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Ardam 'The Reaver' Parever

"Nab' someone's head. Get paid. It's that simple."
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B a s i c - I n f o r m a t i o n
Name: Ardam Parever

Alias: The Reaver | Possum

Faction: -----

Age: 28

Species: Corellian/Lothalian - Human

Gender: Male

Height: 6'3 (1.9 m)

Mass: 90 kg

Eyes: Amber

Hair: Brown

Skin: Sun-kissed

Force Sensitive: *Yes*
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G e n e r a l - P r o f i l e
Ardam 'The Reaver' Parever was blessed (in his own belief) with a handsome appearance that he would never be recognized for. Standing at 6'3 and weighing in at roughly 200 pounds, Ardam has the common appearance of a human. However, he manages to stand out with an angular jawline and scruffy beard. The well-trimmed hairs along the man's chin drastically contrast the unkempt nature of his brown locks. Ardam's muscular frame grants him a natural intimidation factor, but he is lean enough to also maintain agility and feign weakness if necessary. He is known to don a high crowned, wide-brimmed, hat after long periods of time stationed on a habitable planet. It is one of his most defining pieces, only adding to his aesthetic as the galaxy's roaming gunslinger with a bit of Midwestern twang. Otherwise, the human male can be seen wearing various cloaks, ponchos, or coats over a thick body armor and multiple gadgets. Ardam himself also notoriously has a prosthetic left hand, much stronger than his former organic limb and fitted for multi-purpose activity.
Practically a space cowboy, Ardam has all the attitude and assertiveness required to make it as a bounty hunter. And likewise, he has the skills to back it up. This mixed race human is the clever type; calculated and unforgiving, Ardam is one to be watched at all times. He always has a trick up his sleeve, and has just about the perfect amount of luck to pull off the rash stunts he needs to in order to survive his perilous journey through life. Ardam is a very calm and collected person, but uses this to his advantage in the form of mind games on a daily basis.
The bearded bounty hunter is a crap talker not by nature, but by choice, and he loves every bit of the reaction he gets out of those targeted. The term 'emotionally reactive' and 'Ardam Parever' simply do not go together. However, it is to be said that Ardam will hold a grudge if you get on his bad side, and debts will be paid in the long run. He fights neither for justice nor for respect and heroism; Ardam fights because it's a challenge and it makes him money. In this way, the bounty hunter is notably neither antagonist nor protagonist. Although, his competitive nature might suggest otherwise. Ardam hates to lose: just as daring as he is committed to success in his line of work, Ardam does not shy away from the use of underhanded tactics to ensure victory. He might even take a little enjoyment in using them, having a thorough dislike for rules and regulations.
Generally speaking, Ardam is a cunning man who portrays a mysterious persona. He holds himself to a high standard, but does not expect the same of others. And while money is his goal, it is not his life essence. Even as a bounty hunter, an individual associated with so many names that are not to be trusted, Ardam values his word and thus is very frank in delivery. Albeit he is sometimes more cryptic than otherwise.
"The highest bidder is always the winner."
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C O M B A T - P R O F I L E
Strengths and Weaknesses:
"Shoot first, and you better land." - Ardam is ridiculously dexterous with a gun in his hand. Ever since he was a boy, Ardam was aware of his talent. Much of the bounty hunter's early work was performed from long range with a nice A280 in his hands, only further increasing his coordination and spatial awareness. One of the Reaver's most famous feats is in the act of taking out four mercenaries in a bar in under a second -- with one headshot for each man.

"This galaxy ain't big enough, partner." - The Reaver is a selfish bounty hunter. He dislikes compromising his pay, and believes that any job is a job good enough for just one man: him. There have been several missions where Ardam has turned a blind eye to the needs of bounty hunters on the same mission as him, allowing them to die and even sometimes compromising the mission in the process. Being underestimated is one of the few things that gets under Ardam's skin.

