Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Arina Zjarri

Arina Zjarri

Standard Profile Template


NAME: Arina Zjarri
FACTION: Shapers of Kro Var
RANK: Initiate
AGE: 18
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'7"
WEIGHT: 135lb
EYES: Grey
HAIR: Dyed purple/blue depending on mood
SKIN: Fair


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Natural fire Shaper: From a young age Arina has had a natural affinity to fire shaping, to the point where she creates it from her mouth even when she's not trying.
Uncontrolled flames: Her ability is so natural that she often produces dangerous flames accidently.
Flexible: Arina is extremely flexible.
Dancer: Arina loves moving, and dancing is how she expresses herself to those around her.
Fiery temperament: Unable to fully control her emotions, she often gets angry quick. It also is difficult for her to concentrate on any one thing, as she quickly gets bored and moves on.

Born to the Zjarri tribe, Arina was considered a prodigy at Shaping. So from a young age she was forced to undergo intensive training, training that she often skipped out on to go and have fun on her own. More often she could be found somewhere alone, dancing. Though she never received formal training, it is one of the few passions of her life that she had never grown bored of... unlike most.

Now she is of age, and her training remains incomplete. Her flames are uncontrolled, and a danger to any around her. While she is supposed to take over for her tribe given her natural talent, it is questionable as to whether she will ever prove herself worthy given her penitent for flights of fancy.



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