Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Arkania's Phrik (If you have a reason to defend Arkania's Phrik, come)

PLanet: Arkania
Location: The Phrik Mine (Just outside the mine)
Mission: Steal the Phrik

The area was cold, so cold, Romeo was using Convention to keep warm. He only could only guess how angry Adan was for having to be back in the cold. "Eliza, having fun in the snow?" he asked from behind him. They had borrowed a freighter to hull the precious metal back. Romeo scoped out the mine, he could see miners going in, and out of the large mine shaft. Machines did their job in carrying out the Phrik, and that was his target, taking the Phrik from the machines carrying the Phrik, and driving it back to the freighter. "Adan, see them things, wait what are they? Some kind of droids? Anyways see those things carrying the Phrik? That's what we are taking." He called out from behind him towards the devil man. Romeo was wearing a parka, with his mask covering his face. He was trenched in white to hide himself from who ever may want to stop them.

Romeo stood up form his crouched position, and looked the apprentices. "Plan is you will cover us Adan if anyone if someone try's to stop of, Eliza you are with me, stay with me, and do as I say. We get this done, we'll be in possession of some of the greatest metal ever in the galaxy." His faceless mask showed no emotion, and his voice was soft, but cold. This was a no nonsense mission, and the apprentices would be on their first mission, how they performed would tell him how much practicing they had been doing. Who needed to be put under heavier training, who deserved to be slacked on. He was not harsh, this was what happened when you were a teacher.
[member="Adan Jax"] [member="Eliza Downheart"]
Eliza was truly enjoying the cold, "I am yes, thank you." She spoke with a slight smirk. She then let Romeo finish his splurge and she nodded along. Around her she studied the mines, they were fairly big. They were yet again something she had never seen before. She had also never seen the droids before. It was all so different to her. "So essentially we are stealing some super amazing metal, and hopefully we won't get attacked. IF we are attacked Adan will handle it?" She looked straight at Romeo to make sure she had this right. She was very nervous about this but she knew that it would all work out. Though if it was as special a metal as he said it was then it would be very well protected. "Also, what happens if he can't fend off whatever attacks, if they attack?"

[member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Adan Jax"]
Adan looked towards the mines with a face of determination, "You guys have nothing to worry about, I can handle mostly anything that comes at us, I might not be a super Jedi but I still have my mercenary abilities. And those droids look like working droids therefore they will mostly likely will not try to challenge us to a fight while we are doing this." Adan was not happy at all about being in this freaking cold weather again after he spent so many years in it already. Adan will do what must be done that he has acquired as a self determination in anything he does. "I will stand guard outside of the mine entrance so in the case of anything that I don't like the sight of will not enter or leave." Adan was ready he was not nervous for he has done things far worse than this, he was energized excited to see what he can do after so long. [member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Eliza Downheart"]

Zion Krayt

The Jedi Knight's speeder left the Jedi Temple that had been built upon Arkania a while ago. In his time there were was no Jedi Temple upon Arkania, but his time was still twelve hundred years into the future, so he figured it must have fallen into ruin before he could ever set eyes upon it and it was forgotten, it was truly a shame for it was interesting to see such a magnificent structure upon a frozen planet.

Anyways, Zaren's speeder was heading straight for the phrik mines upon the planet. Normally, he wouldn't be so deep within Republic territory, but with Coruscant so close, it was possible for the One Sith to strike from there to Arkania and steal from the Phrik Mines located upon the planet. It never hurt to be sure, besides he was certain that if need be the Jedi nearby would help out the authorities.

Whatever the situation was at the mines, he'd see if he could help out, as he had upon Alderaan when he had to earn his own phrik by aiding within the mines. It was basic things, but he still helped.

With the Padawan that was accompanying him upon the speeder close by, they would be there in a few minutes.

[member="Hatake Mutashi"] [member="Adan Jax"], [member="Eliza Downheart"], [member="Romeo Sin"]
The young Jedi was accompanying a well known Knight named Zaren. He was angry when Corusant fell to the Sith since that was his home in the Jedi Temple that was now in ruins. He remained close to the Jedi as they headed towards to one of the mines of Arkania. After all, he would get some training out of this mission if there was any hostiles to fight with.

Hatake didn't say a word as they were still riding their speeders and would talk as soon as they arrived to their destination.