"Saw that coming, pal." - While his skills in the force may be gravely underwhelming, Ardam has still developed a talent for heightened precognition. It is not a constant, but is an ability which has saved the bounty hunter's life on many occasions. He can sometimes sense the aggression of others, or become especially aware of someone's emotions in a given situation. This gifts the human the ability to strategically prepare himself more effectively or even avoid oncoming danger completely. He is a man who escaped a battle with two dark Jedi and a rogue with only one less arm to show for it, after all.

"Don't try to pass me any of that synthetic garbage." - Ardam is also, unfortunately, a drug addict. He can often be seen smoking in his free time, and what he is smoking is a black-market, naturally grown, plant hybrid known as Ectus. It is very addictive and produces a high within the user, however Ardam has found that the high created by the plant increases his performance in combat. The drug allows him greater focus and perception, making him even deadlier than he naturally is. The biggest downside to this, though, is that Ardam will go through withdrawals after about 3 days without a smoke. He will become lethargic, neurotic, and perhaps even desperate if it means access to the numbing high which he has grown such an appreciation for.

"I suggest you look me up." - The Reaver; he is one of the most dangerous men allowed to travel across galaxies. Hand-to-hand, firefight, even lightsabre combat, nothing is foreign to the bounty hunter, whom is slowly entering his physical prime and only will learn more of how to navigate with his life on the line. Ardam fights to win, and will dispatch his opponents ruthlessly using all the most efficient methods.

"Gonna' need a doctor." - Ardam is least proficient in the application of medicine. He is knowledgeable about anatomy, toxins, and general health science. However, vital or crippling damage will likely leave the late bounty hunter at a massive disadvantage. As cunning as he is, he cannot outlast extended blood loss for the simple fact that he does not have supplies readily available to tend to such wounds, and also is lacking in the knowledge to effectively handle them.

