Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mission Are you going to eat that

"Alien?!" Quin shouted as he stood in the line. He looked around wildly at the plethora of various species in the starport customs waiting for entrance to their destination world. His lavendar skin darkened as a flush crept up his neck and heated his face. "Blast it or something! Where is it?!"

"I meant you, miss." The customs agent, a fleshy pink skinned human, said, "You're not a human from this planet, and you're not a citizen of this world. You are an alien here."

Quin calmed, his shoulders relaxing and the darkening of his skin slowly subsided with the heat leaving his skin.

"You scared me there." Quin said with an exaggerated sigh, "I thought you saw like an xenomorph or something."

"A what?" The pink flesh man asked, face going oddly placid with confusion.

"You know. From holos and stuff. Scary, acid blood, eat people. Like Banthas but murdery." Quin replied as he held out his identification again.

The man paused and shook his head as he took the Identification and scanned it.

"There is a lot to unpack there." The man said as he handed back the I.D., "Do me a favor and don't come back on my shift. I'm tired of getting the weirdos."

"You get aliens AND weirdos?" Quin asked with sincere concern, "I'm sorry, pink guy. That must be tough. Well, I'll just get going. Be safe. You're pretty fleshy, aliens would gobble you like Atrisian dumplings."

Quin walked by the gawking customs agent and collected his luggage. The smells of speeder grease, body fluids, and hot duracrete filled the air. Quin inhaled deeply and gave a pleased sigh.

"Smells like money." He said to no one in particular before he saw a droid sparking slightly near it mobility system. It looked like it was emptying trash from the streets and…Quin looked around, not doing a very good job.

He walked up the the droid causing two speeders to crash as they avoided him. He put down his luggage, overloaded the droids power supply to force a shut down and started pulling the droid apart to fix it. It was a weird droid. He had no idea how it was supposed to work but he was sure he could figure it out.

"Wait," Quin said as he stood and looked back at the starport, "Did that pink fether call me 'miss'?"
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Pimpin' Aint Easy
Slithering or rather trying to slither through the streets, the ornate 'walking' cane he carried clacked against the hard streets below with each movement forward. A different planet. A different spaceport. Same old attempts at recruiting newcomers into his business. Harajuba was on the lookout for a pretty face in all species - his clients liked a variety after all. Whom was he to judge?

Honeyed colored eyes immediately caught something unusual however. They narrowed behind red sunglasses, as if trying to discern what he was seeing was correct. So far it appeared to be so.

'Walking' stick clacked against the street once more as he slithered in the direction of the man pulling apart the waste management droid. An odd thing to do in daylight, even on a planet such as this. Bold. Unusual. Brazen. Which meant in typical Harajuba fashion he was going to say something, even if the other didn't understand Huttese.

[[ Attempting to chop a droid in broad daylight? You've got a pair on you. ]]

A deep belly laugh, pleased at his own joke.
Harajuba Harajuba

Quin had bent down and was angrily putting tools back in his luggage. He had to go and set that human straight. He wasn't a 'Miss'. That was somehow sexist, racist, and probably some other 'ist' all in one statement. The guy had scanned his I.D. for kark's sake!

He stood as he put gis last tool into his case and looked back to see an accident in the street. Bad drivers, man. They were everywhere. He was moments from crossing the street when he heard a clack-cllacking and a voice clearly directed at him.

"I was just about to go tell that pink customs guy the same thing!" Quin said as he tossed his hands out in exasperation, "My pair are bigger than his!"

He grabbed his case to storm off when he saw he was talking to a well dressed Hutt with a walking stick.

"Why do you have a walking stick?" Quin asked, "Is it the sound? Clack clack let's them know your coming right?"

He pointed a finger gun at the Hutt, the droid in pieces forgotten.

"That's pretty smart."


Pimpin' Aint Easy
"Why do you have a walking stick?" Quin asked, "Is it the sound? Clack clack let's them know your coming right?"

He pointed a finger gun at the Hutt, the droid in pieces forgotten.

"That's pretty smart."

Another laugh and a final clang on the streets as his massive form came to a halt to speak to this gregarious stranger. Harajuba was not so worried he would be pick-pocketed, after all, it was hard to reach into his might fat folds and find his credcards. One upside to being large ; most tended not to mess with him, despite his slow mobility.

[[ If one cannot see my form coming, then they must be blind. ]] Amusement danced in the Hutt's eyes. [[ More for fashion, the walking stick. Part of a curated look. I want to be noticed. It seems to be working. ]]

Walking stick pointed to the droid.

[[ You have talents that far exceed mere droid theft. Swindling would do you well. ]]

Quin Vista Quin Vista

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