Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Manufacturer: Kaila "Irons" Solus
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Light
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"Through his teachings shall I become Iron Minded"
—Kaila Irons​
  • Intent: Personal armor for Kaila Solus
  • Image Source: Personal work
  • Canon Link: N\A
  • Permissions: N\A
  • Primary Source: Cortosis

  • Classification: Anti-Energy
  • Weight: Light
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: High
    • Kinetic: Low
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • Mental Powers(Force): High


  • Anti-Saber - Though the properties of Cortosis, the mask and gauntlet posses the ability to briefly short circuit or damage lightsabers on contact, or otherwise stand up to energy damage beside.
  • Telepathy Blocking -The near mask was constructed from reinforced Cortosis in order to isolate the wearer's thoughts from the outside world, preventing Jedi and Sith alike from reading the wearer's thoughts. Keeping with this theme of mental fortification, The mask has been further enhanced through Sith Alchemy to better resist a host of mental and mind altering powers.
  • Brittle - Due to the brittle nature of Cortosis, both the gauntlet and mask are far more susceptible to blunt force trauma and kinetic weaponry than they are plasma or energy weapons.
  • Coverage - Favoring a light traveling kit and a more agile approach to combat, Kaila was equipped with the bare minimum protection deemed necessary to complete her duties, that being a helmet, gauntlet, and decorate chest piece which covered only the lower half of the torso, leaving many noticeable gaps in her protection.


Kaila's Sith armor was something of a controversial and unorthodox project which began immediately upon her return to the Sith Empire. Initially, it was agreed by many that an apprentice of Darth Carnifex should be equipped for war despite her newfound scholastic duties as a Kainite Seeker, Most notably prompting Kaila's search for Cortosis for it's though isolating properties in the hopes that it would either hide her knowledge and intent from the ghost of Darth Parasideus who had haunted her since her extended stay on Dathomir. However, it was later criticized for incorporating Mandalorian elements within it's design such the vague T-shape of the visor and distinct curvature of it's cheek-plates, elements which she insisted where accidental, and that it more closely resembles the helmets of Sith Inquisitors and ancient Sith warriors.

She would go on to create a matching Cortosis gauntlet that was not clawed, but rather had metallic fingers nails and covered the entire hand, essentially becoming like a second skin with which she could deflect and even grab lightsabers, an aspect of her unorthodox fighting style that frustrated many of her sparring partners.

Despite the unique advantages of Cortosis, Kaila found that the lack of coverage and brittle nature of the metal meant that she could not allow her defensive saber forms to be found lacking, with both the mask and gauntlet having gained many scratches in their once black finish, with several pieces having since been welded back into place.

For now, she uses the armor more as a tool to gain the upper hand in duels and fortify her mind against mental interference as opposed to a true set of armor, relying on her own abilities in the force and in the saber, as any true Sith should.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: Personal armor for Kaila Solus
Image Source(s):
Permissions: N\A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Kaila "Irons" Solus
Modular: Yes
Material: Cortosis, Sarrassian Iron, Thaedian, Reflec
Classification: Anti-Blaster
Defense Rating: Average
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: Low
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Average
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