Aryn Teth

"The galaxy is full of liars, and I'm king of them."

General Information
Full Name: Arix Valen
Rank: Moff
Faction: The Galactic Empire
Gender: Male
Age: Thirty-four
Species: Human
Planet of Origin: Alderaan
Voice Sample: Darin De Paul - Ardyn Izunia
Occupation: Imperial Moff
Force Sensitive: Yes

Physical Information
Height: Six Foot One
Weight: One Hundred and Sixty Pounds
Physical Build: Lithe
Hair: Strawberry Brown
Skin Tone: Pale White

Psychological Information
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Unmarried
Charming | Ruthless | Ambitious | Untrustworthy
Arix always stands on ceremony, ready to impress and beguile those he is around with his wit and his charm. The Moff almost always has a smile on his lips and a smart comment or jab to make, whether it's in negotiations or a simple conversation. Arix has developed quite a skill for winning people to his side, both in political and social contexts. Below his usually charming facade though is a black heart. Arix is an incredibly ruthless individual, often willing to go to any means necessary when his charm fails him to ensure his demands and desires are met. He has almost no moral compass when it comes to meeting his agenda.
Arix has used his ruthlessness to his advantage, as well as his charm. Throughout his career, Arix has manoeuvred perfectly, undermining those above him or gaining enough allies to further his position until he has reached his rank currently. Though some respect him for his willingness to excel and gain more in the way of power, it has also become something of a concern for those above him. Many of Arix's superiors are particularly careful around the man, as they know it is likely he would like nothing more than to take their positions.

Strengths and Weaknesses
Shrewd Negotiator
- Trained and experienced with negotiation, Arix knows what to say and when.
- Arix is particularly skilled at reading his mark and finding out their pressure points.
Untrained Marksman
- Having only rarely been engaged in combat, and never been a member of the military, Arix has no formal training with a blaster.
- Though he carries one, his hand is generally shaky and inaccurate.
Knife in the Dark
- Arix has a surprising and impressive ability with a Vibro knife, in contrast to his poor ability with blasters.
- Arix is prone to bursts of speed, usually able to get in close and try to overwhelm his opponents with blows.
King of Liars
- Arix is known for his untrustworthy, deceitful nature, and he owns it, it's unlikely that anyone would trust Arix upon meeting him.
- From time to time, Arix's untrustworthiness can make his negotiations difficult, as he usually has to rely upon the legitimacy of the Empire to push negotiations forward when trust is needed.

Clothing and Armour
A180 Blaster Pistol

Raider-Class Corvette 'The Masquerade'

Arix commands and gains transport aboard a Raider-Class Corvette called 'The Masquerade.' Arix has hand-picked the majority of the crew, and makes an effort to know each individual member of his crew as well as he can, ensuring they are as loyal as possible to him. Often, through blackmail.

To be Completed
- Born to a Noble House on Alderaan
- Develops a great deal of support, gains control of his house
- Eventually exiled for the assassination of his elder brother
- Signs on with the Galactic Empire's diplomatic corps
- Quickly rises through the ranks, undermining his superiors to gain support
- Eventually is promoted to the rank of Moff, one of the head diplomats on the Moff Council