Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Arhiia Voronwe

Arhiia Voronwe

Age15 STY
SpeciesHapan / Epicanthix
Hair ColorDirty Blonde
Eye ColorCrystal Clear Blue
Weight130 LBS
RankPadawan Learner
Force AlignmentLight Side


Sun-kissed skin. Eyes with depths untold. Athletic and toned. Thin and nimble.

Arhiia, much like the mother she never knew is a dead-ringer for her. Her hair most times is pulled into a quick and sloppy bun, or braided and tied in place. When looking at Arhiia, one would automatically assume with a strong enough breeze she would be taken away, and this is close to the truth -- unlike her Father Iston Voronwe, she is much more frail. Arhiia is not one to dress flashy, nor to really one to want attention drawn her way. Her outfit typically consists of her Brown Leather half Jacket, White Button Blouse, Leather Suspenders, Black Skinny Jeans and Combat Boots -- with her satchel typically slung over her shoulder hauling books and all her typical supplies.



  • Training Lightsabre
  • Medicinal Satchel
  • Leather Bound Journal / Pen Set
  • Throwing Daggers


Snarky/Sarcastic at times. Fiercely Loyal. Intelligent. Strategist. Quick Learning. Loving. Lonely. Big Heart. Loves Books. Longs for Affirmation. Seeker of Truth / Justice. Follower of Ashla.

Arhiia is to most, an intense young lady. Always with her head in books, training or off somewhere alone in a corner staring into the distance lost in her own thoughts. Most of her childhood spent being forced to train or do things her Father felt were necessary, Arhiia has always had a hard time speaking her mind -- simply because she knows what she has to say, made little to no difference to her Father, this caused her to retreat away internally and caused her to feel alienated from everyone. Capable of massive highs, and deep lows -- Arhiia, regardless of what others 'want' for her, as always felt destined for something more but like most things it eludes her.


  • Book Smart - Always in the books, there is not a day Arhiia doesn't like to spend in the Archives.
  • Iron Will - Much like her father, and thanks to her heritage, Arhiia has a strong mental wall and excels in mental influence and resistance.
  • Tactician - Arhiia has a strong ability to effectively plan and strategize, keeping steps ahead while under pressure.
  • Determined - Despite Arhiias physical lack of strength, nothing deters this young woman once she sets her mind to something.


  • Child of Burden - Arhiia feels her life is the reason her Father and her do not have a relationship... she is the reason her Mother no longer lives.
  • Frail - Always preferring to spend time in the Archive, Arhiia has always been more of a 'runt' than the rest of her class. Often at times skipping practices to put her nose in a book.
  • Lonely - Arhiia has always had a hard time making friends, in large part to her own shattered family.


Arhiia grew up in the Jedi Order, the brat of a Master so to speak. Her father, Iston Voronwe, a decorated Jedi had his lovely girl to his wife -- whom he'd lost during childbirth. Arhiia in her early years sought and found comfort in books as her Father was never around enough -- the daughter, whom was the exact doppelganger of her Mother caused her father much sorrow as the love of his life and him never got to continue the life they'd had. Her relationship with her Father is... complex -- while she loves the only parent she has, a rift has formed which she cannot seem to cross on her own.

Constantly found in the Jedi Archives, Arhiia has spent much of her time there in pursuit of knowledge. Unlike most of her peers, Arhiia has always been the 'runt' of the litter... constantly making trips after training sessions to the Jedi Healers, or constantly having to wrap injuries -- however, despite her lacking physical stamina, Arhiia always persevered through. Having seen his daughters tenacity, Iston has helped to influence and push her in a path she did not want necessarily as she was content with staying in the Archives. Now Arhiia awaits a Master, knowing she'll be moving towards the role of Padawan and then to Knight one day.


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