- Intent: To help Arcturus avoid repeating the disaster that was months in the same set of clothes, while also building upon his Alchemy and Nethermancy practices
- Image Source: Nordalune / Etsy (Pouch) - Carolina Herrera (Trunk. All sources point to CH being the maker of the trunk, however I cannot find a direct link to a store page for it, just references from various articles. Hopefully this is okay)
- Canon Link: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Primary Source: Terentatek | Anima Pendant | Butter Knife
- Manufacturer: Arcturus Thesh
- Affiliation: Arcturus Thesh
- Market Status: Closed-Market
- Model: Arcturus' Pocket Wardrobe
- Modularity: New crystal pebbles can be added, and old ones can be removed
- Production: Unique
- Material: Terentatek Leather | Unknown Rodent Bone | Synthetic Lightsaber Crystals
- Pocket Wardrobe! - Does exactly what it says on the tin, and provides Arcturus with access to clothes on the go without the need for bulky luggage. So long as he has his pouch of crystal pebbles he's good to go and get changed, barring any Force dampening effects in his vicinity of course.
- Force Utility! - He doesn't even have to dress himself. What good is a sorcerer if they can't do away with mundane aspects of life?
- Quick Change: Like any good magician, Arcturus' next trick involves a quick-change. From dirty tshirt to clean button down, with the added luster of some mystical fog for dramatic effect, he'll never be caught without a fresh set of clothes again!... Unless someone interrupts him mid-change. Then he'd be caught with almost no clothes at all. Go figure.
- Options, Sweetie: Since every outfit is broken down into its individual parts, he can mix and match as he pleases. It's called fashion, look it up.
- Force Link: It requires a conscious application of the Force to work. No Force? No change of clothes. It's that simple.
- Pebbles, Please: Arcturus must physically take out the relevant crystal pebbles in order to activate them. They must be within his hand for it to work. Hands preoccupied? Chit out of luck. Wanting to switch mid-fight? Better hope your opponent doesn't see you fumbling for that pouch.
- Disruption Time: The change is not instantaneous, it takes a couple of seconds of mist-swirling for the clothes to be switched. In the meantime, if someone was to interrupt him by way of disrupter rounds or telekinetic attacks the mist would disperse leaving him in naught but his underwear. Nobody wants to be caught with their pants down, at least Arcturus certainly doesn't. Avoid use in crowded places, maybe.
- Limited Storage: The armoire which holds the clothes within the Nether is not large. In fact, one might argue it's more of a fancy upright trunk than an armoire at all. It can't hold large weapons such as rifles or swords, or items of similar scale, and it can only hold a certain amount of articles of clothing before becoming too full. It can hold 6 sets at any one time, but one of those 'slots' is always left empty in the event that he's disrupted mid-change. After all, who knows where the extra set would end up otherwise?
Arcturus spent way too long in the same set of clothes. Like... Way too long. Holey, dirty, he hit a real low point, and in the days following the gifting of a fresh set at the hands of Maliphant's subordinates the boy vowed to never be found without a change of clothes again. Ever again. Building upon his former successes, namely the Anima Pendant he created for Alina, as well as the work he put into helping Ishani achieve her goals for her beloved Butter Knife, Arcturus decided to once again delve into the many possibilities afforded to him by his continual pursuit of all things Nether-related. Specifically: pocket dimensions... sort of.
It began with the creation of another leather pouch, using up the scraps of Terentatek leather left over from his previous sand projects, as well as a slither of bone he found lying in the wastes of Tash-Taral to act as a closure. Some sand rodent or another, no doubt. Furthering his pursuit of synthetic crystal creation, Arcturus decided to utilize such as his main basis for this project though he smoothed out the edges of the crystals until they resembled small runestone-esque pebbles. The surface of these were individually etched with a different symbol, infused with the Force, and tied to the interior of an armoire in The Hourglass, Arcturus' Nethershop; each symbol found itself an accompanying piece of clothing. A shirt, a pair of pants, some socks... Thankfully Arcturus is not known for his vast array of clothes, but even so each individual piece makes for quite the fun collection of crystals.
The armoire is only capable of holding a handful of full changes of clothing, and is not large enough to contain sizeable weapons or the like. In order for new clothes to be added, further crystal pebbles would have to be created, and something else would have to be removed to make the relevant space. Arcturus keeps four changes of clothes in there for himself, plus an unexpected set for Ishani Sibwarra despite their estrangement. You know, in case one day he needs to rescue her or something. Who doesn't want a fresh set of clothes after being rescued?
As for the process of conjuring the clothes themselves, upon picking out the relevant crystals and activating them through the Force, Arcturus' present attire will begin to dissipate and replace with a swirling mist-like substance until the new clothes have formed in its place, the previous set taking its place within the armoire. For this reason it's important that if Arcturus plans on making the switch he's wearing crystal-linked clothes in the first place.
Because it's not instantaneous, it's also possible that use of telekinetic or sonic attacks can cancel the process by fully dissipating that mist. Both sets of clothes would be returned to their slots, and Arcturus would find himself in little more than his underwear. If nothing else it's a good excuse for him to not try and change into armour mid-fight. Nobody wants to be caught with their pants down, after all.
The only difference comes in the form of the crystals tied to Ishani's clothes. Those will simply conjure up the set wherever the crystals are set. As for the pouch itself, the interior of it is lined with all sorts of runes which keep it and its contents tied to the armoire. The interior of the armoire features similar runes. The entire set is naturally seeped in the Force, and remains reliant upon Arcturus' ability to draw upon it in order to work. Being within a Force-Nullification zone will render it temporarily useless, though upon reemergence from it he'd find its connection to the Nether slowly reforming.
TLDR: it's pretty much a traveling suitcase that fits within a small pouch.