Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Tech Ardasa Simi

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  • Manufacturer: Skorvek
  • Affiliation: Ahani Najwa-Zambrano Ahani Najwa-Zambrano
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Alchemized Songsteel/ Cortosis weave
  • Classification: Sword
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Light
  • Alchemized songsteel to make it incredibly light whilst maintaining a very sharp edge to pierce medium armor
  • Alchemized Songsteel: By using sith alchemy and song steel material makes the sword light allowing the user full mobility with the blade
  • Dark side Venom: Seeding the Venom from the Terentatek beast it is coated in its acidic venom meaning any cuts or stabs that penetrate the skin will be infected by the dark side venom
  • Bane of lightsabers: Weaved in cortosis allows the user to short out lightsabers on contact making any saber user have a bad time fighting the blade
  • Not meant for Multiple people: “As a rapier type weapon it is not meant for dealing with more than one person less the user is skilled enough to do so
  • Songsteel: While its light Songsteel is bright making it easy to spot when unsheathed not recommended for stealth
After all the years and things the Zambranos have done he felt it proper to repay them with personal weapons of their own, First on the list was Ahani Najwa-Zambrano Ahani Najwa-Zambrano the one who decided to start teaching him it took many months to find the materials and forge them by hand and alchemize the materials as well as harvest the venom sacs from the Terentatek pens to give it the poison affect, he field tested it as well until he was done and the blade was complete so he can present her the gift and work on his other projects
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Skorvek Skorvek

Is this a WIP submission or is it meant to be in live judgement? If no reply is received within the next day or so I'll move it to Pre-Factory - either way, Factory Discussion's not the right place.
Skorvek Skorvek

Is this a WIP submission or is it meant to be in live judgement? If no reply is received within the next day or so I'll move it to Pre-Factory - either way, Factory Discussion's not the right place.
Oh dear...I apologies I put this in the wrong area its meant to be put in submissions for live judgement can you please put it there? I can put it there myself if need be
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