Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Are you going to be just a one night stand?

Token was trying something new. She'd been venturing around the galaxy to fill the time when Sindy was off doing Sindy things. And right now? Well, she figured it was time to maybe find a job. And that was working for Bright Star, she wanted to help out with one of the new ventures they were hoping to open, but first... she needed to unwind. Making her way in her Mon Cal shuttle out to Lianna, she figured it was a good time to visit Rio Vivo. And y'know, take in a show, or intent to but stick around the bars.

Walking into one of the bars, one with a more rustic feel, a honky tonk of sorts, with a small band playing string instruments, she took her jacket and rest it on the back of the chair she hopped into at the bar. Really, she figured she could take a few then still be ready to see where she was going to be going for the next few days. Work would be traveling, wandering, really.

And that seemed cool.

Adjusting her hair, then her dress, she crossed her legs before ordering a Whyren's Reserve on the rocks. Whoever owned this bar had good taste.
Ice had made his way into the bar for the same reason as most people. He needed to unwind. Between his position in the Empire, head of his tech company, and still moving around the galaxy keeping an eye on things, he usually had a dull plate. Today he had decided was a day to rest. As he took a sip from his 'Reactors Core' drink, he noticed a rather beautiful blonde woman enter.

He didn't make any movement toward her, but decided to simply watch. It was amazing all the details you could find out about a person just with a little observation. For instance, her posture and general air of confidence. She was a beautiful woman, and she knew it. She had a rather sophisticated look, but still down to earth...hopefully. It meant she was probably from money. Or at least had a good education. The question was, did she earn in, or was it given to her.

Then her order. Was that straight whiskey on the rocks? The slightest of smirks began to tug at the corners of his mouth. Ice liked her already. She seemed to have many of the qualities he liked in a woman. But that remained to be seen. Sometimes appearances were deceiving.

If she were to glance his way, Ice would raise his glass to her slightly with a friendly smile and take a sip. But then he'd turn away. He was here to relax after all. Not start thing more involved. Giving her another glance though, he smirked. Maybe he could make an acception. Only time would tell.

[member="Token Waters"]
Token really didn't have much going on, or much to think about. She was here to have some fun. And spend some money. And unwind. And write in sentence fragments. They were fun, after all. And added variety. When the Whyren's arrived, she smiled, with a little bite of her lip to the bartender and opened up a tab. She might have a few. Couldn't be so sure.

There were people who would judge on a woman's drinks, or man's for that matter. And sure, that might be a good way to get some insight to a person, but really, saying you knew a person's type just on that? Nope. Talking and getting to know someone, and y'know, just talking (Sure, Token, sure) was the best way to do that. Spinning on the chair, she crossed her legs, her nerf hide boots covering her swaying feet.

The trials of being short.

She was looking around, and trying to not not use the Force. She should be open to that some more. How long had it been since the incident? Right! It wasn't always evil. She saw some really cool things good people would do with it. That was when she noticed the man sitting over by himself. She smiled a little before taking another sip of her drink.

Ice fiddled with a couple things on his datapad nearby before turning it off. As he went to take another long draw from his drink, he realised it was empty. With a disappointed sigh, he got up from his seat and headed back to the bar. As luck would have it, there was still a seat remaining next to the woman who had entered just before.

Calling over the barkeep he asked for a meltdown. "Better make it a double. Its been a long week."

Stepping back, he waited for his drink. "Ma'am?" He asked politely. "Mind if I snag this seat?" Ah, what the hell, Ice thought to himself. What's downtime without some interesting company. Besides. She looked to be in about the same place he was in.

[member="Token Waters"]
She smiled as the man turned away. Funny, some folk automatically approached her, yet others hid. Maybe not so funny as just interesting. Reading the way people worked and thought was always fun for her. So many different patterns and methods of acting. When he did come over, though, she offered a friendly smile again.

Long week? She knew those times. "Oh?" She shrugged, looking at her drink. For her, it was going to be a long week, so she was getting prepared.

Looking at the seat, then at [member="Ice"], basically doing her best to try to see if he was going to murder her and violate her remains, because, a girl couldn't be too safe, she nodded. "Please do!" She ran a hand into her blonde hair, biting on her lip.
A warm, friendly smiled played across his face at her response, and small but notable actions. "Thanks." He said cheerfully as he took his seat. The barkeep soon brought over his drink, which he gratefully took. He held it up towards the woman slightly and said, "Cheers."

Taking another sip of his drink, he cast a glance at hers. "So, long day for you too?" He asked, gesturing toward her drink of choice. It was interesting to note, how she seemed to be sizing him and his intentions up, as much as he was to her. And so began the the game that so many people across the galaxy played on a constant basis. Only time would tell if either would win or lose at this particular match up. Also what the prize would be was a much a mystery to him, as was even something as simple as her name.

