Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

NAME: Ark Tallen
FACTION: Omega Pyre
AGE: 47
GENDER: male
HEIGHT: 6 ft 4 inches
WEIGHT: 170 pounds
EYES: blue
HAIR: black
SKIN: white
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
STRENGTHS- Is a boiled to the bone soldier. years of training have caused him to be lotal and unforgiving in the face of an attack, his battle skills are nearly unmatchable. Getting the job done is his only priority and it will be his last. Having a knowledge base that is precisly fit to give him an advantage in any situation, from pure stealth to all out aggravated assault.
WEAKNESSES- Ark's soldier abilities have caused him to have no conception of life or death, human instincts have almost abandoned him, making his choices suffer (EX. a loved one is being killed yet there is a limited amount of time to kill a target, Ark would go after the target without a second thought). putting this into play he doesn't think before he acts, putting himself and everyone around him in danger. his lack of human instincts also cause him to be very aggressive and unsociable.
none for now
Early life:
Ark was born on a mining station and spent his early life helping out fellow workers. He helped them they would give him food and a bed, simple as that. Life for him was dull and hard. he carried boulders and explosives everyday for the minors until he had become the age of 18. Now that was a very difficult time for him, seeing what life was like outside of the mining facility often intrigued him.
Ark's father was unloving and cruel, and it rubbed off on him. Ark soon learned the way of life that made things easy, kill or be killed. better was to say that if you were loving, you ended up hurt or killed, making attachments to things would only slow a person down. He lived like that until the day that the sith overthrew the planet. They stormed the mine and began to kill relentlessly. The other men cowered, but Ark didn't let fear take hold, and that was about the time the sith took him in.
Days in the sith:
Ark was almost instantly impounded into boot camp. not the regular soldiers boot camp either. This was a 4 year long training program in order to make the meanest, most cold blooded predator the sith spec-ops had ever known. Few of the ten men who went into it survived, there where only three left after it was done. It started out with hand to hand combat. There where no instructions on how to defend yourself, in the beginning it was the instructors beating the tar out of the trainees until they learned to defend themselves.
7 months into it the soldiers had learned how to disarm, maim, secure, counter and silently kill any opponent. They had put the trainees in old fugitive campgrounds and made them silently kill every soul in the compound. Ark learned the lesson of life. every soul died, it was nature taking its course, there was no reason not to kill a soul even when it was undeserving.
Then Ark learned not to befriend or trust anyone, while the other trainees became fond of eachother Ark trained for the day the sith made him kill them. He was ready. when the death match began Ark would snap necks, break throats and otherwise kill viciously. Ark then sacrificed everything he had to become the ultimate soldier. The last four fighters where not allowed to kill each other, they had survived, and they where a team.
Life after boot camp:
Ark and his team where initialized into the sith spec ops team. They would perform multiple jobs, for example, scoping out an enemy planet, taking out republic politicians, causing acts of terrorism to distract the republic an startle their troops. Never once did his team fail. they where once the most highly praised spec ops squad in the sith. but eventually the sith found what they had created. not a human, but a machine, a machine with the capabilities of wiping out an army. If this soldier went rouge, there was nothing standing between him and destroying the sith, or most of it.
So the sith official, General Mardam, attempted to kill the squad. A tactical force team with half of the experience of Ark was able to shoot down his entire squad. But they failed, being ferociously torn up by the bloodthirsty soldier. A kill warrant went out for him, and he was able to shoot down every bounty hunter that went his way. He wasn't after the sith, he was after Mardam. The coward knew what he had brought up, and he his behind a mantle of security and strike teams, guarding every door in the perimeter of the tower he was in.
It wasnt enough. Ark still got into his office, the man was filled with fear, the man who had been so high and mighty had fallen into a pit of despair. But Arks sense of sympathy had long been forgotten, and the man suffered for what he had done.
Ark disappeared from all official records and the ones that couldn't be erased only named him as corrupted. he had completely disappeared from everything, he did what he did best. All of his training lead up to him using his skills to completely overcome the mighty army of the sith, and outsmarting them. He was off the grid and became a legend, officially, he was still wanted by the sith, but everyone either thought he was dead or never existed at all.
He took off to find more work. there was nothing left to do. he had tied up his past and left it in a blasterbolt in General Mardam's head. He couldn't abandon his only set of skills, killing, so he went for mercenary work. But that's not the end of his story, it had only just begun.