Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Image Source: https://s-media-cach...b8a9d0727dd.jpg
Intent: Armor for Nox.
Development Thread: An Assassin's Rite
Manufacturer: The Hands of the Shadow.
Model: Hands of the Shadow armor.
Affiliation: Hands of the Shadow
Modularity: No.
Production: Limted
Material: Shell Spider Silk, Terantatek Hide, Sullust Leather.
Classification: Multi-Purpose Stealth Armor.
Weight: 4 kg.
Quality: 4
Special Features:
  • Blaster Resistant
  • Force Resistant
  • Near-Silent Movement
Created by the Hands of the Shadow for it's assassins, this lightweight armor was created utilizing no modern technology. It's most prominent feature is the terantatek hide inter-weaved with Shell Spider Silk, which provides resistance against both the Force and physical damage.
This Force resistance means wearers are immune against most Force powers, with the following exceptions:
  • Mentalism
  • Force push/crush
  • Force-enhanced strength
  • Telekinetically thrown objects
  • Anything that targets exposed areas.
  • Etc.
The hide plates cover vital areas such as the torso, midriff, shins, feet, arms, and hands. However, these plates make it more difficult for the wearer to be affected by Force techniques such as Healing, as well as dampening their own abilities as long as they wear gloves. Wearers of the armor also find it difficult to enhance properties such as speed or strength. It is difficult, but not impossible.
More silk covers the areas of the body in between the plates. This had two effects: more resistance against damage, and near-silent movement, as the plate's movements are muffled by the silk. There is also a silk face mask attached to the armor, to hide the wearer's identity. However
Several pouches for gear made of Sullust leather are attached to the mid-riff, lashed tight against the wearer's body to prevent more noise.
Despite all this, this armor is made for stealth, and as such, won't stand up in extended combat, as well as providing no resistance to lightsabers.

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