Seris Vant
The Unsung Hero
Location: Orellon II
Mission: Recover Artifact
[member="Wendy La Fey"] [member="Ariella"]
Jungle, water, mountains. All in all this world was as rugged as it got. No modern development to speak of. The peoples here still fought with swords and clubs. Not that they were to be underestimated. Their physiology allowed them to fly, and they had the numbers. What this Black Sun team had though was modern weaponry, training, and the element of surprise. So long as they were in and out they'd be fine.
Rayl chose to trek it in a few miles over a ridge to the temple site. He didn't want the ship spotted. And on being spotted, through a pair of electronic binoculars he'd found the temple site. The ridge gave a good view of the surrounding territory. "I see it. Somthing anyways. Coordinates were right. Looks to be a ship though; defiantly metallic anyways. Anyone wana take a look". Rayl shook the binoculars to entice anyone.
Mission: Recover Artifact
[member="Wendy La Fey"] [member="Ariella"]
Jungle, water, mountains. All in all this world was as rugged as it got. No modern development to speak of. The peoples here still fought with swords and clubs. Not that they were to be underestimated. Their physiology allowed them to fly, and they had the numbers. What this Black Sun team had though was modern weaponry, training, and the element of surprise. So long as they were in and out they'd be fine.
Rayl chose to trek it in a few miles over a ridge to the temple site. He didn't want the ship spotted. And on being spotted, through a pair of electronic binoculars he'd found the temple site. The ridge gave a good view of the surrounding territory. "I see it. Somthing anyways. Coordinates were right. Looks to be a ship though; defiantly metallic anyways. Anyone wana take a look". Rayl shook the binoculars to entice anyone.