Reaver's Armor
The armor worn by Ardam Parever is of Corellian craftsmanship, because it was crafted by his own hand. Raised under a Corellian mother whom was respected for her craftmanship and knowledge in shipbuilding, Ardam constantly adapted the things he learned for other purposes. Growing up near a junkyard, young Ardam always had access to trinkets to work with. Once an adult, and funded with the credits to finally master his genius, Ardam assembled the tank that is his makeshift armor set. The highly durable armor can take excessive damage without fail, protecting Ardam from various threats and saving his life time and time again. The suit absorbs most damage to lighten the load on Ardam, but is also functional enough to allow full maneuverability and reactions. It's focus on the absorption of oncoming damage is most present in close combat as the suit can even deflect blows from lightsabres at certain angles. Kinetic damage and blaster fire alike fail to breach the suit if not in high moderation, and Ardam can fall over 80 feet without sustaining debilitating damage. Harsh weather conditions are hardly a factor to the man when all suited up, and he can even operate underwater. An electromesh fiber woven into the linings of the suit also assists in defense against electrically charged attacks, including force lightning.
Helmet Specialization:
Ardam's helmet is easily the weakest part of his suit. The large glass face was not a design fault, but rather was a necessity for the fitting of tech to support the wearer. The suit acts as an air-tight, functional, astronaut set when the helmet is attached. Reactive Corellian Leather seals the suit shut in the case of ejection into outer space, the harsh environment causing the space between the helmet and body to close up. The helmet can still be removed in this state, but it regulates the activity of the helmet's inner workings in such a case. Ardam's helmet comes equipped with a rebreather functionality which allows for the operation of underwater missions, an oxygen tank in the case of zero atmosphere conditions, and a filtering system to protect against noxious gases. It is because of the attachment inserted into Ardam's mouth when the helmet is donned that his voice changes so drastically, but it is only a small sacrifice for a large purpose. In addition to this, the helmet grants enhanced sensory abilities, amplifying sound perception and defining sound reception in full 360 degrees. Thermal and nightvision sights included through optic adjustments to the wide visor and the side dial of the helmet, Ardam's helm also possesses a side-mounted camera which feeds live footage back to his ship's holotape archives. The helmet itself contains a small deflector shield generator to defend against oncoming attacks, but it is a weak device. Thus, two or three direct attacks are enough to weaken the shield and grant access to the bare helmet. However, it is to be noted that the helmet is still quite durable, being able to take blaster fire without cracking and only ever falling under the pressure of Ardam's signature Gravefinder.
The bounty hunter, Reaver, carries with him a signature sidearm known only as Gravefinder. This tailor-made blaster is special in the fact that it is one of the few blasters around to still use traditional, practically outdated, loading methods. In addition to this, Gravefinder also uses something known as 'Hard ammunition,' meaning that bullets fired from this blaster-hybrid act differently than normal blaster fire. These bullets, charged with plasma energy at their ejection point, not only accelerate faster than traditional blaster fire, but deliver more impact at equal ranges due to their kinetic properties as a heated solid. This threatening pistola notoriously tears through shields and gives force users difficulty in deflecting the charged fire with their lightsabres and spiritual abilities alike. A six-chamber revolver handgun than packs a mighty punch, Ardam is never found without this handy tool by his side.
In addition to various other forms of melee weaponry, Ardam carries two signature weapons of destruction in the close range. The first, Guttera, is an old-fashioned kukri blade. The blade is primarily used for chopping, having an angular spine but two sharp edges. It is made of an obsidian construct, fused with other metals to make for a very durable, and hard hybrid. While chopping was the main function of this hefty tool, it is very, very, effective also at stabbing and tearing through armor. Flesh isn't even a question.
The story behind Ardam's possession of a lightsabre is a long one. However, it is known that the standard-hilted lightsabre is highly treasured by the bounty hunter. He often refers to the weapon as a person -- Jrati -- and claims that it is the only lightsabre worth holding on to. It has a green colored synth crystal and is in pristine condition. On occasion, Ardam has been forced to use the weapon in combat, although he has no official training in lightsabre combat. His remarkable sword proficiency has allowed him to duel on equal footing with jedi regardless of this fact, though.
Confined in the wrist plate of Ardam's left arm is a mechanism used to project an energy dagger, housing an energy storage module and a device for projecting the plasma which forms the blade. The actual blade is composed of a single, partially ionized 'blade' of free moving electron based gas held in a blade-like form by two small magnetic-field generators built into the interior of Ardam's prosthetic. The extra weapon is effective for close combat situations, and the Reaver Armor was made to accommodate the presence of this modification.
Ardam utilizes a wrist-mounted, multipurpose device dubbed the Shiruku X by it's creator. Tenth in it's line of development, the hardy device acts as both a grappling hook and a low-fire rate blaster that fires heavy rounds. This device is always mounted to Ardam's right arm and acts as a mode of deadly transportation, being both a weapon and means of travel.
Jet Thruster Technology
While mobility ratings are high for Ardam's suit, he still has the need for quick bursts of speed that cannot be achieved for the additional weight he often finds himself carrying. Installed into the rear of Ardam's armor, up around the shoulder blades and around the ankle area, are jet thrusters which produces forces great enough to launch Ardam over 60 feet into the air in a single use. These thrusters can also be used to slow down and break an unfortunate fall, allowing Ardam to walk away unscathed.
Rifles and Grenades
Simply put, these are the favored miscellaneous tools of Ardam Parever. In particular, he especially likes flashy stuff. EMP grenades, flash grenades, and concussion grenades are all popular with the bounty hunter, in addition to the excessive amounts of ammo he carries. Otherwise, aside from his use of Gravefinder, Ardam likes a firm grip on a sleek blaster rifle. Smaller arms are better simply for the sake that they are tidy, but Ardam is arguably unrivaled with any kind of sniper in his hand. He is incredibly accurate, and is also proficient in melee combat using a rifle, allowing him to stun an opponent just enough to usually get a fatal shot off at such range.
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Episode I:
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