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Approved Tech Armistice Dual/Staff Lightsaber

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Caedyn Arenais


  • Intent: To create a new Lightsaber and signature weapon for Caedyn Arenais, to be used as either a Lightsaber Staff, or as independent dual Lightsabers enhanced through the practice of Alkahest.
  • Image Source: Click here.
  • Canon Link: Not Applicable.
  • Permissions: Not Applicable.
  • Primary Source:
  • Manufacturer: Caedyn Arenais.
  • Affiliation: Caedyn Arenais.
  • Model: Dual Lightsabers/Double-Bladed Lightsaber.
  • Modularity:
    • Lightsaber Components may be repaired or replaced.
    • The two individual weapons can be interlocked in the center to create a Double-Bladed Lightsaber.
  • Production: Unique.
  • Material:
  • Classification: Lightsaber.
  • Size: Large.
  • Weight: Light.
  • Alkahest: The Lightsaber(s) have been created using Alkahest, infusing and reshaping the metal through the application of Force Light, significantly strengthening their natural properties in conjunction with the Light Side of the Force.
  • Songsteel: The primary metal used in the construction of the Lightsaber(s) ensuring high durability against other weapons of it's own make, resistant to a large variety of damage types to strengthen the weapon's longevity.
  • Beacon of Light: Through the application and practice of Alkahest, the Lightsaber Hilts have been molded by the Light Side of the Force and as such, due to the purity in which they have been imbued, can dispel or eliminate Dark Side Spirits and manifestations of Sith Alchemy.
  • Armiger of Unity: The Lightsaber empowers other Light Side Force Users nearby through boosting morale and strengthening their unified ability to combat against Dark Side practitioners of the Force. Examples such as strong feelings of confidence, strength and unity while working alongside others will be felt from the allies of the user. This gives the similar affect of Inspire.
  • Righteous Power: All practices of Light Side Abilities are significantly strengthened by the user of the Lightsaber, including mental fortification against the influence of the Dark Side of the Force. This gives the similar affect of Force Resistance.
  • Lightsaber Resistant: The metals used, as well as the way they have been enhanced through the Force, can withstand strong exchanges with other lightsabers without the risk of being damaged.
  • Force Nullification Fields: In the event that the user comes within proximity of Force Nullification Fields, all special effects or strengths provided by the Force Imbuement/Alkahest are rendered null and void.
  • Two-Handed Weapon (Double-Bladed/Staff): When used as a double-bladed lightsaber, the weapon requires both hands to properly weild with any true strength against other practiced swordsman utilizing blunt-force/kinetic weapons such as Vibroblades which carry much more weight and momentum than the standard Saber.
  • Work Faster, Not Harder (Dual Lightsabers): When divided into two individual weapons utilizing Jar'kai, the practitioner will sacrifice notable strength for added speed of mobility and strikes, requiring precision and tact over brute force.
  • Knee-deep: The Lightsaber cannot operate when fully submerged in water or similar substances.

As a much younger Student of the Force, Caedyn Arenais was first introduced to the art of Alkahest by Phylis Alince Phylis Alince , being given the honor of studying from the Chronicle of Light, as well as further instruction and guidance from Coci Heavenshield Coci Heavenshield in order to cover the basics that would start off his years of study and practice of the art, for which the Armistice Lightsaber is his latest achievement.

What makes the creation of this weapon so special and powerful within the Light Side of the Force is the care and skill taken in smelting and imbuing the very metals through the application of Force Light, molding and strengthening them at the molecular level, then reshaping the alloy into the appropriate components for the construction of the Lightsaber itself.
This practice is something that has taken Caedyn Arenais years to accomplish, having to delve deeper through meditation in order to feel out, and learn how best to manipulate their natural properties and attributes in their base state without compromising the durability and quality of the metal.

Regarding the form or model of the Lightsaber, Caedyn has taken inspiration from his fathers original Lightsabers, in that the individual standard lightsabers can be interlocked together to take the form of a double bladed-lightsaber if desired to adapt to the opposition or to further the users own capabilities through training and further practice.

The use of Songsteel, even without the added empowerment of Alkahest, is a very durable alloy capable of withstanding strikes from other lightsabers and energy based weapons. Additionally, the alloy is also reasonably light which made it an optimal choice when considering the type of weapon Caedyn might require or prefer to have during combat; In this case the ease of maneuverability and handling.

All passive qualities/effects are limited in range to personal proximity, able to cover a small group yet does not span farther than the eyes can see.
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Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Alright Caedyn Arenais lets take a once over.

It is a solid design and interlocking sabers are always fun.

Armiger of Unity: The Lightsaber empowers other Light Side Force Users nearby through boosting morale and strengthening their unified ability to combat against Dark Side practitioners of the Force. Examples such as strong feelings of confidence, strength and unity while working alongside others will be felt from the allies of the user.
This sounds much like Inspire and as a force ability if you could cite it.
What is the radius of this effect.

Righteous Power: All practices of Light Side Abilities are significantly strengthened by the user of the Lightsaber, including mental fortification against the influence of the Dark Side of the Force.
This sounds similar to Force Resistance so if you could cite it.
As with inspire what is the radius for it?

Having force light in the hilts is alright but how close do they have to get to dispel darkside spirits?

As you do not mention the use of aBifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse the weakness of it not being able to function under water

Caedyn Arenais

Krass Wyms Krass Wyms
  • Added references to Inspire and Force Resistance.
  • Added weakness to the weapon's inability to operate while submerged.
The application of Force Light was utilized during the metals reshaping, a Jedi practice known as Alkahest which is Chaos Canon to provide lightsiders with an equivalent to Sith Alchemy first introduced by Phylis Alince Phylis Alince . Although this practice has no wookieepedia content or link to refer to, it has been practiced by several writers over the years. I'm uncertain as to how one might refer to the practice within a Factory context.

As for the radius of the Lightsaber's passive effects, this is considered to be within personal proximity.
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