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Aren Rivas

Aren Rivas


NAME: Aren Rivas
FACTION: First Order Security Bureau

RANK: Special Agent


AGE: 30

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6'0"
WEIGHT: 160lbs

EYES: Amber

HAIR: Black

SKIN: White



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

[+]Crack Shot - Aren is a trained killer, a great shot who doesn't find much trouble hitting his mark when in a sensible range with a blaster pilot. His skill with a blaster solely revolves around the use of a pistol, larger rifles and carbines he is less skilled with and he has no idea what to do if you give him a sniper rifle or a rocket launcher. He's an up close and personal kinda guy.
[+] Martial Artist - When guns don't work, a little bit of hand to hand can give him the edge against opponents in close range and he can hold his own a little against someone with a blade as long as he can disarm them quickly...lightsaber not so much.
[+] Silent - Need him to get in somewhere without anyone knowing about it, kill someone, steal something, blow something up? He's your guy.
[+]Deceit - Aren has...problems, but most people don't know about it and he's able to hide it pretty well. Learning to hide his own problems and addictions can be more of a hindrance to his own personal health, but it means that he's also exactly the kind of person who can keep First Order secrets hush hush.
[-]Substance abuse - Back in his days with the Cartel, Aren fell into the old trap of get high off his own supply of spice and grew something of an addiction to it and unless he fuels his habbit, he can suffer nasty withdrawal symptoms. This is definetly something that could also be used against him in his position in the Bureau.
[-]Alcoholism - When he can't get spice, a good stiff drink is the best medicine. Sadly this means he'll probably be on the floor of some dive bar at 3AM.
[-]Depression - Riddled with debt, hopelessly hooked on spice, living in a crappy apartment, Aren spends a lot of time in bed wondering what the point of everything is. He's gone 30, he's got no family and nothing in his life but his job. Sometimes he won't even get out of bed unless the boss calls. This leads most people to just think he's an eccentric recluse always off on some job. The higher ups most likely notice his behaviour a little more.
[-]Authority problems - Aren likes to do things his way and when he can't, you can be sure he'll make a fuss about it.

Male, 30, 6 foot, unkempt hair, messy clothes, tired looking

Born on Bespin, Aren came from a poor mining family. To him that ball of gas was hell, a place he was desperate to escape to no matter the cost and avoid growing up to become a miner. As a teenager he became involved in various street gangs, running into trouble with the authorities constantly to the point he even did a small amount of time in juvinille, but through all of this he never gave up on his dream to leave. At the age of 17, he met a smuggler who offered to take him off world for a small sum and found himself dumped on Nar Shaddaa and in a work contract with the Hutt Cartel. For them he carried out various odd jobs from petty theft, smuggling, intimidation, spice dealing and eventually assassination contracts.

During this time, he attracted the attention of a crime boss who took a liking to him and took him under his wing, releasing him from his work contract. Eventually at the age of 23, he was one of the boss's top distributors, but Aren got in over his head and got wrapped up in a plot to take over the operation. Suffice to say, it did not go well and it resulted in having to flee for his life and returned briefly to Bespin to hide out. In Bespin he was scouted by the FOSB and joined their ranks as in infiltrator who did the dirty jobs that others didn't want to touch with many of his fellow agents looking down on him and viewing him as an errand boy. Still, his talents were recognised and he was promoted to Special Agent. At the age of 30, he's still an infiltration specialist with a seemingly dead end career that isn't moving anywhere.

For a little while he had trouble with Cartel Thugs and Bounty Hunters trying to find him, but he mostly managed to conceal his location and eventually he became a ghost that they stopped bothering to actively hunt. To them he was just a fly anyway.
VCX-700 heavy courier




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