"Oh, and the name is Ice by the way." He held out his hand to shake hers. "A pleasure to meet you."

[member="Token Waters"]
See? This was the type of thing that happened to her, and it really didn’t bother her. Not too badly at least. The blonde ran a hand through her hair as he sat down. Bringing her own glass up, she repeated. “Cheers.” Really, her brother would have said something about rattlesnakes and mother-in-laws, but… well, she’d leave that lie. Everyone knew how that finished.

Looking at him, with a tilt to her head, she smiled. “Not today, but we’ll be making that change sooner or later.” She was sure. With that she looked away and back up to one of the screens that was playing some game or another. She figured if she spent more time with the clients on Lianna she’d figure it out, probably even learn to play it. She was a dancer, it was all muscle memory and mimicry.

And [member="Ice"], huh? Was he going to make some music for her? Right, another world, Token, another when. “I’m Token, Token Waters.” Really, Brooke, but she took to being called Token so much more. She took his hand with a smile.
He smiled back in a friendly manner. "Token Waters. An interesting name to be sure." He wouldn't let his curiosity get the better of him though and pry into that though. Instead he gave a discreet look over the woman while she was turned toward the holoscreen. There was something different about her. On first glance there didn't seem much beyond her great looks and possible education, maybe even money. But he could feel something....else. Now that he was closer, anyway.

It was an annoying thing, one of those nagging sensations scratching at the back of your mind, but you just couldn't place it. Another thing he found intriguing was the quick quip about tough days. "Well that's interesting. I've heard of people coming to a bar to unwind after a long day. But preparing for a long day or week by going to a bar before....? I don't hear that one too often."

He smiled curiously as he took a sip of his drink. "Mind if I ask, what in the galaxy you do that has you drinking, before you even start work?" A soft chuckle left his lips as he maintained eye contact with Token.

[member="Token Waters"]
Yeah her parents suffered. Well if suffering meant being successful enough to give a child an odd name. Celebrities did it. Why not successful business owners? Sure their legacy was still there. And so was she, but that wasn't even on topic. Good job Token.

"Well... I travel a fair bit for work. So time away kind of gets lonely. Small ship. Small crew. Wandering the stars. It's good to remember why we come to port every so often."

Sipping her drink she watched him. "And how about you?"

Ice nodded in understanding. It was an interesting response. It both answered, but didn't answer the question all at the same time. Smart woman, always a good idea to never divulge to much information. Loose lips, sink ships, as the old saying went. "Ah. A bit of a spacer yourself are ya? This I understand very well. I'm in the tech industry. So I am constantly traveling from one rock to the next as well."

Her comment about being lonely got his mind onto topics a bit outside of work, you could say. But still, he decided to keep those thoughts to himself for the moment. "So yeah, I'm always on the lookout for new potential partners." He paused as he thought how that could be taken.

Pushing he thought aside once more, he asked. "Speaking of, this business of yours that you do a lot of traveling for. It wouldn't be related to any tech type industries would it? Who knows. We might be able to find something we could hook up, and collaborate on." His friendly smile remained. And he left no further clues as to which direction he could have been meaning.

[member="Token Waters"]
Token loved talking, she loved talking about herself and people she met, but that took her a bit, and it wasn't ever to strange people she met in strange bars. That was just bad for business. And while things have happened in the past, she wasn't ever... damaged? Not that badly, at least. Token was the type of girl who just loved... everyone, really. "How's tech work get you traveling?" And she wished it was planet hopping, sounded more like exploration, but whatever, she could do it, so long as she could bring all her toys.


And he was trolling for partners? "When you say partners...?" Yeah, really, look at her, of course that was what he meant. Boys will be boys, supposedly. She bit her lip as she adjusted the hem of her dress. It sometimes rode up just too much, even for her. And she was a dancer. Or used to be?

"I'll be working for a shipping company, or some form of a liner company, helping spot new routes, really." Simple stuff, for her. "Where abouts are you based out of?"

He was enjoying this game. Each person going back and forth, neither wanting divulge to much information, but each to curious to let it go. Almost like a good game of dejarik. You never knew what the other player might do next. "My job keeps me traveling, because I'm looking for new client bases for our products."

His smile took on a slightly mischievous grin to it. "As for partners. Yes, business partners. Two companies...or people that come together to collaborate on a single objective. Could be long term...could be just the one project." He took another sip while looking at her still. "It's really up to the two people isn't it? Why? What did you think I meant? He added coyly.

"And shipping you say? That's great. I used to be in that field as an independent operator. I still have my carrier corvette actually. It's what I use to get around. My company is based in the Eclipstica system. Our operations are mobile though, so we can relocate easily if we ever needed too. How about you guys? Where are you based out of?"

