William Kerkov Sr
Are you A Lone Merc?
If you are or not I have a proposition for you. The Mercenary group 'Open Circle Armada' is looking for more mercenaries to join them. Whether a space pilot, a fleet captain, or just guy with a gun looking for credits. There is always a position for you. If you don't like the formalities of the group, don't worry there is something new. If enough members decide on making this, you could join the "Untouchables" a new subdivision of the OCA. The Untouchables are more of a irregular outfit to the Open Circle, doing the dirty work for the Armada. You can bring your own weapons and armor and you will be provided with vehicles and drop ships to accomplish your mission.
But if you are a pilot that isn't for you is it? Well this is probably the best time for a pilot to join, because we have just recently begun the construction of our Flight Wing, the Open Circle Wing. This wing is built up on the fighters and bombers of the OCA. And if they do not suit you, arrangements can always be made.
If you all the way down here and are not decided, then you are probably a fleeter as they call it. Well if you are, this line of work in our Merc group is probably the best. We have a multitude of ships that are combat effective. And you could command one of them, and you could climb up the chain of command and maybe reach admiral!
Whatever you choose, becoming a mercenary in the OCA you won't regret. We get constant contracts and whoever joins in them gets a more than fair share of the credits. So what are you waiting for? Become a Merc in the OCA!