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Approved Ranged Weapon Aria and Sonata, Twin Custom Blaster Pistols

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Manufacturer: Jonyna Si, Si Tech
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Light
Size: Average



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  • Waterproof: The twin pistols are designed in such a way so that they function completely underwater, regardless of depth. The sealed system also makes it so that chemicals will not alter the ability for weapon to function, without significant effort.
  • Quick on the Draw: The pistols are designed to be lightweight, and custom balanced to make quick draws easy as can be.
  • Attachment Railing: The top of the blaster is fully customizable, which whatever attachments you wanna throw on it.
  • Anyway You Want It: Designed off the back of several successful pistol designs, Jonyna had the boys at Si Tech cook up a set of custom pistols that can function in anyway Jenn might need them. From Ion bolts, to stun bolts, to regular blaster bolts, to cryo, shock, or thermal shots. The twin sirens do it all, all under the same power cell.
  • Bite Down: At the expense of an entire gas canister or power cell, the Sirens can let loose a single powerful blaster bolt to overpower armored targets.
  • Selective Fire, Integrated: Si Tech's genius designers designed the weapon to integrate into the HUD of whatever the user is wearing automatically, should they have the correct permissions. This allows the user to switch firing modes not through a switch, but simply by selecting it through thought.
  • Firehose: The Twin pistols, much like the Fang before them, are designed with three fire modes. Single shot, Burst fire, and Full auto. All three pack a hell of a punch, and the full auto fires a massive amount of bolts very quickly.
  • Compact: Despite it's output, the twin custom pistols is quite small, able to be concealed and lugged around quite easily.
  • Still a Pistol: Despite the upgrades, the twin pistols designed for the mando still have the downside of limited ammo capacity. Whether it be the Bite Down function, or the simple use of Full Auto, the Pistol only has about 10 seconds of tibanna to spend on full auto, and about 300 shots total, regardless of the type of bolt ejected from it.
  • Overheat: The blaster, should it be fired in full auto, will quickly overheat. This is a problem that the designers knew going into the concepting stage.
  • Overwhelming Fire-Oh no: The Bite Down function, while powerful, does more or less guarantee an overheat, causing the pistol to be inoperable for a few seconds before it cools down.
Jonyna Si had long feared and distrusted Mandalorians. But she always respected their craftsmanship.

Then she met Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze .

The star-crossed lover couldn't help but enthrall Jonyna, and Jonyna did what Jonyna does when she falls head over heels for someone.

She made them cool stuff. In this case, a pair of twin pistols to upgrade Jenn and allow her some better firepower. She wanted her new girlfriend to have the best equipment money could buy, a holdover from Jonyna's days as a rebel using whatever equipment she could steal or scrape together. In this case, a pair of twin pistols that she had her company produce, designed to work completely underwater, and allow the mando a new set of weapons to play with. Something of a fusion between previous Si Tech designs, the pistols are designed to be a bit of everything, with none of the downsides. Such a design would be impossible to mass produce, but for two very special pistols, for a very special mermaid, Jonyna figured they were worth the time and effort.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To make a gift for Jonyna's new girlfriend
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: My Subs

Technical Information

Affiliation: Jenn Kryze
Model: N/A
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Long Range
Rate of Fire: Selective Fire
Material: Songsteel, Sonic-Blaster Components, Internal Faraday Cage, Blaster Components, Dallorian Alloy, Reinforced Duraplast, City-tree Wood
Ammunition Type: Power Cell
Ammunition Capacity: Small
Damage Output: Extreme
Recoil: High
Ranged Class: Pistol
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