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Armor with built in hud and advanced movement systems?


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
With my previous question about terentatek plating on a suit of armor answered I now ask if I could possibly do a suit of armor similar to the master chiefs from halo with certain systems to enhance movement commy system etc...


Well-Known Member
Yes. But this is going to require more effort. There are suits that have servos built in to enhance muscles etc. But they tend to have dozens of posts worth kf dev for just that. Considering we will be doing the alch on the leather together, I can say it will probably need about 25-30 posts to be looked at legitametly.

Combined with the enhancing servos I would guess close to 60 posts of dev would be needed. That's also without any rare minerals.

If you want Phrik, Beskar, etc we will need more!
I think the amount of development for power armour-esque submissions is dependent on how much the armour increases strength / movement speed. Quite recently an armour system that increased the wearers strength got approved with no development thread. I would probably say that a 10 post development thread explaining how much the armour can handle / how fast it can move.

As for the comm systems and such, no developments threads necessary for that, as far as I'm aware anyway. You should probably check with a factory judge though.

Hope this helps :)

[member="Darth Atrace"] [member="Darth Pikiran"]


Well-Known Member
Well when I imagine power armor like halo, I picture one that at least doubles or triples strength so I guess a lot more dev for it. But yeah the basic idea is right lol


Disney's Princess
Keep in mind the ratio of strengths to weaknesses too. Any Factory Judge looking at Power Armor is going to want to see a weakness to the armor. Master Chief didn't have a weakness because he's a Videogame Mary Sue. Lol.

So if your Power Armor has joints or a neck seam, just add those to the sub as weaknesses. Otherwise Power Armor subs can read as: I am immune everywhere, to everything. Which is exactly the process the Factory was created to avoid.

To note. Star Wars is a very comfortable genre to be extremely powerful in. It's got Death Stars and Sith Wizards everywhere. So being extremely powerful is pretty common place here. Alas, Death Stars and Sith Wizards almost always have a terrible weakness that, (once exploited,) makes them seem pretty silly. So try to keep the SW universe in mind as you go about building stuff. Otherwise you'll find yourself being a Quantum Crystalline Gundam in no time. (like me) Oops. :D :p
Jay Scott Clark said:
Quantum Crystalline Gundam

and the few submissions I have done with power armor 4/5 of them required dev threads at least 40+ before submitting them and the ne that didn't is a bodyglove that you put below the armor plates. Just have fun with it and the judges will usually tell you if you should tone it down. Think Sarge made the strongest non event level.

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