[member="Zaren Bouqi"]
Romeo nodded at Eliza, "You get behind me, and don't risk your lives. If I say run, you run." He replied to her question. He turned towards Adan, "Sounds like good to me." He said as he turned back to watch the mine for a few for seconds. He hated this cold, it was terrible, but he had his fire abilities to warm him up. "Alright lets go." He said as he made his descent down the ridge. "Eliza, do you think you're faster then me?" he said. He would have her go in if it required him to have to fight before he got into the mine itself. The frieghter was a few clicks behind behind the ridge they were coming from. Romeo lifted the parka's hood over his head. "Adan on me, Eliza stay behind us. Adan we will combine our fire if we have to.: he issued the commands.

They were maybe a a click from the mine now, and Romeo had his lightsaber in hand, ready for anything. "One day I will get yall your own lightsabers, till then make do with the blaster, and vibroswords i have given you." He said to his apprentices. He He needed this Phrik, and so he would also share with his apprentices. If only Corvus was here, he could make a Phrik arm for his cyborg part. He allowed the force to flow through him, to do his bidding, and give him power to fight.
[member="Eliza Downheart"] [member="Adan Jax"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"] [member="Hatake Mutashi"] [member="Raven of Poe"]
Eliza nodded with nervousness, " I may be faster. Why? Should I go ahead?" She make sure her hood was up and her cloak was open so she didn't have to worry about tripping over it. She kept her hand on the blaster at her hip. "I'm ready when ypu two are. As soon as
I get there I will start moving things into place so we get make a quick get away." She looked around and noticed nothing odd, yet. She really hoped that nothing would happen, they just had to be super sneaky and light on their feet. She was happy that she got to do her part, she was determined to do it well.

[member="Adan Jax"] [member="Hatake Mutashi"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"] [member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Raven of Poe"]
Adan walked up to Romeo grabbed his vibro blade for he was really good with it, Adan as well did get his fire inside of him ready for anything that might happen good or bad. "Yes sir I am ready." Adan zipped up his leather trench coat, for it was really freaking cold. So far nothing wrong was happening, and everything was going pretty smooth. Though Adan was actually itching for a good fight and now since he had learned some of his new power he wanted to see what he could do. @[member='Eliza Downheart'], [member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Raven of Poe"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"]
[SIZE=12pt]Corvus Romanov sat on mines entrance wearing his parka to hide. It was better than Tatoine. Though the cold did mess with his arm he felt pain as he opened the case and pulled the synthmesh arm. It gave him better protection and he needed it when he was around Romeo. Damn fire users. Though he hated the ability he liked Romeo. He had received the message to meet him here and packed two of his arms just in case. Phrik mines were fun there was factory here and he could build his new arm while here and perhaps to the handle of the light saber. He saw the two other apprentices approach with Romeo.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] Jumping down he landed with ease leaving his packs on the mines entrance. Someone could retrieve. If he didn’t make the arm here he would do it soon. He hadn’t worked with Phrik much but knew of its properties. An arm that could withstand a saber was the dream. Much of his arm now was durasteel. Blasters did not stand a chance against it. Moving his fingers he made the fingers click as he approached signaling his arrival. “Romeo oh Romeo…you’re late.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][member="Romeo Sin"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][member="Adan Jax"][/SIZE]

[member="Zaren Bouqi"]

[member="Eliza Downheart"]

[member="Hatake Mutashi"]

Zion Krayt

The Jedi Knight's speeder arrived at the entrance of the mines and he looked around, and once he saw nothing he started to walk into the mines, hands clasped behind his back while he began to investigate to see if all was well. "Padawan Mutashi, guard the entrance and everything outside." He said briskly once he was halfway through the corridor.

Zaren felt as if something might happen upon that day, but he wasn't completely sure, he wasn't one for future seeing.

[member="Raven of Poe"] - [member="Adan Jax"] - [member="Eliza Downheart"] - [member="Hatake Mutashi"] - [member="Romeo Sin"]
[member="Zaren Bouqi"]

Lupe was so pumped he couldn't contain it. He wanted to fight danger and imperialism. He noticed his Master wasn't assigning him a role... but what was new? He was ready to shed blood. Lupe just cracked his knuckles.
"Where do you want me Zaren .... I mean Master."
"Yes, Master Zaren," Hatake nodded and bowed to him in respect. The padawan then sat down and began meditating and would stop if there was danger nearby or someone would summon him.

[member="Zaren Bouqi"]

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