Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Personal Information:

NAME: Arkan
RANK: Jedi Master
AGE: 30
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'5"
WEIGHT: 205lbs
EYES: Hazel-Green

HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Caucasian
FORCE SENSITIVE: Very in tune with the force.


Experience with Light and Dark side of the force.
Form I user.

Strong headed
Loyal to his friends


Tall and lean, with a scratchy brunette beard and dark brown eyes.


Arkan was born on a unknown planet where his mother and father were fleeing. He moved from system to system during his youth and never had a place to call home. His mother who had been trained in the force taught him how to use it after she realized he was force sensitive, and she taught him how to speak through the force. He continued to train with his mother during his childhood. When his parents deemed he was old enough he used his mothers grey lighsaber and his father taught him how to fight with it as he had been a gladiator most of his life and had used swords quite frequently. He became very in tuned with the force and also very skilled with a saber. One day while they were on the planet of Tatooine trading for supplies a slaver took his mother and sold her to the Hutt's. Due to his rage and skill he and his father planned a way to get his mother back. His father and him got into the palace by Arkan using the force on the guards and went looking for his mother. After searching everywhere they met up and discussed their options. They had no choice they had to confront the Hutt. Arkan walked into the main room where the Hutt was seated his fat body covering a large portion of the room. He took out his mothers saber and stuck it to the Hutt's neck ordering him to make his men stand down, obeying he looked into the eyes of the Hutt and asked him where was his mother. The hutt let out a belly laugh and told him that his mother tried to escape but she failed and they killed her, in dismay Arkan let down his guard and the Hutt's soldiers attempted to attack him. From no where his father came out and attacked the guards letting his son escape. As Arkan was running he could here his fathers last yell of defiance as he was cut down. Arkan ran all the way back to their ship and turned everything on and opened the holo-map looking for a place to go, anywhere to go....

Years later after running he found anther force sensitive who was willing to teach him, she took him on as her apprentice and taught Arkan more about the ways of the light. Arkan's master had spent years studying and learning the ways of the force and taught him a lot about the past of the order and about the force as a whole. Shi'za his master was a wise elder who he respected and looked up to. After years of training under her she brought him through a version of the trials she had made for him and he succeeded in every test that was put to him and she walked up to him on the last days of the trials and told him that if this was anything like the old order he would be a Jedi Knight. Carrying this new "rank" with pride he kept learning and after two more hears with Shi'za she passed away leaving him alone with a little protocol droid. He started traveling the galaxy again and did small tasks for people to earn money while he searched for more ways to learn about the force. One day while he was traveling he felt a strong presence from the force emitting by a nearby planet. Arkan, on his mission to explore and learn decided to visit the planet. When he landed he got out of his ship and told his protocol droid to stay there while he walked through the forest of the planet around him. Suddenly a mist started swirling around him as he hears the laughter of the Hutt from so long ago, he reaches for his mothers Sabre and pulls it out looking around. As sudden as it appeared the mist went away. Felling uneasy he decided to move on further into the forest where he stumbled upon a temple where ventured inside looking at the text on the walls and the pictures depicted. While he was walking he was attacked by huge beasts that tore open his right arm, he yelled in pain as he turned and struck them down and kicked the other one away before it could strike him. He ran out of the temple but before he could reach his ship the mist swirled around again and he could here the pleading cries of his mother, he couldn't do anything he was too weak, but before he could do anything the mist went away he ran to his ship and left the planet vowing to never return again.




Force Powers

Padawan | Knight | Master | Council | Grandmaster

Force Sight: Force sight, also known as Force seeing or Combat sense, was a basic Force ability, perhaps related to Force sense. It enhanced the bearer's visual and spatial perception even in the dark or behind walls. "Seeing" with the Force was a useful skill for as Obi-Wan Kenobi said, "Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them." Trained users could have their sight amplified and were able to counter Force persuasion and Force blinding powers.

Throw: A Force tactic in which you can control the path of your lightsaber when thrown. You can send it pinwheeling through clusters of ambushers before returning it to your grip. With refinement, the tactic can be used to aim and accelerate any thrown object, such as a stone or thermal detonator.

Cyrokinesis: A siphoning of essence that leaches the life intensity from another, leaving behind a frost-shrouded corpse. Thought this tactic usually causes the heat vitality of another being to hemorrhage, it is not possible to channel that vitality for your own use.

Telekinesis: Is the ability to lift, move and otherwise manipulate objects using the power of the Force. For a sufficiently skilled practitioner, the size of the object did not matter. One could lift something as small as a piece of fruit to an X-wing starfighter, as well as dispel gaseous substances.

Pyrokinesis: was a Force power that allowed a Force-user to manipulate and generate fire by rubbing and heating up air molecules together.

Emerald Lightening: It showed up as yellow or green energy instead of blue or white, but otherwise it was very similar in both appearance and usage to the Force power known as Force lightning. This power was uncommon and controversial among the Jedi because of its intrinsic association with anger and aggression.

Push: A kinetic wave that emerges from your hands or head and can knock a single enemy off balance or scatter a group in all directions.

Force Speed: Using the Force to increase one's speed was a common ability among many Force-users throughout history, with many able to both use the Force to increase their muscle speed and to slow down their perception of the world. The increased speed of the Force-user enabled them to see the world and the entities around them in slow motion, allowing them to dodge attacks easily and attack more quickly with greater accuracy. With sufficient skill in this ability, one could actually run on vertical surfaces for brief periods of time.

Force Blast: Using one's hands, the conjurer could project focused blasts of dark side energy, that could obliterate objects,or destroy living beings or creatures. At first, users would experience moderate difficulty in controlling such powerful dark side energy. With practice, the aspiring sorcerer could learn to direct the energies into a power that could obliterate anything in its path. Sometimes the user would suffer burns to their flesh, but feel no pain.

Lightsaber Combat

Form I - Shii-Cho

As Shii-Cho was an extension of traditional sword-fighting styles, it retained the basics of attacks, parries, and body zones established by such ancient methods. Shii-Cho fostered an emotionally-heated mindset, which resulted in the considerable temptation to execute combat with lethal intent, requiring great restraint to exercise the form without going too far. Despite the pull to kill, the style was designed for the purpose of disarming without seriously injuring.

Shii-Cho swordplay was simplistic and raw. In the hands of a master, the bladework was described as "like watching water flow over the falls." However, less adept practitioners displayed much more basic and somewhat clumsy performance. In combat, Form I encouraged deliberate tactics, calling for continuous, step-by-step advancement while cutting off the opponent's angles.

Shii-Cho was specialized towards engaging multiple opponents, the wide, sweeping motions being ideally suited towards attacking numerous adversaries. However, Form I was not as useful against single opponents, as such enemies had complete mobility and could find a weakness in Shii-Cho's comparatively clumsy bladework.

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