Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Are You Alive?


What comes around goes around.

At least, if the ancient saying was to be believed. In today's case, it seemed that the words would hold true. For, within the region known as Hutt Space, there was a kingpin who was living large. He hailed from a long line of criminal scum and considered himself to be "royalty" in these parts. (However, he was the textbook definition of nepotism.) So it was that this sod decided to drape himself with finery. He only worse the best clothes, ate the best meals, and sat on a literal throne in his home.

And behind the throne? He had a display of victims who had wronged his family. Some were skeletons hung upon chains. Others had been...stuffed? And the centerpiece of it all was a woman who had been frozen in carbonite. She was situated just above the throne, looking down upon any of the kingpin's guests. A grim reminder not to steal from him or to cross him in any way.

Well. This is where the poetic irony started to come in. You see, while the kingpin didn't like being stolen from, he had no problem stealing from others. And soon, there was to be a reprisal. Now, because the kingpin had a lot of money to throw around, removing him from the picture wouldn't be as simple as hiring a few mercenaries. No. This would require a large paycheck and a larger force. Enter the Haxion Brood: a criminal syndicate that was all too happy to add some funds to their accounts.

When the day of reckoning came, the kingpin was caught completely unawares. And after several minutes of intense fighting, the sorry sod was kneeling before his throne with a vibrosword at his throat. The man pleaded for his life - but the contract said nothing about leaving the man alive. With one fell swoop, Jonah personally removed the man's head. And with that, it was time to loot the place and go home. The sable-skinned man was content to leave the looting part to his subordinates as they reveled in that.

But there was something that caught his eye. putting, but he couldn't look away.

The woman suspended in carbonite. It was as if he could feel something emanating from her. But that should have been impossible, given how long she had seemingly be on display. Anyone inside should have died a long time ago. Yet still, he felt. So, on a whim, Jonah reached out. His thoughts moved through the Force, attempting to make contact with the woman. And if she was alive...if she could understand...she'd find his voice posing a question in her psyche.

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