barab ore crystals in it which gave the saber a dual-phase setting so that the length of the blade could be shortened or lengthened with the flick of a switch. The barab ore crystals produced a hotter more intense burning blade. The saber was also fitted with a bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse which allowed it to operate under water. The hilt was slightly curved because of the user being a makashi practitioner. This saber has been passed down to the first born son for the last couple of thousand years, each time being maintained and serviced so that it still stays in a working condition. Arcturus has now received the saber without his knowledge and has yet to discover he had it.
Size: One handed
Length: The hilt measures at 24 centimeters and the blade has a standard setting of 1.2 meters but because of the Dual phase setting can switch from 90 centimeters to 1.5 meters.
Weight: 1.3 kg
Other Features: Since the hilt is prhik it is somewhat resistant to other lightsaber strikes.