Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Arlyeh and R'lyeh

Arlyeh and R'lyeh


Name: Arlyeh, Eden of Yun-Shel

Region: Outer Rim
System: Arlyeh
Suns: A Binary pair of stars sits at the center of the solar system. One yellow, one orange. Orbiting at the edge of the system, instead of numerous gas giants, is a single, small, white star.

Orbital Position: Locked in an orbit midway between the three stars and orbiting at a pace that keeps it continually between the three stars.

Moons: R'lyeh; the World Ship, Gift of Yun-Yammka,
Coordinates: O-20? (between Ceto and Aurum)
Rotational Period: 36 Hours
Orbital Period: 1,343 Days
Class: Terrestrial planet, 2x larger than Earth
Diameter: 22,343km
Atmosphere: Type II
Climate: Tropical
Gravity: 2x Standard
Primary Terrain: Vongformed Forests, Grasslands, Oceans,

Native species: None Remaining,
Immigrated species: Yuuzhan Vong, Chazrach, Numerous shaped creatures
Primary languages: Yuuzhan Vong, Galactic Standard,
Government: Dictatorship / Hive Mind
Population: 400,000 Humanoids, innumerable other organisms
Demonym: Arlynians
Major cities: None remaining
Major imports: Ores and Metals, Slaves, Refugees, Yuuzhan Vong on pilgrimages,
Major exports: Food, Shaped Warbeasts, Coral Starships,
Affiliation: Yuuzhan Vong, Horde

Culture: Whatever people once lived upon this world are as lost as the name it once held. WIP

Technology: The scattered remains of massive, ruined cities envelop much of the planet, poking out from beneath the canopy of vongformed forests and monster infested oceans. Where technology once flourished, only Vong organisms remain.

History: WIP

Notable PC's: C'thulu, the Yammosk

Intent: To create a cultural hub and holy site for the Horde and the Vong, as well as to give them a location from which to create organic creatures and starships.

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