Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Arkov Lyrandis

NAME: Arkov Lyrandis
FACTION: Omega Pyre
RANK: Private
AGE: 43
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 198.2 cm (out of armor) 204.0 cm (in armor)
WEIGHT: 87.9 kg
EYES: Blue Steel
HAIR: lightly greying brown
SKIN: lightly tanned



-Has an unflinching determination to get the job done no matter who or what stands in his path.
-Extremely proficient in hand to hand combat.
-Has extremely high levels of intelligence.

-Because of Arkov's preference of using overwhelming force against his enemies his weapons in turn are moderately unwieldy.
-Is mostly reliant on his equipment in order to keep a balance of strength and agility.
-Due to his age his body has begun to slowly break down from the heavy toll his lifestyle requires.



Arkov was born on Coruscant to a wealthy couple, growing up he is given the best education money can buy and is the taught the intricacies of basic life by his parents but as he gets older he starts ignoring them and starts to fall in with the wrong crowd. Small crimes such as theft soon start to lead to violent crimes such as assault and eventually he is arrested by the CSF. The officer takes pity on the young man and let's him go but warns him to stay away from the crowd he is caught up in.

Arkov agrees and at first follows through by keeping his hands clean but eventually slips back when one of his old friends decides to start up a mercenary outfit. Arkov agrees to help oversee the financing side of the operation but soon ends up as one of the primary operators in said outfit. He finds his preference for heavier weaponry such as anti material rifles and heavy slug throwers as well as exo-skeletons that boost his strength and agility, he also meticulously trains himself in hand to hand combat until he finds himself adequate enough for his position.

At first the jobs thrown at the merc outfit start in the grey area such as stealing cargo transports or serving as muscle for crime bosses but it starts a decent to worse and worse jobs. At this time Arkov starts to have doubts he can continue to operate alongside others who's morals are easily swayed by a few credits thrown their way. After a particularly brutal job offer Arkov backs out of he decides to get out of this lifestyle, he leads a rival outfit to the main center of operation for his fellow merc's while they're undertaking a mission and sets up an ambush, Arkov abandons them to their fate and gets out of the mercenary business.

Years go by and the lessons his parents tried to drill into him when he was younger finally start making sense now that Arkov is older and wiser and he decides to start over, he gets an honest job and settles down on some backwater colony. He ends up falling for someone and they have a daughter together. Time passes and Arkov learns that several members of the mercenary group he used to be a part of survived the ambush and had tracked him down. As he tries to convince his partner that they have to leave they are attacked in their home, Arkov manages to dispatch the last remnants of his old life quickly and violently in order to save his family. Horrified by what Arkov has done his partner leaves with his daughter to get her away from him.

Arkov alone with his thoughts finally breaks and slips back into his previous life as a mercenary, this time he aligns himself with the Omega Pyre so the jobs he takes part in are honest. Nearly every credit he earns he sends to his family so he can support them financially even if he will never be able to be there for them himself.


Durasteel Armored Exo-Skeleton
Anti material slug thrower
Rail gun secondary
Heavy slug thrower x2

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