Art by RayArtz
| Social Information |
Name: Areiana “Areia” Slayer
Titles: Smuggler
Former Titles: Jedi Padawan
Homeworld: unknown
Living Situation: On board her ship
Sexuality: bisexual
Marital Status: Single
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Rank: Jedi Padawan
Force Alignment: Lightside
Voice Sample: Kate Mara
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Height: 5'10
Weight: 130 pounds
Eye Color: right eye is Jade Green her left is blue
Hair Color: Waist long red hair warn in a braid
Father- Draco Slayer (deceased)
Mother- Unknown
Master: Draco Slayer
Mentor: Draco Slayer
| Powers and Abilities |
Lightsaber training -
Force abilities -
| Possessions |
Ship: modified YT-1300 light freighter Called the Golden Dragon that had belonged to her father.
| Biography |
Ariea was raised by her father a former Jedi who gave up it up to become a smuggler. She never knew her mother being told she died during childbirth. She grow up in a world of smugglers learning from her father how to be a good smuggler. When her father found out his daughter was force strong he took her as his apprentices training her how to the use the force.
She was almost done with her training all that was left was to make her saber when it happened. Their ship was attacked and boarded, Areia didn't know what was going on but her father fearing his daughters safety hid her in one of the hidden compartments used for smuggling. She could see through an crack in the wall she watched a shadowy figure enter and speak to her father. They seem to argue and the figure draw a light saber and stabbed her father. She had to hid and watch her father die as they tore the ship apart looking for something. When they were sure whatever they were looking for wasn't on board they left the ship adrift.
Areia held her father as he became one with the force after he saw his child was safe. She decide to become a smuggler in her fathers name, never finishing her training. She used her fathers light saber when it was need but only used the force when she had no choose.