Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Arinn Vistasis

In Umbris Potestas Est
NAME: Arinn Vistasis
FACTION: Vistasis Mercantile and Financial
AGE: 27
HEIGHT: 5'7"
WEIGHT: 130 lb
EYES: Iron grey
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Caucasian


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Financial and mathematical genius:

Arinn is a wizard at both math and business, capable of extroardinary feats with these two things

Able to perform basic telepathy:

He can read his opponent's minds, offering him somewhat of an edge

Immensely wealthy:

Has lots of resources

Very manipulative:

Smooth talking, this guy can convince you of almost anything


Physically weak:

Arinn has virtually no ability to put up any fight whatsoever


Has virtually no morals, and cannot feel any compassion whatsoever

To come

Arinn Vistasis was born to an extremely wealthy family on Centares, the Vistasis clan, the premier banking firm other than the IGBC in the Outer Rim. Financing trade guild after trade guild, they amassed an immense fortune. His father, Ardis, was a drunk flawed human being who beat him, melding him into the psychopath he is now. His mother was a distant socialite more focussed on gaining social prowess than caring for her child. Yet, she taught him one of his most valuable assets and abilities: his manipulative genius and his talent for convincing.

After his fathers suspicious death which was framed as suicide by the Centarean Royal Police (which, in reality, was Arinn killing his father), Arinn inherited the vast wealth. He liquidated the banking clan, selling all assets to the rival IGBC. He then moved to the Core Worlds, looking to continue endeavors there.

His story starts as he moves with his money into the big businesses, looking to start his real life.

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