[member="Token Waters"]
Maybe her writer would remember her text color this time. Sometimes thoughts like that crawled into Token's head... Wouldn't it be odd to be part of someone's story, or to be a story yourself? That'd be tricky, for sure. Divulging information was not her strong suit. Especially when she met someone less than an hour before, because, serious things had happened to Token in the past. "I suppose that would do it. I know a few companies that hire sales reps to do that sort of thing." Granted there were some CEOs that learned that the hard way. "Could help the up and coming entrepreneurs." Or put a gap between the white and blue collar.

"I dunno, sometimes I don't always follow what people are sayin', so I gotta ask." She smiled at him. Her professors back in university, which she should go finish up always told her to ask questions, so that was what she was doing. Asking. Assuming, after all, does things to you and me.

This guy, this [member="Ice"] seemed to know a lot. "I... I dunno that either. They kind of just tell me where to go, and supposedly I'm getting a new ship, but then they get the data and put credits in my account." Simple, clean cut.
If only she knew he wasn't just some rep. Still, he didn't divulge that kind of information. Not only was it usually unwise, but he just didn't think his money or position in the world mattered when having just a normal conversation. For her second comment, he simply replied, "Oh no worries, you're fine." Somehow he doubted what she said. She seemed sharp as a tack.

Her further explanation about how her operations worked only gave further evidence of that. In point of fact, it sounded a lot like his old smuggling days. "Hmm. Sounds a lot like how I uses to work with my shipping operation. You know, if you're an independent shipper, I might have some work for you as well. We have clients at times that like to keep orders a little more on the private side. So sometimes we hire out independent people to deliver our equipment. Would that interest you by any chance?"

In truth he rather hated wasting his time with such a woman talking about work. But then, you never should waste an opportunity. She might have a few more surprises that could work to their mutual benefit. He then finished his glass, and ordered one more. After two of thiose rather strong drinks, he was starting to get that wonderful buzzing sensation. But what the heck. One more wouldn't hurt right? He looked to her drink and asked, "Can I get you another one as well? Or are you ok?"

[member="Token Waters"]
Probably smart to not divulge much information. No telling what someone else might know, or actually be doing. Token though, she was just that, just Token. Skipping around the galaxy doing her thing. Learning what she could, and writing it all down so she could read it some time later. Simple, really. She liked to experience everything. She shrugged at him. Guys always said nice things to her, it was just how they worked.

Independent shipper? “Nah, I work for a company and run the ship, wherever they want, but its not my own. I captain it for the company, and turn over my flight paths, sooo…” Yeah, that would get her in deep water. “If you’re hiring people and giving them ships, who knows.” She shrugged, sipping her drink. Was he really trying to get a girl he met at a bar to pilot ships.

Granted that happened right before Yavin, but who read the history books that far back?

She smiled at him. “Sure, one more is fine!”


Cambry Owens

A Pseudo-Mandolorian. Sort of.
With all the finesse of any background event with no explanation, Cambry sputtered as he was dragged up by the collar from his table in the corner. Even though he was trying to voice a protest at the Rodian culprit, it really came out more like a gargle. Then the young spacer endured the fun of both a string of impossible to understand Rodian spitting, followed immediately by a fist to his mouth.
"Owrfh.", was Cambry's first reply, as he spat all over the floor to his side.
Very eloquent.
Okay, Best guess. Cambry drooled some, blinking harshly to regain his head amidst the pain, and bringing his hands up to the Rodian's. I maybe met this one before. Or something. Maybe he just likes hitting people.
A mental shrug was followed up by his durasteele-clad knee being driven into this Rodian's weakest of spots, resulting in a very satisfactory kind of gasp...scream, from his assailant. Cambry stepped back as he was released, wiping his mouth on the back of his glove as he noticed the attention he had garnered. A sort of half-hearted "It's...uh...fine" was offered to the crowd, before he sighed and looked back to the Rodian, who was now recovering from agonizing pain. Deciding to fix that, Camby took a step forward, brought his right fist back and his left fist swiping, and then delivered a very final and complete knock-out punch to the Rodian's skull. He crumpled like a bag there on the floor, leaving the Mandalorian-armor clad man to flick his hand, wincing at the soreness of smashing it against another being's head.
After realizing again that he just made a bit of a scene, ever so awkwardly, Cambry gave a weird, totally not appropriate wave, and made his way self-consciously back to his table.
He sat, and sort of looked at the Rodian, trying to puzzle out who the feth he'd just KOed. It'd come to him. Eventually.
A small furrow of the brow and he propped his cheek up on his hand, still staring studiously at his unconscious opponent, who no one in the bar seemed interested in helping.
Must be a bad tipper.

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